They are trying to cancel Dave Chappell

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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Oh I'm not surprised at all that he changed his stance on waterboarding. He has the physicallity of a paper doll. There isn't a tough bone in that dudes body. You could probably squirt him with a water gun and he would have changed his mind.
You really buy into Crowder's tough guy cosplay, huh

Pro-tip: there are no muscles that help you with that sensation
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Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Oh I'm not surprised at all that he changed his stance on waterboarding. He has the physicallity of a paper doll. There isn't a tough bone in that dudes body. You could probably squirt him with a water gun and he would have changed his mind.
You really think not being disturbed by the sensation of drowning is a matter of toughness? You are sickening.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
You really buy into Crowder's tough guy cosplay, huh

Pro-tip: there are no muscles that help you with that sensation
Naw, i don't. But I've seen Hitchens when he's gotten angry in a debate and he trembles like a bowl of jelly when he's mad. I got waterboarded as part of militiary training back in the early 2000's. It's not fun. But there are worst tortures. It's like the Diet Coke of torture these days because nobody is allowed to do things to people that would leave a mark unless they intend to kill you. Water torture is basically the go-to because it's torture that wont physically mark you up so it doesn't break....there is a treaty about torture but i forgot what the name was, but anyway it's this international rule that bans torture entirely but they still do waterboarding because they can do it and you can't tell the person has been recently tortured afterwards.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
You really think not being disturbed by the sensation of drowning is a matter of toughness? You are sickening.
The stance is about whether or not it classifes as torture, not being able to tough through it.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
The left is heavily censoring lots of information, do you not know what colleges are like today? Just look at covid alone, you'd get banned from many platforms and forums for just saying what Dr Michael Kurilla said the other day on the FDA advisory committee who abstained from voting.
No. Most colleges allow a lot of info in that people think is harmful. Go watch Fox for proof of that.

As to being banned from platforms, it's actually real easy not to be banned over Covid. Each platform is different but generally you can say whatever you want as long as you don't say that any medicine is a miracle cure. (See also most advertisements on TV claiming a product COULD clean better, or battary MAY last longer.)

That's why you see anti-vax and Ivermectin/peroxide nonsense all over Facebook. They just do the bare minimum to make sure that you can't be called a liar


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Oh I'm not surprised at all that he changed his stance on waterboarding. He has the physicallity of a paper doll. There isn't a tough bone in that dudes body. You could probably squirt him with a water gun and he would have changed his mind.
Just a reminder that Hitchens spent most of those debate you see absolutely sloshed.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Caitlyn Jenner spoke out in favor of Dave. Dunno if it means much from someone who's trans but also anti homosexual somehow.
First and foremost, people are people.

Caitlyn Jenner, as an individual and independent human, can and does think and act for themselves rather than as part of some transperson hive mind. Caitlyn Jenner is a colossally smug, self-absorbed arsehole who doesn't really give a shit as long as Caitlyn Jenner is fine - and with all those millions in the bank, she's peachy.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
As someone who does occasionally watch some quantity of Steven Crowder (if a current event feels like Crowder might have an interesting take, most often in election season) the persecution complex there is real and genuinely silly. I can understand people supporting the guy with money, but I can't begin to imagine the person who actually falls for "Youtube doesn't pay us, we need your contribution to keep going" with a desk full of sponsored props in front of him.
That's not a Crowder thing. Many left tubers say similar things. I have seen some evidence of demonesiting. (But am not going to claim its wide spread.) Sometimes over one word or phrase in a 3 hour program. Just discussing anything about trans or homosexuality is an automatic demonetisaton. It is irrelevant whether your for or against these demographics

But, yeah. His desk is full. He probably doesn't need any money. But I also think Youtube is fucking over a bunch of creators, including him. With the proviso that he makes a bunch of stuff that is deliberately inciting hyperbole that maybe shouldn't be monetised as that is just rewarding that behaviour

Edit: Just on the whole idea that Crowder has been cancelled. That is a legitimate funny idea that is just reinforcing my idea that cancel culture is (generally) a persuction complex. Stick to Chappelle because it's detracting from the cause
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Caitlyn Jenner, as an individual and independent human, can and does think and act for themselves rather than as part of some transperson hive mind. Caitlyn Jenner is a colossally smug, self-absorbed arsehole who doesn't really give a shit as long as Caitlyn Jenner is fine - and with all those millions in the bank, she's peachy.
So is she a bigot or not? Does she get a pass for being trans? Because if she was still Bruce and had those opinions people would absolutely be calling him a bigot.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
That's not a Crowder thing. Many left tubers say similar things. I have seen some evidence of demonesiting. (But am not going to claim its wide spread.) Sometimes over one word or phrase in a 3 hour program. Just discussing anything about trans or homosexuality is an automatic demonetisaton. It is irrelevant whether your for or against these demographics

