I've been playing more of this game and I have to say that the combat unfortunately kinda sucks.
There's already the problem that the game doesn't properly teach you during combat against regular enemies, meaning you're suddenly forced to learn during Boss fights. Then there's the issue that the controls simply don't function well enough, like the speed of the camera that's too slow even on the highest setting. You also get knocked out of bow mode when you jump, eventhough jumping puts the slo-mo effect on your aim. This means you first need to jump, then aim, and then draw your bow - that's three buttons you need to quickly press and hold in a sequence, when they could've just had the slo-mo kick in as soon as you jumped while aiming.
Then there's the rot action pips that increase the more rot buddies you find, similar to the sand tanks in Prince of Persia or the resolve tanks in Ghost of Tsushima. This would imply that if I have three pips that are full up they'll stay full when I enter battle, right? Wrong! Eventhough you can find fruit for your rot buddies to eat so your pips fill up, they'll just drain the moment enemies show up. And it's not even that certain actions require more than one pip - as soon as you fill up one pip during combat there's no reason to not immediately use it. So why even have multiple pips? Seriously, what's the point when they instantly drain as soon as combat starts - yes combat; the thing you want to have those pips full up for. Outside of combat you can perform rot actions infinitely, so they serve no purpose there. Who the hell thought this was good design?
There's more little issues too, like the lack of threat indicators when you're surrounded by three or more projectile enemies and all you can do is dodge around like a crazy person and hopefully find some breathing room to fire off one or two shots.
This game has some major creases to iron out.