They are trying to cancel Dave Chappell

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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
See that's an interesting one because it depends how much you believe she had a hand in crafting the films and didn't just do a poor job planning and looking over who would take the reigns of the franchise and their plans. Honestly ideally I'd want her moved to a franchise where she actually seems to work a an executive in charge of it because her run on managing Star Wars has seen sentient rocks join Star Wars as a race along with writers on about how Tie Fighters "Hibbled and bibbled herkily jerkily across the sky". Even still people don't want the films pulled from sale and no available for people to see, maybe erased from cannon going forward but still there as a sort of set of side tales like how the original expanded universe was made non cannon to make way for the Disney cannon.
Which YouTube have you been watching? That exactly what they've been begging for years. They're happy they got a director and producer 'fired'. They want the old cannon reinserted and sequels banished

Now, the old canon I am somewhat interested in because I think some of it was great. But a lot was trash.

Yeh but you could totally replace the stairs with abseil points and escape kits and on taller buildings you put some of the emergency quick opening parachutes. Both of which can technically be more accessible.
Whh would I expect anything different


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
So you're fine with boycotts unless they're boycotts.
Exactly what Dirty Hipsters and others have said.

Ok yeah, you got me there in that it is different. My point was that there was overlap (as in that they are the same) between criticism and calling for something's removal, but honestly...I did not want to have this conversation. I just wanted to talk about Chappelle, and then ended up here in the weeds arguing about shit I neither know or care about. I'm sorry for my initial comment that started this whole tangent (well...atleast the snooty opener I had, as I still stand by the rest) as I just can't bring myself to care about this 'cancel culture' shit. It all feels like everyone tilting at windmills, because who has actually been cancelled that has still remained cancelled? Only person I can actually think of is Weinstein. Being 'cancelled' doesn't seem to actually be a thing to me. As for that last bit, see my earlier comment. If all it takes for someone to be horrible is them thinking someone else has taken their toys, then there were both always horrible and probably did not deserve the toys in the first place.
I find cancel culture a very disturbing social issue as it really comes down to being censorship. I don't feel it's had a big impact yet (as the majority are very much against it) but the things currently happening in colleges is scary for the future and very dystopian. It almost seems to be the right and left are possibly doing another flip where the right was for banning music, DnD, or video games that weren't "wholesome" enough and the now left is literally doing the same thing. It's wrong no matter who is doing it. You can see affects of it if you do look hard enough. Something off the beaten path like a basketball show that Charles Barkley is on has been affected by it as Chuck is not allowed to talk about those “big ol' women down in San Antonio” and people loved it and found it funny and San Antonio women even made shirts about it is no longer allowed because a few people didn't like it. Chuck has basically said he's done with the show at 60 because he's not allowed to have fun anymore. This is not how democracy is supposed to work whether it's some joke on a basketball show or healthcare.

I'll just leave this here and hope you and others enjoy it and lighten up your day

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
It almost seems to be the right and left are possibly doing another flip where the right was for banning music, DnD, or video games that weren't "wholesome" enough and the now left is literally doing the same thing.
It's not like the right isn't gleafully doing it just as much as they have before with anything that even mildly offends them. The Colin Kaepernick fiasco only happened a couple of years ago.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
It's not like the right isn't gleafully doing it just as much as they have before with anything that even mildly offends them. The Colin Kaepernick fiasco only happened a couple of years ago.
I'm not on either team because they both suck. Right now, the left is doing it a lot more than the right. The NFL is akin to a modern day plantation. If Colin had like any other job, he would've been praised probably.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
It's not like the right isn't gleafully doing it just as much as they have before with anything that even mildly offends them. The Colin Kaepernick fiasco only happened a couple of years ago.
That's a tough one because it comes down the idea of what people go there for and standard expectations.
People don't go to sportsball games for socio-political protests. The idea it was distracting and detracting from the game was in part the issue and so people started tuning out thus action got taken.
Players have their own platforms and get given platforms to speak after games to talk but they were told basically you can't use the platform of being on the field itself for your protest and I agree with that because you allow one kind of protest you have to accept allowing all and that would mean in current year context if a group of players wanted to protest the vaccine they could on the field.

Kaepernick has a lot more to it rather than him being cancelled in any traditional way and comes down to him wanting a starting Quaterback position while being ranked 38th out of 40 Quaterbacks in the league.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
(Looks at school boards across the country.) No

Unless you think that cancel culture can only targets someone's job. Then I'd say you're priorities are warped
I'm sorry are you under the impression that schools have ever been 100% free speech?

I don't agree with some of the idiots pushing stuff on schoolboards on from the right but wasn't it not long ago there was the "Fire cleansing ceremony" bullshit where a load of books from school libraries were burned on claims they were racist or offensive?


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I'm sorry are you under the impression that schools have ever been 100% free speech?

