Seriously, folks; why do we put up with DSP and Low Tier God in this community....


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
Considering we're a bunch of people who have never heard of the people you've mentioned and linked to, by complaining about them you just provided them with more traffic and ad revenue as people in this thread try got figure out who the hell these people are and why we're supposed to care.

Congrats you just played yourself.
Ignoring them won't make them go away.

Also, if what I do even gets ONE person to work towards shutting them down, I'll have considered this headache worth it.
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Fallen Soldier

Brother Lombax
Oct 28, 2021
United States
Ignoring them won't make them go away.
Why do you want someone to “go away” exactly? And how do you exactly propose to accomplish that? DSP isn’t going anywhere until he retires or meets his maker. His audience will stick by him because they love his content even if a vast majority of us make fun of him for it. All you are doing is giving him free advertisement. I honestly haven’t heard of DSP for a few years til this thread. I honestly thought the internet had forgotten about him. I guess not. If you don’t like DSP and want to deny him fame then don’t mention him at all and ignore him. It’s that simple. He isn’t at your house demanding you to see his livestreams. No he is living his life the way he wants to.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
I only ever hear of those people when people bring them up to complain, so in whatever capacity they are being put up with, I definitely don't feel like I contribute to it so I have literally no idea. If I would hazard a guess, the people who watch em are equally shitheaded, so they resonate.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
Why do you want someone to “go away” exactly?
Becuase I like to see consequences happen to bad people? Is that wierd?

And how do you exactly propose to accomplish that?
You hit the money. You shame the people paying them until they stop. That's who the real targets should be, the enablers.

I honestly thought the internet had forgotten about him. I guess not.
He's making money. He clearly hasn't been.

If you don’t like DSP and want to deny him fame then don’t mention him at all and ignore him. It’s that simple. He isn’t at your house demanding you to see his livestreams. No he is living his life the way he wants to.
Again, I am not ashamed of being angry that people are scumbags with no reprecussions.

Fallen Soldier

Brother Lombax
Oct 28, 2021
United States
Becuase I like to see consequences happen to bad people? Is that wierd?

You hit the money. You shame the people paying them until they stop. That's who the real targets should be, the enablers.

He's making money. He clearly hasn't been.

Again, I am not ashamed of being angry that people are scumbags with no reprecussions.
Okay so you want to “cancel” him! Got it! Yeah I’m not a proponent of cancel culture.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
@AnxietyProne, I respect and like you, so I'll say this with sincerity: just don't bother with them. They're losers most people don't give the time, day, nor respect. The people who seek their attention, are a few morons not worth crying over. Here's a quote from a Catholic Priest who's a vampire hunter:

Got it? This is the last time I'll be saying anything on this particular topic. I know we talked privately about this, but please just focus on something else more important and dear to you. You being in a constant fuss will do nothing for you or your mental health.
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At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
We? Who's we? And what's this "community"? I've seen maybe a total of 10 minutes of DSP in my life (in the context of a video making fun of him) and have zero idea of who Low Tier God is.

If you were talking about members of this forum it'd be different. I've never understood the use of the term "gaming community". You, I, and everyone else in this thread will never meet any of these people, interact with them in any meaningful way, and we will have no effect on each others' lives in any capacity. Why waste your braincells on insipid losers on the internet? God knows there's more serious issues at hand. Hell, if you wanted to just complain about people on the internet, complain about people doing actual harm, like Charlie Kirk, Semen Chugger... I mean Steven Coward... I mean Steven Crowder, or Ben Shapiro.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
We don't tolerate them in the same sense that we would tolerate someone like Markiplier or PewDeePie.

People watch them to troll, and insult/criticize because they are what is called a "lolcow" a person online to be poked and proded for laughs. Mostly because they are scumbags, and to the average person it is mindblogging that they have somehow a un-ironic fanbase that throws shitloads of money at them despite them being terrible people.

DSP is the biggest of the people you mentioned in terms of how big of a piece of shit he is. LTG and Wings are fuckheads, but they are overall not nearly as terrible as Phil is.

DSP's entire "legit" audience is comprised of mentally ill people who he has convinced that giving him money is effective fighting a "war" against the people who troll him. The really had thing is that most detractors of DSP don't actually do anything to troll him. Phil manages to fuck up and be a shitty person all by himself. Trolls these days have dug into his bank statements that reveal he makes 10k a month and blows it all on a mobile game, doordashing food, and booze.

