The Matrix awakens PS5 Gameplay.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
How did your buddy react, when you told him that you were disappointed?
I'm not disappointed at all; I've just learned to temper my expectations as we all should have by now. What was the last game that was hyped and met every early expectation? Name one. Hell, name ANY. In my personal experience, the earlier they "show" us a game to get us excited about it, the more likely it's not going to be what they show us; a "tech demo" tells me they're just showing of what the could do, and less what they will do.

My friend is very gullible; over the near 20 years I've known him, I've watched him flip flop between cell and cable/internet providers, praising one while disparaging the other, then 6 months later switching back with the exact opposite opinion. He once left his current wife (they were only living together at the time) for another woman he told me was "the one" after knowing her for about 2 months, and worth upending his life for. Moved out and everything. Within a month, he was calling me crying that this new chick had left him and "wasn't shit" before tucking tail and crawling back to his wife. When the Xbox One launched with the mandatory Kinect, he held the strong opinion that the new Kinect was going to "change gaming" despite my rationale that motion-based gaming and gimmicky voice commands were too awkward and pointless to rival traditional control-based gaming; we actually argued over this, like full-on heated debates. A few months later, he finally admitted, "man, you right; Kinect ain't shit." He's also a flat earther and anti-vaccines, so there's that, too.

How did he react? Same way he always does: accuses me of being short-sighted and behind the times; the future is now, and I'm "missing out." A part of me is jealous that he still sees the world with the awe, wonder and optimism of a child; the 41-year-old part of me though knows that "new" and "better" aren't interchangeable terms. Dog shit at 9,000 fps and 8K definition is still dog shit. I'm not ready to throw $500 at a console I can't find for the two games I might somewhat enjoy, but that makes me a dinosaur in his eyes. I couldn't care less, and that further enrages him. It's kind of a meta game: see how far into outright rage I can push him before he snaps and stops returning my phone calls for a week, lol. If we weren't both massive 49ers fans, we'd probably actually hate each other.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'm not disappointed at all; I've just learned to temper my expectations as we all should have by now. What was the last game that was hyped and met every early expectation? Name one. Hell, name ANY. In my personal experience, the earlier they "show" us a game to get us excited about it, the more likely it's not going to be what they show us; a "tech demo" tells me they're just showing of what the could do, and less what they will do.
I know you are not disappointed, but you might as well be from his perspective.

My friend is very gullible; over the near 20 years I've known him, I've watched him flip flop between cell and cable/internet providers, praising one while disparaging the other, then 6 months later switching back with the exact opposite opinion. He once left his current wife (they were only living together at the time) for another woman he told me was "the one" after knowing her for about 2 months, and worth upending his life for. Moved out and everything. Within a month, he was calling me crying that this new chick had left him and "wasn't shit" before tucking tail and crawling back to his wife. When the Xbox One launched with the mandatory Kinect, he held the strong opinion that the new Kinect was going to "change gaming" despite my rationale that motion-based gaming and gimmicky voice commands were too awkward and pointless to rival traditional control-based gaming; we actually argued over this, like full-on heated debates. A few months later, he finally admitted, "man, you right; Kinect ain't shit." He's also a flat earther and anti-vaccines, so there's that, too.