I don't agree with some of the idiots pushing stuff on schoolboards on from the right but wasn't it not long ago there was the "Fire cleansing ceremony" bullshit where a load of books from school libraries were burned on claims they were racist or offensive?
Was there threats of murder if the school boards didn't chage their mind during these 'fire cleansing ceremonies'?
What about people bring photos of school boards members' house and list their families members to school meetings and how the family members are going to be murdered during these ceremonies?
Did the school board and their families have to get police protection around the clock during these ceremonies?
Did those some police captures stalkers outside school board members houses during these ceremonies?
Was there SWAT teams sent to scholl board memeber home from fake reporting with these ceremonies?
What about Child's Services taking away kids from school board parents because of fake reporting during these ceremonies?
Did the board members have their work called up and give fake reports so they could get fired during these ceremonies?
Just how many schools had these ceremonies?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
"But that one time in Quebec!" he says, ignoring that basically everybody thought it was odd at best, and isn't a persistent or pervasive issue compared to making people's live hell all across the country
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
His priorities have been warped for a looonnnnngggggg tiiiiiiiimmmmmeeeeeeee.
you're in a thread about how people are upset at a comedian for a joke and a network for paying for his show.

You really want to pull that line here when you're on the side of those this upset over a joke?
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Was there threats of murder if the school boards didn't chage their mind during these 'fire cleansing ceremonies'?
What about people bring photos of school boards members' house and list their families members to school meetings and how the family members are going to be murdered during these ceremonies?
Did the school board and their families have to get police protection around the clock during these ceremonies?
Did those some police captures stalkers outside school board members houses during these ceremonies?
Was there SWAT teams sent to scholl board memeber home from fake reporting with these ceremonies?
What about Child's Services taking away kids from school board parents because of fake reporting during these ceremonies?
Did the board members have their work called up and give fake reports so they could get fired during these ceremonies?
Just how many schools had these ceremonies?
Who knows because both sides have radical idiots on them.
People tried to have Alpha Omega Sin (A youtuber)' s child taken away from him by filing false reports with CPS because he dared to make youtube videos people didn't like.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
That's kinda part of the joke.......
No, it's not actually. Because there is no joke (yeah I know, I just wanted to reference that. If you feel it sucked, then refer back to said gif). Crying out 'it's a prank bro' is not some magical get out shit free card you can just wave around to justify being a fucking ****. Like, what did they prove, that the people who were so pissed off at a thing that they would risk their employment by aiming their protest at their (fuck me that is some poor grammar...) employers would be a mite bit angry? This is what I mean @Phoenixmgs when I say that I don't get this 'cancel culture' crap, because it pretty much can be whatever the fuck anyone wants it to be. Wanting Netflix to remove something? Cancelled. Crashing a protest and shouting over the participants? 'was just a prank bro'. Depp wanting to work in more artsy/indie productions? Cancelled (someone better phone up Bill Murray and let him know about his cancelled status then, as I only see him in Wes Anderson films lately). Kapernick being fired at the behest of an online hate mob, of whom the President of the United States was part of? Well, not actually because [reasons].

This shit is all over the road.

EDIT: Removed a word.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
No, it's not actually. Because there is no joke (yeah I know, I just wanted to reference that. If you feel it sucked, then refer back to said gif). Crying out 'it's a prank bro' is not some magical get out shit free card you can just wave around to justify being a fucking ****. Like, what did they prove, that the people who were so pissed off at a thing that they would risk their employment by aiming their protest at their (fuck me that is some poor grammar...) employers would be a mite bit angry? This is what I mean @Phoenixmgs when I say that I don't get this 'cancel culture' crap, because it pretty much can be whatever the fuck anyone wants it to be. Wanting Netflix to remove something? Cancelled. Crashing a protest and shouting over the participants? 'Dur, was just a prank bro'. Depp wanting to work in more artsy/indie productions? Cancelled (someone better phone up Bill Murray and let him know about his cancelled status then, as I only see him in Wes Anderson films lately). Kapernick being fired at the behest of an online hate mob, of whom the President of the United States was part of? Well, not actually because [reasons].

This shit is all over the road.
Ok to break this down
  • With Vito it probably helps to be aware of his previous stupid antics E.G. trying to recreate that Pepsi commercial where both sides in a protest end up drinking Pepsi and calming down only it didn't happen in real life and descended into chaos.
  • Depp has no choice but working in indie films as no-one else will touch him but I'm sure Bill Murray could get a role but after being strong armed over Ghostbusters 2016 he's a bit pissed at Hollywood and indie films give him more freedom. Murray had a choice Depp doesn't.
  • Kaepernick wasn't fire, he wasn't hired. He was ranked 38 out of 40 NFL quaterbacks and wanted a contact as a starting quaterback (main one) rather than a reserve quaterback and he was offered a reserve contract which he turned down. In 2015 out of 33 quaterbacks who played Kapernick was rated 33rd and in 2016 he managed to get rated 23rd out of 30. Dude wasn't fired due to controversy he just wouldn't sign a contract where he wasn't the main star quaterback.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Who knows because both sides have radical idiots on them.
People tried to have Alpha Omega Sin (A youtuber)' s child taken away from him by filing false reports with CPS because he dared to make youtube videos people didn't like.
So... you have one point. Yes of course, exactly the same hundreds of school boards across the country

Like, when you write these posts, do you think about it beforehand?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So... you have one point. Yes of course, exactly the same hundreds of school boards across the country

Like, when you write these posts, do you think about it beforehand?
Ok you really want to go down this line hu?
You want to play this game of "It doesn't count because even though I'm vaguely alluding to things happening not citing specific examples you need to do it and not show 1 person core example are part of a larger trend." Fine, lets go.

