Metroid dread reviews are coming in at 6 a.m. Pacific time, let us have a thread about the game.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Changing the design of a popular character is very dangerous, and I don't think i've ever seen it pulled off well.
Advance Wars 2 (most characters), Tawna Bandicoot, Doomguy, Cortana, Zelda, Raiden (Metal Gear), Albert Wesker, various Sonic the Hedgehog characters (most notably Amy Rose), Deathwing, etc.

There's a plenthora of characters who've been redesigned and come out better for it.

That said, I'm not arguing that Samus should be redesigned. I mean, technically, she already has been - the Samus that was seen on the NES isn't of the same appearance that she is now, and for better or worse, the out-of-armour Samus we see now has become definitive.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
And in other news:

Your order #JB-8966868 is on the way!


Expected delivery by 18 Oct 2021.



Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Yeah sure, but making her giagantic wouldn't really be Samus anymore would it. Changing the design of a popular character is very dangerous, and I don't think i've ever seen it pulled off well.
Agreed, they shouldn't have changed Samus's design, it wasn't pulled off well.
And in other news:
Your order #JB-8966868 is on the way!
Expected delivery by 18 Oct 2021.
Yeesh. It's the lag time on online orders that has me still going to a physical GameStop. I don't think the anti-spoiler brigade is gonna last 10 days
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Perennial argument about traditional buff Samus being better than heel wearing zero suit Samus aside, one thing I really hope they bring back/ignore about Other M is the mechanical suit

Like, don't give me a hard light/nanobot magic fluff suit, gimme something with gears and wires and plates. Something that can take damage. Cracked visors, exposed circuitry, scratched paint. For the same reason that Iron Man's suit was much cooler early on than his nanobot monstrosity from Endgame. Like, the X-parasite was puppeting around Samus's old suit in Fusion, it was cool as shit, and that wouldn't've been a possibility without a mechanical suit.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Expected delivery by 18 Oct 2021.
Who knows, you might get it early. There's a Battle Angel Shirt I was supposed to get between next week and the end of month. Came in yesterday through US Postal, even though I ordered through Amazon.

Advance Wars 2 (most characters), Tawna Bandicoot, Doomguy, Cortana, Zelda, Raiden (Metal Gear), Albert Wesker, various Sonic the Hedgehog characters (most notably Amy Rose), Deathwing, etc.

There's a plenthora of characters who've been redesigned and come out better for it.
That's a product of the time though. 1994 was back in the days when people used to hoot and hollar when the hot girl showed up. Remember when people used to cheer whenever Kelly in Married with Children walked through the door? When babes used to hang on the big strong muscles of men like Stalone and Schwartzenegger?

It's a timeline product and really should be viewed in said context. That was not only commonplace, but also nobody had problems with it.
That was back then near or over 30 years ago. Times change and people change. Standards change. It may be "harmless" to you, but you don't speak for the majority of women. The whole "it's harmless" to women or people of different race is how we get assholes in charge and those that are victimized. Besides, muscle bound dudes are just power fantasies strictly for the guys and you know it. I love Stallone and Schwartz, but it's postiively proven you don't have to be jacked like them, nor act like "Alpha male" types to get the girl. A message I am glad for. Nothing wrong with being musceled or physically fit, but it do it for the right reasons and not be a jack ass. Manly Guy Doing Manly Things taught that lesson the best.

Keep in mind I liked Married w/Children, but I don't mind change nor reasonable compromise. Plus, the show had its own flaws too, despite being self-aware. I am not prude, but I am not afraid of reflecting back nor blinding myself for some dumb nostalgia and pretend everything was perfect or hunky dory. Cartoons I love from the past have their flaws or I don't enjoy anymore for certain reason. There is a ton of shit the toons back then, can't get away with now. Yet, at the same time toons of today show things, such as openly gay/lesbian non-stereotype people, without much hostility or risk of being censored. I happily accept that. Back then in kids show, you had to imply it or get word from the creators or writers.

I already know Dread will do fine. I have no interests, but have fun.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
That was back then near or over 30 years ago. Times change and people change. Standards change.
Correct times do change and viewpoints change. Which is why you have to look at old things with a snapshot level of understanding. While there are lots of things that would be fucked up if made today, you can't hold something that was made 30 years ago to the same moral standard because morals back then were different.

That isn't to say you can't look at something and go, "Wow, that is not appropriate today". Again I'll use Married with Children as an example, remember when Al Bundy used to make fat jokes to all the big chicks trying to get him to sell them shoes that were 7 sizes too small for them? That is a show that could NEVER fucking happen today, however just because standards have changed doesn't retroactively making Married with Children a bad show. It's just a product of it's time, a snapshot of the era in which it was made and I believe that those kinds of things can still hold relevant enjoyment for those interested.

