Your video game hot take(s) thread


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I still don't know what he's talking about. I play Overwatch pretty much every day, it hasn't really bothered me for anything.

The season pass idea doesn't even make sense, since all additional heroes and maps are free - the only thing you pay for besides the base game is cosmetics.
I'm pretty sure by "online pass" he just means a separate launcher. There isn't any kind of online pass or season pass for overwatch and there never has been.

Hell, an online pass doesn't even make any sense considering Overwatch is a multiplayer only title. What exactly would they gate behind an online pass?
If that's the case, you should be quoting and telling him that. Thanks for the correction. I still don't care much for the series and multiplayer shooters in general. Not to mention, most of these games have the season pass bullcrap and lootboxes (or did at some point) they tried to pull off.

OW has great character designs are great though. Like I said before in a post way back in a different thread, Overwatch should have been a 3D team based brawler a la Anarchy Reigns.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Why is the game bothering me about an online pass I have no intention of getting and blocking my playtime for the game I paid for?
Except he didn't say that the game had a season pass. You did.
I realized it was a simple grammatical and word error my part. I thought I typed in online pass at the time. Fixing now. Same difference really. Just bullshit to pay more for a game you most likely spent $60+ on to keep playing. Alot of AAA companies have done some odd combination of the two.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
I realized it was a simple grammatical and word error my part. I thought I typed in online pass at the time. Fixing now. Same difference really. Just bullshit to pay more for a game you most likely spent $60+ on to keep playing. Alot of AAA companies have done some odd combination of the two.
Not same difference really.

Online passes don't even exist anymore as far as I know. They were a scam cooked up during the Xbox 360/PS3 era to prevent people from buying used games by locking you out of multiplayer unless you bought an online pass, which would come with a new sealed copy of the game. I can't think of a single recent game that has used one, and again, it especially wouldn't make sense for a game like Overwatch which is an online only multiplayer only game.

A season pass is pass that you pay for on top of the base price of the game that allows you access to new content as it comes out. New characters, new weapons, new skins, etc. A lot of multiplayer games have them. Some lock away significant important game balance affecting things, like the way Street Fighter 5 locks characters behind a season pass. Some just lock away cosmetics behind the season pass. Overwatch does neither because it has never had a season pass of any kind. All characters are free, all maps are free to everyone playing.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Online passes don't even exist anymore as far as I know. They were a scam cooked up during the Xbox 360/PS3 era to prevent people from buying used games by locking you out of multiplayer unless you bought an online pass, which would come with a new sealed copy of the game.
I more than remember, I am just pointing out I don't like them.

I can't think of a single recent game that has used one, and again, it especially wouldn't make sense for a game like Overwatch which is an online only multiplayer only game.
Once again, tell that to @Hades, because the online pass he mentioned in his post. So he must have been playing something else for all we know and made mistake got two different games mixed up.

A season pass is pass that you pay for on top of the base price of the game that allows you access to new content as it comes out. New characters, new weapons, new skins, etc. A lot of multiplayer games have them. Some lock away significant important game balance affecting things, like the way Street Fighter 5 locks characters behind a season pass. Some just lock away cosmetics behind the season pass. Overwatch does neither because it has never had a season pass of any kind. All characters are free, all maps are free to everyone playing.
I know how it all works. I just don't like it and it can fuck off. It's why I buy most fighting games used or at heavily discounted prices. SFV I did not buy until the Champion Edition, because I already knew Capcom would pull of shit like this. Getting the CE allowed me to get a majority of the content at the price of $29.99.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
A game with a large size doesn't matter as long as it has good content. (Destiny 2 in theory)


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
For the sake of making it easier on everyone, I'm giving my further Assasins Creed Hot take theirs own thread but leave the intial post here.

Feel free to join me if you wish.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Just played Final Fantasy 14, it took me a good half hour before I realized the game's gameplay was boring.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Uh, when have you NOT needed a BattleNet account to play Overwatch? It’s an Activision-Blizzard game; complaining about needing a BattleNet account is like complaining about needing a Steam account to play Counter Strike.
For most of its lifetime. You just plopped the game in your ps4 and you were free to start playing.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
With all of the updates (we're still getting a couple more) Streets of Rage 4, a universal run mechanic is not needed for all of the other characters. Each character either has some sorta dash or evasion maneuver. Whether it be their Blitz attack or a Forward + Special that drains health. Whenever 5 does happen, I would not mind them bringing it back. Running, dashing, or both should be a standard for all 2D brawlers at this point.

