I was wondering briefly why it was in the top ten movies on Netflix this weekend. It’s amazing how well it generally holds up to this day, and is a testament to how groundbreaking its audio-visual presentation was back then. Still contains one of the best chase scenes ever put to film.
Everything from the buildup that happens just before to the pacing, score, finale…*chef’s kiss*
It also had weighty dramatic moments
Plus the opening is just pitch perfect
Having said all that, I still prefer the original’s tone, and the fact that aside from the obvious technical improvements of its sequel it was somewhat miraculously as impressive on a fraction of a budget. I mean it’s kinda no wonder the series has floundered ever since these two masterpieces.
Everything from the buildup that happens just before to the pacing, score, finale…*chef’s kiss*
It also had weighty dramatic moments
Plus the opening is just pitch perfect
Having said all that, I still prefer the original’s tone, and the fact that aside from the obvious technical improvements of its sequel it was somewhat miraculously as impressive on a fraction of a budget. I mean it’s kinda no wonder the series has floundered ever since these two masterpieces.