Much in the same way Western's made in the 50's were very racist against Native Americans, people who watch those films don't usually enjoy them for the racist undertones, they enjoy them because cheesy westerns are fun.

It may be "harmless" to you, but you don't speak for the majority of women.
Neither do you, and really if you look into modern women studies, many women don't mind the attractiveness of women being portrayed in the media. The "new-age" feminism fad has drastically lost popularity amongst women, and a lot of this movement has shifted into the pro-noun and LBGT acceptance movement because that segment is still accepting of the rather extreme logic that "new-age" feminism was trying to push.

It basically just boils down to the ever shifting standard of political movements really. And when things go too far, more and more people just tend to bow out. And when the wave is over, the truly great ideas tend to remain. Which I believe will happen with the gender-movement as well. Eventually the craziness will wash away and what will remain will be the actual good ideas. It just takes time.

I love Stallone and Schwartz, but it's postiively proven you don't have to be jacked like them, nor act like "Alpha male" types to get the girl. A message I am glad for. Nothing wrong with being musceled or physically fit, but it do it for the right reasons and not be a jack ass. Manly Guy Doing Manly Things taught that lesson the best.
I think most people understand the concept of power fantasy. Is it often silly, it still results in a mindless fun piece of entertainment. I don't think there is anything wrong with hyper masculinity, the same way I don't have a problem with the polar opposite which would be something like Rocky Horror Picture Show right? Both Terminator and Rocky Horror are fantastic films in different ways. I don't like this idea that people will point to either of these films and definitively say that either of them is "wrong".

Anyway, yeah Metroid Dread is probably going to be sick. I feel like good Metroidvania's are few and far between.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Neither do you, and really if you look into modern women studies, many women don't mind the attractiveness of women being portrayed in the media. The "new-age" feminism fad has drastically lost popularity amongst women, and a lot of this movement has shifted into the pro-noun and LBGT acceptance movement because that segment is still accepting of the rather extreme logic that "new-age" feminism was trying to push.
Damn damn straight I don't speak for them either. But you've been acting like you do. Only they themselves can decide, and there's nothing wrong with that. You can bring up all of the statistics and studies he want, but that doesn't mean it's not an issue even, if most women don't care. And while there's plenty that don't, there are many that do. Not all, but many

think most people understand the concept of power fantasy. Is it often silly, it still results in a mindless fun piece of entertainment. I don't think there is anything wrong with hyper masculinity, the same way I don't have a problem with the polar opposite which would be something like Rocky Horror Picture Show right? Both Terminator and Rocky Horror are fantastic films in different ways. I don't like this idea that people will point to either of these films and definitively say that either of them is "wrong".
I'm not saying they're bad films or anything. That's not the point. And while yes, most people see it as a fantasy, there's many other guys that don't and like to play it straight or feels the only way they can be tough. By being quote unquote badass, manly, or acting like a jackass. Or the whole alpha and sigma bullcrap.

And yes, while context is needed, that still doesn't change the fact or situations of what happened in there. There is a reason why certain racist, religious, or sexist stereotypes are called out on. And the fact that some of these still exist today, still makes it a problem. It being from a different time does not make it any better. We've already been through this discussion before, and I'm not dragging out, nor am I derailing this thread. I'm ending it here now.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Here's a solution for the zero suit Samus problem.

Linda Hamiltonize her.

No seriously, make her T2 Linda Hamilton, but taller, and blonder, and skinsuitier. Make her a statuesque stunner. A 6ft3, broad-shouldered and ripped amazon that still turns heads, either willingly cuz of her good looks, or because she grabbed those heads and twisted them around 360 degrees. It's perfect, just instant strong female character that acts and looks the part, and that no one can object to cuz Linda Hamilton is one of the go-to examples of a strong female character that pop up in discussions of this kind.

Also Hamilton Samus might actually properly fit inside the Power Suit:

When you see it like this, the size discrepancy looks so dumb.
I hereby proclaim this issue solved. We will now resume our regularly sheduled programming /s


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Here's a solution for the zero suit Samus problem.

Linda Hamiltonize her.

No seriously, make her T2 Linda Hamilton, but taller, and blonder, and skinsuitier. Make her a statuesque stunner. A 6ft3, broad-shouldered and ripped amazon that still turns heads, either willingly cuz of her good looks, or because she grabbed those heads and twisted them around 360 degrees. It's perfect, just instant strong female character that acts and looks the part, and that no one can object to cuz Linda Hamilton is one of the go-to examples of a strong female character that pop up in discussions of this kind.

Also Hamilton Samus might actually properly fit inside the Power Suit:

When you see it like this, the size discrepancy looks so dumb.
I hereby proclaim this issue solved. We will now resume our regularly sheduled programming /s
That's the most frustrating part of this side discussion for me: we had that back in Super Metroid

Just need a slightly bulkier torso 'cause her neck's a bit long
Bodysuit and all! It's wild that this is a controversial position these days.

