I think Xenoblade 2 is crap.
Well, it's nice to hear some people not parroting Simmon's opinions verbatim for once.The combat and no other reason. That battle system from Xenoblade Chron 1, 2 and X is fucking awful and nobody can convince me otherwise. The player is reliant on uncontrolable AI party members to do specific attacks at specific times in order to correctly chain damage mutlipliers up and create situations for even bigger damages. Top that off with the combat strictly based off slow auto-attack economy and you are basically staring at characters on screen hoping they not only do the right attack, but also hope that you've got the resource built from auto-attacks high enough that you can use the attacks you need to continue the combat chain......THEN you need to hope that the NPC's continue the chain by using the correct attack in the correct order while you build your meter again.
It's incredibly bad.
The story and the characters are awesome from what I've seen. I just haven't been able to play those games long enough to see them through.
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