If anything, other than Spider-Man and Batman, games based off of comics books are in a worst position now than they were back then.
Avengers was beyond abysmal and
Ultimate Alliance 3 while a better game, is just alright. We need more than
Injustice or
M vs. C. Where's my good Thor game, Aquaman (DMC style? Sign me up!), Wonder Woman, another Hulk game similar to
Ultimate Destruction? We've either get none of it, because no one wants to put in the effort, or make with (un)intentional substitutes where usually better effort and quality is put in.
God of War 4 is basically a Thor game, and
Miles Morales is a
Static Shock game (or Thor for
@happyninja42). The
inFamous games are also considered the best
Static Shock games or
X-Men games ever made. Even
Ghost of Tshushima feels like a Samurai-Ninja-Batman game and is a super hero game of sorts.