Plus, bonus mechanical suit!


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Anywho, seeing as how the last canon game in this series came out almost two decades ago, it would be really cool if Nintnedo release a switch port of Metroid 2 and especially Fusion.

I mean, I can dig out my old GBA and Fusion cart, but it's one of those "popular" secondary market games
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Anywho, seeing as how the last canon game in this series came out almost two decades ago, it would be really cool if Nintnedo release a switch port of Metroid 2 and especially Fusion.

I mean, I can dig out my old GBA and Fusion cart, but it's one of those "popular" secondary market games
Speaking of which, why has Nintendo pretended that Metroid isn't a thing for the past 15 years?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Speaking of which, why has Nintendo pretended that Metroid isn't a thing for the past 15 years?
While it was a hit overseas, Metroid was never really popular in Japan. Kind of a reverse Splatoon. Then, Other M cut the knees out of the Prime hype. Going from a silent protagonist to a voiced protagonist risks not correctly identifying the vibe of your silent protagonist, and unlike Link, Samus is one specific person


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
While it was a hit overseas, Metroid was never really popular in Japan. Kind of a reverse Splatoon. Then, Other M cut the knees out of the Prime hype. Going from a silent protagonist to a voiced protagonist risks not correctly identifying the vibe of your silent protagonist, and unlike Link, Samus is one specific person
hmm....that sucks. Metroid games would probably do better than a lot of the other crap Nintendo milks out. *glances at pokemon's half-assed efforts*


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Here's a solution for the zero suit Samus problem.

Linda Hamiltonize her.

No seriously, make her T2 Linda Hamilton, but taller, and blonder, and skinsuitier. Make her a statuesque stunner. A 6ft3, broad-shouldered and ripped amazon that still turns heads, either willingly cuz of her good looks, or because she grabbed those heads and twisted them around 360 degrees. It's perfect, just instant strong female character that acts and looks the part, and that no one can object to cuz Linda Hamilton is one of the go-to examples of a strong female character that pop up in discussions of this kind.

Also Hamilton Samus might actually properly fit inside the Power Suit:

When you see it like this, the size discrepancy looks so dumb.
I hereby proclaim this issue solved. We will now resume our regularly sheduled programming /s
Also axe the high heels.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
hmm....that sucks. Metroid games would probably do better than a lot of the other crap Nintendo milks out. *glances at pokemon's half-assed efforts*
Well, even though Pokemon Sword & Shield are significantly less polished and just pretty unimpressive generally, they sold extremely well.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
hmm....that sucks. Metroid games would probably do better than a lot of the other crap Nintendo milks out. *glances at pokemon's half-assed efforts*
MysteriousGX calling Metroid a hit is a little bit overstating it. A few games, yes, for their time, but not by modern standards. Metroid is honestly one of those series that is very beloved by gamers, but has never actually been a really huge seller, including in the West. Definitive sales numbers are hard to come by, but afaik only two games broke 2m copies sold (Prime 1 and the OG), and there are good indications all games combined doesn't break 20m sales worldwide. Mario, Zelda, Smash, Pokemon and Animal Crossing each have at least one singular game that sold more than the whole Metroid franchise.

Metroid Dread might buck the trend tho, judging by the hype levels. The general popularity of metroidvanias in the indie sphere these past years might also help.

Godzillarich(aka tf2godz)

Get the point
Aug 1, 2011
So I have played a good chunk of this game and all I have to say is that I wasn't expected to be bent over a table. This game, particularly the bosses, are surprisingly difficult. This may be the hardest Metroid game and that will probably turn people off.

but except for one or two moments I've been enjoying myself immensely


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
MysteriousGX calling Metroid a hit is a little bit overstating it. A few games, yes, for their time, but not by modern standards. Metroid is honestly one of those series that is very beloved by gamers, but has never actually been a really huge seller, including in the West. Definitive sales numbers are hard to come by, but afaik only two games broke 2m copies sold (Prime 1 and the OG), and there are good indications all games combined doesn't break 20m sales worldwide. Mario, Zelda, Smash, Pokemon and Animal Crossing each have at least one singular game that sold more than the whole Metroid franchise.

Metroid Dread might buck the trend tho, judging by the hype levels. The general popularity of metroidvanias in the indie sphere these past years might also help.
Comparing sale number across time is hard since the medium used to be so much smaller. A better comparison is how much those game sold compare to other game that came out around the same time. Like iirc legend of zelda link to the past barely broke 1 mil and was considered a massive success back then, but today a zelda game pulling those numbers would be a failure. So say super metroid only did half a mil, that would still be a pretty big success. Quick wikipedia search says that animal crossing (GC) and prime saw similar sales numbers. It just seem like the franchise did poorly because it was never particularly a priority for nintendo (maybe because it doesn't neatly fit in the family friendly model they're trying to have).