I'm not disappointed at all; I've just learned to temper my expectations as we all should have by now. What was the last game that was hyped and met every early expectation? Name one. Hell, name ANY. In my personal experience, the earlier they "show" us a game to get us excited about it, the more likely it's not going to be what they show us; a "tech demo" tells me they're just showing of what the could do, and less what they will do.How did your buddy react, when you told him that you were disappointed?
My friend is very gullible; over the near 20 years I've known him, I've watched him flip flop between cell and cable/internet providers, praising one while disparaging the other, then 6 months later switching back with the exact opposite opinion. He once left his current wife (they were only living together at the time) for another woman he told me was "the one" after knowing her for about 2 months, and worth upending his life for. Moved out and everything. Within a month, he was calling me crying that this new chick had left him and "wasn't shit" before tucking tail and crawling back to his wife. When the Xbox One launched with the mandatory Kinect, he held the strong opinion that the new Kinect was going to "change gaming" despite my rationale that motion-based gaming and gimmicky voice commands were too awkward and pointless to rival traditional control-based gaming; we actually argued over this, like full-on heated debates. A few months later, he finally admitted, "man, you right; Kinect ain't shit." He's also a flat earther and anti-vaccines, so there's that, too.
How did he react? Same way he always does: accuses me of being short-sighted and behind the times; the future is now, and I'm "missing out." A part of me is jealous that he still sees the world with the awe, wonder and optimism of a child; the 41-year-old part of me though knows that "new" and "better" aren't interchangeable terms. Dog shit at 9,000 fps and 8K definition is still dog shit. I'm not ready to throw $500 at a console I can't find for the two games I might somewhat enjoy, but that makes me a dinosaur in his eyes. I couldn't care less, and that further enrages him. It's kind of a meta game: see how far into outright rage I can push him before he snaps and stops returning my phone calls for a week, lol. If we weren't both massive 49ers fans, we'd probably actually hate each other.