Andrew Cuomo's implosion


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Given how hypocritical Biden's call on Cuomo to resign is, of course it's all theater.
I would say it is astonishing that people high up in a charity to help people from sexual harassment would help someone accused of sexual harassment with their defence - except its not.

We see time and time again that the managerial class can be too morally flexible - I suspect because elements of flexibility beneficial for running an organisation conflict with clear moral stances, and erode them. One can see for instance the obvious potential advantage in networking and gaining allies, because they can help support those who do and their organisations in return. And some will not see the problem in doing this even where it is inconsistent with the organisation or individual's mission.

In some cases, I suspect there was little moral clarity in the first place. They just found themselves in a position where allying with a moral cause was beneficial to them, and assayed that into a career despite perhaps never having a strong opinion on it.
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
The Republicans meanwhile had little issue remaining faithful to Trump or Kavanaugh after their wrongdoings got exposed.
Kavanaugh didn't sexually assault anyone. Trump was terrible before being in office, which while still making him super slimy is a different thing than electing an upstanding citizen and then finding out they used their office to sexually harass people.

The best, current counter example is Matt Gaetz, who also had an investigation on him started by members of his own party, and has been asked to resign by some Republicans, even while he personally denies any wrongdoing.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Well, more strictly, there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate he had. But we know he drank beer. He and his friends, boys and girls. Almost everyone drank beer. He liked beer, still likes beer. Sometimes he had too many beers. In fact, he drank beer.
Had calendars full of all the dates he drank beer. Would you like to know those dates? He also worked out with his friends while they were drinking beer.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Some people will see it as Democrats and Republicans just being the same after all. That for all the pointed fingers and moralistic boasting of the democrats they are just as bad.

And to some extend that's probably true. I doubt Coumo's the only dirtbag in the Democrat party. But what's notable is the reaction to them being exposed. The Democrats have turned on Cuomo while Republicans tend to react to these accusation with zealous loyalty and the promise of high positions in American politics. Biden urged Cuomo to resign. The Republicans meanwhile had little issue remaining faithful to Trump or Kavanaugh after their wrongdoings got exposed.

Maybe the difference all amounts to theater. The Democrats just don't want the bad press of rapist and abusers. But its still a difference whether to reward or reject such figures for their misdeeds
So about those accusations against Biden?

About how people turned on the likes of Rose McGowan for saying things should be looked into in regards to the claims against Biden?

You know why the accusations against Trump and Kavanaugh were mostly being dismissed right? It wasn't some party loyalty thing. I'll give you two of the ones.

VS Trump

5+ of the accusations were thrown out of court, why? Because they were being brought by a former Jerry Springer showrunner on behalf of a supposed adult woman who had been a teenager at the alleged time of the assaults by Trump. The problem and the reason none of them made it to trial? The court couldn't be convinced there was actually any girl at all and it wasn't just a malicious lawsuit being done by an ex Jerry Springer show runner turned political activist trying to harm Trumps reputation. 5 different courts said "If you can't produce the person to the court to prove they are real we cannot continue the trial" Then 5 times there was no-one produced. There was the big event of "Oh we'll reveal who the person is" at one point during the election then moments before they released a statement something like "We won't reveal the identity of the accuser because they've been getting death threats and their life is in danger due to Trump supporters". So just to be clear a person who no-one other than an ex Jerry Springer show runner knew the identity of was suddenly supposedly getting masses of death threats from Trump supporters despite never going public about it and no-one knowing their identity at all and no-one even having any real idea who it could even be?

Stuff doesn't add up with a lot of the claims. Trump may be an asshole and shown he really has no real loyalty to women a lot of the time but that's it.

VS Kavanaugh

The main claimant vs him said she vividly remembered the events but when asked about the layout of the house she got it entirely wrong compared to the way the house was laid out. A vivid memory but it didn't match up with reality. It's entirely possible this was a false memory (There was actually an epidemic of this years ago in Australia where one unscrupulous psychologist type was able to use various techniques to make people construct false memories of abuse, I think there's a documentary somewhere that got uploaded to youtube).

In Cuomo's case I don't know if they're real or not because I've not looked into the claims or heard the details. The thing being this isn't what's most likely to sink him. What's likely to bring him down anyway is the investigations into corruption and misleading people. The investigations into negligence and near outright malice during the height of the pandemic.

Cuomo isn't the only dirtbag almost certainly I mean Harvey Weinstein was being held up and praised for his push to get Hollywood #Withher during Hillary's campaign


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I would say it is astonishing that people high up in a charity to help people from sexual harassment would help someone accused of sexual harassment with their defence - except its not.

We see time and time again that the managerial class can be too morally flexible - I suspect because elements of flexibility beneficial for running an organisation conflict with clear moral stances, and erode them. One can see for instance the obvious potential advantage in networking and gaining allies, because they can help support those who do and their organisations in return. And some will not see the problem in doing this even where it is inconsistent with the organisation or individual's mission.