The assault of Vito
The 2 chaz shootings
The Baseball shootings
The driver who ran through a Trump campaign tend
The attempt to fire Dr Phil Mason and have him arrested.
The swatting of Matt Jarbo
The syringes and dead animals sent to Milo
The assault at Gen-Con
The attempts prevent Vic Mignogna getting work based on vague allegations despite the fact the source of the allegations says they may just be made up fiction and that some of those trying to prevent him working saying he's dangerous has multiple convictions for assault and have far more evidence from corroborated sources against them.
The proud boy member shot dead
The attempted assault at the statue
The stalking and harassment of Bret Weinstein's students
The Evergreen assault
The Denever TV security person shooting some-one
David Dorns killing
The person who admitted to wanting to release sarin gas at Pax
The 3 separate assaults on Sargon
The attempted assault on Count Dankula
The threats false bomb threat at Mythcon
The threat to burn down the place hosting Daryl Davis and Tim Pool
The attack on Gotham Pizza for hosting an at the time DC artist
The threats so bad J.K. Rowling decided she needed to put up security gates and fencing
The threatening of Sheffield Untied executives
Andy Nygo being assaulted
Candace Owen's being assaulted
Tucker Carlson being doxxed twice
Me having had people try doxx me twice (and I'm a no-one)
The plan to assault comic book guy Zack
The insane smear campaign trying to get Armoured Skeptic arrested
The reported stabbed in the street
The attack on the Condo and neighbours of Ted Wheeler
The attempts to dox the owner of the hosting network for Gab (as much as I may think the network is awful)

Is this enough or should I post more stuff?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Post more, post more!
Post all your bookmarked cases in your 'crimes of the left' folder.
I don't have bookmarks this is all off the top of my head lol
But sure I can do more

The Bikelock Bandit
The hat stealing incident
The attack on the pregnant woman's car
The sign stealing incident
The reporter punched in the face
The random guy attacked because they thought it was Any Nygo
The guy punt kicked in the head by an off duty airport security worker
The lesbian who was attacked before the previous incident
The attempted firebombing of an ICE facility
The Police department set on fire
The self own of the tire slashing incident
The Facebook kidnapping and torture livestream
The Man carjacked randomly in public
The attack on the Patriot Prayer rally
The plot to kill Steven Crowder
The American Flag at a rally incident
The Riot kitchen illegal weapons incident
The Gunman at a BLM protest
The post Trump rally assaults
The Portland courthouse fire
The Portland Proud boy rally hit by gunfire
The attack on Democrat HQ oddly enough
The Inauguration riots
The attempted immolation
The old man attacked near a protest
The Jewish men attacked (yes really)
The threats and attacks on Labour MPs who were not pro Corbyn
The female journalistattacked
The Nottingham AntiFa who attacked the Nottingham AntiFa
The Make Bit Coin Great Again women maced in the face
The couple who had their phone stolen and smashed by "Smuggly"

I could probably pull up some more if I used google.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Ok you really want to go down this line hu?
You want to play this game of "It doesn't count because even though I'm vaguely alluding to things happening not citing specific examples you need to do it and not show 1 person core example are part of a larger trend." Fine, lets go.

The assault of Vito
The 2 chaz shootings
The Baseball shootings
The driver who ran through a Trump campaign tend
The attempt to fire Dr Phil Mason and have him arrested.
The swatting of Matt Jarbo
The syringes and dead animals sent to Milo
The assault at Gen-Con
The attempts prevent Vic Mignogna getting work based on vague allegations despite the fact the source of the allegations says they may just be made up fiction and that some of those trying to prevent him working saying he's dangerous has multiple convictions for assault and have far more evidence from corroborated sources against them.
The proud boy member shot dead
The attempted assault at the statue
The stalking and harassment of Bret Weinstein's students
The Evergreen assault
The Denever TV security person shooting some-one
David Dorns killing
The person who admitted to wanting to release sarin gas at Pax
The 3 separate assaults on Sargon
The attempted assault on Count Dankula
The threats false bomb threat at Mythcon
The threat to burn down the place hosting Daryl Davis and Tim Pool
The attack on Gotham Pizza for hosting an at the time DC artist
The threats so bad J.K. Rowling decided she needed to put up security gates and fencing
The threatening of Sheffield Untied executives
Andy Nygo being assaulted
Candace Owen's being assaulted
Tucker Carlson being doxxed twice
Me having had people try doxx me twice (and I'm a no-one)
The plan to assault comic book guy Zack
The insane smear campaign trying to get Armoured Skeptic arrested
The reported stabbed in the street
The attack on the Condo and neighbours of Ted Wheeler
The attempts to dox the owner of the hosting network for Gab (as much as I may think the network is awful)

Is this enough or should I post more stuff?
Wow, some of these are old. And not nearly the amount that happened just last month
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