Streets of Rage 4 > The TakeOver > Fight N' Rage > River City Girls.

Koei Tecmo should put their Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors franchises on ice for a while. They don't even try much anymore or make things worse. Their spin-off work is fine, as they at least try creative ideas, characters, and mechanics. Or at the very least, start copying whatever Capcom does with Sengoku Basara series.

Team Ninja/KT should just let Platinum work on Ninja Gaiden 4. They don't know what to do with the series anymore.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Time to keep this train rolling. Today I'm gonna Hot Take(Is it a verb? Can it be a verb?) Assasins Creed(the first one). Bear in mind I haven't played the game since it first came out and watched a Story LP a couple years back to remind myself of the major plot points so I might be missing something really obvious or getting some details wrong.

Assasins Creed is a good idea hampered by somewhat clumsy execution in actual gameplay. Altair is kinda bleh and strangely lifeless as an actual character. Placing it during the Crusades in the Holy Land is fine, but there's not much to actually do there other then take out each of your targets of Notable Templars, and before that you need to do some fucking busywork before the game lets you actually approach the targets, which IIRC wasn't particularly interesting.

Yeah, there's some flag collecting and a bunch of extra templars to find and murder around the cities but those don't actually do anything but give the completionists something to do outside the main story.

The modern day bits of the story involve desmond, newly introduced, stuck in a big white room to either look around, go to bed and get stuck into the animus sections. Also, you can occasionally play with the nearby computer to find out that the outside world sucks a lot(Apparently the Brazilian Rainforest is gone, Mexico is shutting the borders to keep American Immigrants out and Hurricane season has ceased to a thing because hurricanes constantly bombard the east coast). Later games would retcon this into disinformation from a hacker group who occasionally get mentioned in the lore materials but it felt very sincere at the time(and since you couldn't leave the room and nobody mentions it, you assume it's correct). Near the end, you see a big projected map of the earth from the apple of eden and Vidic mentions "Some of those landmasses no long exist" or something to that effect, which is disturbing considering it's an accurate projection from our POV. This is never mentioned again, BTW, even when we see that map in later games and makes it feel like that plot point got changed along the way somwhere.

Anyway, these bits get a bit awkward, mostly because it's a way to exposit to desmond(and the player) how all of this shit is supposed to work about the animus and the templars and such. Interestingly, it allows the devs to shoehorn in a big handwave about all the historical inaccuracies in the series that the animus is always right(except in places where it's clearly noted to be wrong, glitchy or things have been purposefully altered). And oh man will this series abuse the shit out of that conceit as it goes on.

Of course the big issue with this is that Desmond, like Altair, is very flat and uninteresting, which maybe was supposed to draw more attention to the historical meat of the game but since we have to keep coming to desmond every so often it basically makes these parts feel boring. And it so doesn't help that when the main game is done, you get left alone with the room with little to do but look at the big mural of cryptic symbols in your bedroom(yeah, try explaining just how that was made with such detail), a grand majority of which never ended up meaning anything to the series as a whole but hey it looked cool at the time and surely the writers for later games could figure out SOMETHING to do with it.

Desmond eventually does get a fair bit of actual character development in Revelations and 3, but that's 3 and 4 games down the line respectively and that's way too fucking late to be giving your main character a backstory. And worse then that, his backstory in Revelations is locked behind doing the 1st person platforming missions that you have to collect animus dodads or whatever to access and that's just BS. Its a damn shame, because his backstory isn't bad at all, but ubisoft didn't think it was fucking important for you to empathize with desmond or something like that.