I have personally gotten very invested in the "lore" of DSP and Chris-chan because I frankly find the story of these two people incredibly facinating.
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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
You hit the money. You shame the people paying them until they stop. That's who the real targets should be, the enablers.
Again, I don't know what your goal is. Do you know any of the people paying them? I don't, and I don't think anyone on this forum does either. So once again, what exactly were you planning on accomplishing by posting this here? All you've done is give these people more attention. You are an enabler.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
I don't think there's enablers, I think people genuinely like them for whatever it's worth. You don't get to tell those people they're wrong for liking people you find reprehensible, that's fascism. You just wanna go off and do your thing and not pay it any heed.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I don't think there's enablers, I think people genuinely like them for whatever it's worth. You don't get to tell those people they're wrong for liking people you find reprehensible, that's fascism. You just wanna go off and do your thing and not pay it any heed.

Actually in most cases the trolls, aka the people who hate the them most, are the ones keeping them around.

DSP in particular uses his detractors to build his cult against the "negative" people. There are loads of people making videos about how shitty DSP is and in doing so they often have bigger audiences than DSP himself. What ends up happening is people start to "hatewatch" and might even troll tip him just to get a reaction. On top of that some trolls do too much like hacking his bank account to view his statements. The. He uses that to beg his special ed audience with things like "look at these people who constantly harass me. A bunch of shitheads who have nothing better to do than fuck with my life." And it works.

Ironically DSP and other lolcows do not get support unless they are being trolled. Which means the detractors and trolls are what keeps these fuckheads around.


Elite Member
May 28, 2020
United States
Making a whole-ass thread about lolcow YT'ers and streamers is the literal opposite of "not putting up with them". It's drawing attention to them. In other words, the entire point of lolcow YT'ers and streamers' pitiable existences.

Dumbfuck is as dumbfuck does. That includes lolcow YT'ers and streamers, their genuine fans, hate-viewers, and trolls who sustain their presence for entertainment.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
DSP is the biggest of the people you mentioned in terms of how big of a piece of shit he is. LTG and Wings are fuckheads, but they are overall not nearly as terrible as Phil is.
DSP and Wings haven't doxxed and made death threats to their critics.

Again, I don't know what your goal is.
To see them put out of business, and in the case of Low Tier God, to see him arrested and taken off the street. I happen to hold the apparently controversial opinion that scam artists and sociopaths shouldn't be allowed to profit.

Ironically DSP and other lolcows do not get support unless they are being trolled. Which means the detractors and trolls are what keeps these fuckheads around.
That's like saying serial killers only exist because their victims do, so it's their fault for getting killed.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
To see them put out of business, and in the case of Low Tier God, to see him arrested and taken off the street. I happen to hold the apparently controversial opinion that scam artists and sociopaths shouldn't be allowed to profit.
But how exactly does this thread further that goal in any way beyond you going "Hey, you people who didn't know about this, this is a problem that you should be working on! My work is done here."

Like we're supposed to be outraged by these people we've never heard of and are immediately meant to do...something entirely unclear about them.

How does this thread help you "put them out of business" when all you've done is actively given them clicks?


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
don't think there's enablers, I think people genuinely like them for whatever it's worth. You don't get to tell those people they're wrong for liking people you find reprehensible, that's fascism. You just wanna go off and do your thing and not pay it any heed.
So death threats are fine as long as people find them entertaining, gotcha...


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
But how exactly does this thread further that goal in any way beyond you going "Hey, you people who didn't know about this, this is a problem that you should be working on! My work is done here."

Like we're supposed to be outraged by these people we've never heard of and are immediately meant to do...something entirely unclear about them.

How does this thread help you "put them out of business" when all you've done is actively given them clicks?
Because if at least one more person, even one, get's properly outraged enough to start working against them or preferrably their paypigs, I'll have considered it all worthwhile.

This is an example of one such man doing God's work.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Because if at least one more person, even one, get's properly outraged enough to start working against them or preferrably their paypigs, I'll have considered it all worthwhile.

This is an example of one such man doing God's work.

That's what I've been asking you the whole time. What the fuck are you actually expecting from this thread? What do you want people to do. Stop being vague and just saying "people should do things." What is your exact goal?