But, yeah. His desk is full. He probably doesn't need any money. But I also think Youtube is fucking over a bunch of creators, including him. With the proviso that he makes a bunch of stuff that is deliberately inciting hyperbole that maybe shouldn't be monetised as that is just rewarding that behaviour
I am actually surprised at how fair this stance is, because i figured you would rip apart someone like crowder.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Naw, i don't. But I've seen Hitchens when he's gotten angry in a debate and he trembles like a bowl of jelly when he's mad. I got waterboarded as part of militiary training back in the early 2000's. It's not fun. But there are worst tortures. It's like the Diet Coke of torture these days because nobody is allowed to do things to people that would leave a mark unless they intend to kill you. Water torture is basically the go-to because it's torture that wont physically mark you up so it doesn't break....there is a treaty about torture but i forgot what the name was, but anyway it's this international rule that bans torture entirely but they still do waterboarding because they can do it and you can't tell the person has been recently tortured afterwards.
Lmao, Hitchens will actually debate people, that's the difference

The treaty you forget the name of is the Geneva Conventions. "They" do not still do waterboarding, nations who break the Geneva Conventions or aren't in the agreement do waterboarding, because waterboarding is illegal under the Geneva Conventions, despite us attempting to say otherwise. Shit man, is "I mean, it's not putting bamboo under the fingernails" really the bar we're trying to clear here? The point is that Hitchens actually did the thing while Crowder play acts a murder to try and prove it wasn't murder on YouTube and whines about getting demonetized for it, on top of all his other racist, posturing bullshit? If Crowder tried to prove shoving shit under his fingernails wasn't torture he'd've done the equivalent of getting a manicure and called it torture.
So is she a bigot or not? Does she get a pass for being trans? Because if she was still Bruce and had those opinions people would absolutely be calling him a bigot.
"Caitlyn Jenner is an asshole of the highest magnitude who will happily cozy up to the worst people in the country and because it won't effect her, specifically, she doesn't care about the harm she causes"
"But is she a bigot though? You didn't call her a bigot"

Crowder doesn't get suspended from YouTube for "showing news you don't like". Crowder gets suspended from YouTube for being a lying, racists, sexist, homophobic grifter who's constantly breaking YouTube's terms of service.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
But, yeah. His desk is full. He probably doesn't need any money. But I also think Youtube is fucking over a bunch of creators, including him. With the proviso that he makes a bunch of stuff that is deliberately inciting hyperbole that maybe shouldn't be monetised as that is just rewarding that behaviour
Why just have a YT / Twitch / etc. channel when you can also get $$$ with Patreon and donations and so on? They're businessmen, doing it to make money. Why leave avenues for profit unexplored?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
"They" do not still do waterboarding, nations who break the Geneva Conventions or aren't in the agreement do waterboarding, because waterboarding is illegal under the Geneva Conventions, despite us attempting to say otherwise.
That's cute you believe that they don't do it anymore. :)

They do. You just aren't allowed to know about it.

"Caitlyn Jenner is an asshole of the highest magnitude who will happily cozy up to the worst people in the country and because it won't effect her, specifically, she doesn't care about the harm she causes"
"But is she a bigot though? You didn't call her a bigot"
Ok? Do you not see the point of my question? Or do you not want to answer...or what?

If a cis man had the same viewpoints as Jenner, the LBGT community would immediately label them a bigot. So is jenner a bigot or not? I'm just asking.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
So is she a bigot or not? Does she get a pass for being trans? Because if she was still Bruce and had those opinions people would absolutely be calling him a bigot.
If you say she's a bigot, I'm not going to disagree with you.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Why just have a YT / Twitch / etc. channel when you can also get $$$ with Patreon and donations and so on? They're businessmen, doing it to make money. Why leave avenues for profit unexplored?
To be fair, Youtubers and Twitch streams should absolutely be doing whatever they can to diversify their income. Especially with how freely people get demonitized on either platform. It's only the smart thing to do to make sure your audiences has several ways to support you in case one of those systems kicks you out.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
If you say she's a bigot, I'm not going to disagree with you.
But you wouldn't out right say it yourself. Ok interesting.

I don't think she is a bigot fyi. As you said, she is free to have her own opinions and I doubt she has any real feelings of hate towards LBG-people. I think it is normal to not agree with every policy a group stands on.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012

Also saw this. I like the comment, "People want safe workspace in the Netflix offices. I find it funny that I'm the only one not allowed in the building anymore."
What was it Chappelle said? 'You can have your own thoughts and live your own life. But why do we, as a society, have to accommodate for you?' Yes, this is paraphrased. I'm sure he just meant to use this just against transpeople. But I wonder if he ever considered placing this on himself or his ideas. Because that's what's happening to him right now

It's like Chappelle's three demands. 1 was good. 3 was nonsense. 2 was saying 'I'm not going to come at the beck and call of the trans community.' I understand that sentiment (even though I don't think thats what the trans community was doing.) And then he made a list of demands to the trans community. Which just makes me put up my hands in frustration. He clearly thinks rules are things other people follow.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
That's cute you believe that they don't do it anymore. :)

They do. You just aren't allowed to know about it.
Doesn't make it Not Torture, doesn't make it Not Illegal, and doesn't make Crowder's cosplay any less shameful

Ok? Do you not see the point of my question? Or do you not want to answer...or what?

If a cis man had the same viewpoints as Jenner, the LBGT community would immediately label them a bigot. So is jenner a bigot or not? I'm just asking.
Lmao, that's what you get for not looking outside your bubble I guess. I'm sorry you didn't catch the official statement from the LGBT council.
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