And in case anyone is wondering, I'm not gonna do every game in the series one by one. I'm mostly gonna do them in chunks from now on, since most of them can be neatly divided into themes(the Ezio games, the Kenway games, etc).
I know it's been fashionable here in the last couple years to try and bunch all discussion into 5 or 6 massive unsearchable threads, but I think if you are going to cover the whole series like this you might have enough to say to justify a new thread on Assassin's Creed. Would be better for organization and visibility as well.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I know it's been fashionable here in the last couple years to try and bunch all discussion into 5 or 6 massive unsearchable threads, but I think if you are going to cover the whole series like this you might have enough to say to justify a new thread on Assassin's Creed. Would be better for organization and visibility as well.
Probably a good idea. Best to Avoid clogging up the hot takes thread as well.

As a bonus, people interested in reading my insane ranting about AC could go check out the thread, sparing everyone else.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Probably a good idea. Best to Avoid clogging up the hot takes thread as well.

As a bonus, people interested in reading my insane ranting about AC could go check out the thread, sparing everyone else.
I don't mind your long hot takes. Post them as much as you want. If you want to make their own dedicated threads, feel free. I have no problems either way. Because I am enjoying them.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I don't mind your long hot takes. Post them as much as you want. If you want to make their own dedicated threads, feel free. I have no problems either way. Because I am enjoying them.
Appreciate it,. I am gonna consolidate the posts in it's own thread for the sake of readability and so people can willingly go over and watch the shit flinging if they wish instead of having it forced upon them here.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
With all of the updates (we're still getting a couple more) Streets of Rage 4, a universal run mechanic is not needed for all of the other characters. Each character either has some sorta dash or evasion maneuver. Whether it be their Blitz attack or a Forward + Special that drains health. Whenever 5 does happen, I would not mind them bringing it back. Running, dashing, or both should be a standard for all 2D brawlers at this point.
Halfway with ya there. I can understand a brute character like Max being denied a dash, but no reason that Blaze or Axel should be denied it IMO.

Streets of Rage 4 > The TakeOver > Fight N' Rage > River City Girls
Agreed, but my only real gripe with Fight N Rage was the aesthetic of it. I rather liked it's game mechanics, and it really felt like a lot of it's hits had weight to them (many bmups fuck this part up, it was a big sin of Mother Russia Bleeds)

Koei Tecmo should put there Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors franchises on ice for a while.
So much this. Dynasty Warriors, I don't care about, but as a Sengoku Jidai nerd, every SW past the second just frustrated me. I keep hoping against hope that they go back to similar features that 1 and 2 had with modern polish. Maybe one day....
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Ok, let me start by saying I rather like the God of War series and am generally on board with it's unique interpretation of Greek Mythology. So take the following hot take with that in mind.

Here goes. So I get that the GOW Trilogy plays fairly fast and loose with Greek Myth, History and Geography for the sake of Storytelling and Spectacle, and you can easily write it off as being set in the Age of Myth, or if you really wanted, before the Rise of Classical Greece, during the Greek Dark Ages or even tie this to the bronze age collapse if you really wanted to try to sync it with actual history(Don't do this, it doesn't sync).

This Breaks down, however, because GOW2 decided they wanted to have Kratos Fight the Colossus of Rhodes, which admittely is great Spectacle. The problem is said wonder of the world only existed for 54 years(yes, a grand total of a half century) before being destroyed by an Earthquake in 226 BCE. The problem with this is now you've established a Firm Year for GOW2 and GOW3, and which sometime in the 3rd century(and presumably 226 BCE). And this causes a problem if you try to factor in the rest of...well, history, because by that point Classical Greece isn't even really a thing anymore. Hell, Alexander the Great has already Built his Empire, died, left 3 squabbling successor empires that fought 4 major wars with each other and this all well within the span of recorded history at this point.

And that doesn't jive well with GOW3 where Kratos basically kills all the Gods and takes down a big chunk of the Greek World with it because, yeah, something like that would have been recorded by like everyone(the Sun going dark, the seas destroying everything, the plants dying, etc).

That being said, they're great games but any attempt to sync them our world at this point is futile because you can't. Then again, I guess that was obvious when there was supposed to be a giant Desert outside of Athens with a Titan Crawling around in it.
Not to mention Mt Olympus is only about as tall as roughly five Gaia’s but the opening of GoW3 makes it look like she must’ve been climbing the mountain for days by how far she fell.
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