In some cases, I suspect there was little moral clarity in the first place. They just found themselves in a position where allying with a moral cause was beneficial to them, and assayed that into a career despite perhaps never having a strong opinion on it.
Isn't TimeUpNow (the actual charity division) hugely corrupt anyone? Pretty sure I posted before about how like 85% - 95% of the funding was actually going to lobbying and paying celebrity figureheads of the movement and not actually helping people file cases to try and have their claims investigated.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Well, more strictly, there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate he had. But we know he drank beer. He and his friends, boys and girls. Almost everyone drank beer. He liked beer, still likes beer. Sometimes he had too many beers. In fact, he drank beer.
If you just believe what Ford told her therapist, Kavanaugh didn't touch her.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where

Im legit surprised. I thought he'd force the impeachment. And clearly his brother Chris knew this was coming, because he took a "long planned vacation" on Friday, because you can't ignore this story when you're prime time CNN.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020

Im legit surprised. I thought he'd force the resignation. And clearly his brother Chris knew this was coming, because he took a "long planned vacation" on Friday, because you can't ignore this story when you're prime time CNN.
Guess the Shareholders weren't happy

This is a joke because of how weirdly relevant this screenshot for Ticket to Earth felt


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
As a side anecdote, if you want to know how this is going to play out to the MAGA crowd if you want to try and use Cuomo as a bludgeon for right-wing problems in being sex pests; here's what I'm hearing from MAGA relations

"It wasn't that bad, groping women isn't a big deal, they're just taking Cuomo down so they don't have to own up to all the deaths at the nursing facilities under him."
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
As a side anecdote, if you want to know how this is going to play out to the MAGA crowd if you want to try and use Cuomo as a bludgeon for right-wing problems in being sex pests; here's what I'm hearing from MAGA relations

"It wasn't that bad, groping women isn't a big deal, they're just taking Cuomo down so they don't have to own up to all the deaths at the nursing facilities under him."


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
If you just believe what Ford told her therapist, Kavanaugh didn't touch her.

This simply isn't true. The therapist's notes don't specifically name Kavanaugh, but they detail a sexual assault by unnamed assailants.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011

This simply isn't true. The therapist's notes don't specifically name Kavanaugh, but they detail a sexual assault by unnamed assailants.
An assault by unnamed assailants from a prestigious boy's school in her late teens in the mid-80s. I believe that happened, I have no reason to doubt that happened. Kavanaugh was several years ahead of Ford, he graduated from high school when she was 16 in 1983, and iirc correctly was gone the summer after graduation. As such, the testimony they landed on was that the event happened in the summer of '82 when she was 15, which definitely is not mid-80s nor late teens, as such that is a contradiction with what she told the therapist.

Mind you, I don't think she was lying. I don't think she meant to tell falsehoods. I think the multiple assailants from that school painted the whole school in her mind, and as several students from her generation from that boys' school rose to prominence, Kavanaugh sort of molded to the assailant in her mind. I believe she believed it was Kavanaugh, but it doesn't check with her other memories. For example, she was asked repeatedly how she got home that night. It seems like a weird badgering question, but it's very relevant. She can't say who would have given her a ride home, she know she left before her friends. She insisted she didn't walk either. And logically, she couldn't have driven herself as a 15 year old... unless of course it was the mid-80s and her late teens, and then she absolutely could have.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
An assault by unnamed assailants from a prestigious boy's school in her late teens in the mid-80s. I believe that happened, I have no reason to doubt that happened. Kavanaugh was several years ahead of Ford, he graduated from high school when she was 16 in 1983, and iirc correctly was gone the summer after graduation. As such, the testimony they landed on was that the event happened in the summer of '82 when she was 15, which definitely is not mid-80s nor late teens, as such that is a contradiction with what she told the therapist.

Mind you, I don't think she was lying. I don't think she meant to tell falsehoods. I think the multiple assailants from that school painted the whole school in her mind, and as several students from her generation from that boys' school rose to prominence, Kavanaugh sort of molded to the assailant in her mind. I believe she believed it was Kavanaugh, but it doesn't check with her other memories. For example, she was asked repeatedly how she got home that night. It seems like a weird badgering question, but it's very relevant. She can't say who would have given her a ride home, she know she left before her friends. She insisted she didn't walk either. And logically, she couldn't have driven herself as a 15 year old... unless of course it was the mid-80s and her late teens, and then she absolutely could have.
To be perfectly honest, these contradictions are minor stuff and quite easily reconciled.

The difference between '82 and someone saying "mid 80s" is completely immaterial and meaningless. Someone who has graduated high school can return to the area for a party (doing so is extremely common). And how she got home-- who gives a toss if she can remember that? I wouldn't be able to remember how I got home from a party 20 years ago, let along 40. But you can be damn sure I would remember a sexual assault, unless I was repressing it.