How did he react? Same way he always does: accuses me of being short-sighted and behind the times; the future is now, and I'm "missing out." A part of me is jealous that he still sees the world with the awe, wonder and optimism of a child; the 41-year-old part of me though knows that "new" and "better" aren't interchangeable terms. Dog shit at 9,000 fps and 8K definition is still dog shit. I'm not ready to throw $500 at a console I can't find for the two games I might somewhat enjoy, but that makes me a dinosaur in his eyes. I couldn't care less, and that further enrages him. It's kind of a meta game: see how far into outright rage I can push him before he snaps and stops returning my phone calls for a week, lol. If we weren't both massive 49ers fans, we'd probably
Well, he definitely sounds like a gullible fool. It sounds like he's looking for an excuse to always stay excited and never be disappointed no matter what. Even if it's clear as day right in the face. I've plent a couple of people like that, though most of them I wouldn't call my friends. Most of them are associates. I still try to warn them the best I can, regardless. I do give them a heads up saying "remember, this is your choice. You don't have to or force yourself to do this. Don't blame me if you end up disappointed or felt like you wasted money." Welcome to come back disappointed, feel like they waste their money, or try to go to various lengths to justify their purchase. I just give them but yeah whatever, it's your problem. It reminds me of these two guys who really wanted to pre-order a series x, just to play Madden and maybe 2K not much else. I warned them about all the shoddy DLC practices and gave them the proof on my phone. At least one of the two said he was aware of it, but still wanted to get the console and the next Madden game, just to show up/brag to his friends or family. I respond back, hope it's worth it to you.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I know you are not disappointed, but you might as well be from his perspective.
True. By not getting on board and dropping my jaw in awe, I'm apparently against it.

Well, he definitely sounds like a gullible fool. It sounds like he's looking for an excuse to always stay excited and never be disappointed no matter what. Even if it's clear as day right in the face. I've plent a couple of people like that, though most of them I wouldn't call my friends. Most of them are associates. I still try to warn them the best I can, regardless. I do give them a heads up saying "remember, this is your choice. You don't have to or force yourself to do this. Don't blame me if you end up disappointed or felt like you wasted money." Welcome to come back disappointed, feel like they waste their money, or try to go to various lengths to justify their purchase. I just give them but yeah whatever, it's your problem. It reminds me of these two guys who really wanted to pre-order a series x, just to play Madden and maybe 2K not much else. I warned them about all the shoddy DLC practices and gave them the proof on my phone. At least one of the two said he was aware of it, but still wanted to get the console and the next Madden game, just to show up/brag to his friends or family. I respond back, hope it's worth it to you.
Yeah, he's a complete idiot, but he's my buddy and I love him. Gaming is what brought us together. Back when the Xbox 360 was launching and in short supply, I was a supervisor in a warehouse and he worked a desk in the office. I pranked him telling him that a truck accidentally delivered a pallet of 360s at the back of the warehouse, and as much as he knew he couldn't believe me, excitement made him walk the full distance (about 150 yards) to check and see, calling me a "motherfucking liar" the whole time. We've been friends ever since.

We used to game together religiously, not even multiplayer or co-op necessarily; most times, we'd just chat over the headset whilst playing completely separate games, and I think he misses that as we've not done it in years. I miss it too, but not enough to lay down the kind of cash the industry is asking for and isn't worth it anymore, at least not now. It also rattles his cage that despite not gaming significantly for the better part of 6 years, I've still got a higher Gamerscore than him. He recently bragged about finally breaking the 100K mark which I broke years ago, lol.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It also rattles his cage that despite not gaming significantly for the better part of 6 years, I've still got a higher Gamerscore than him. He recently bragged about finally breaking the 100K mark which I broke years ago, lol.
Haha. Then he is clearly doing something wrong and is not gaming as much as he thinks he is. We all don't game as much as we did. I never care much for gamers scores nor trophies to begin with, but if I got them I usually didn't have a problem. If I didn't, not the end of the world. And I care even less for them now. With that said, I'm still proud of the ones I've gained or the ones that I got 100% on. Yet at the end of the day, I just want to play a good and fun game. That's it. Nothing more and nothing less. For him, it's nothing more than a glorified ego boost.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Haha. Then he is clearly doing something wrong and is not gaming as much as he thinks he is. We all don't game as much as we did. I never care much for gamers scores nor trophies to begin with, but if I got them I usually didn't have a problem. If I didn't, not the end of the world. And I care even less for them now. With that said, I'm still proud of the ones I've gained or the ones that I got 100% on. Yet at the end of the day, I just want to play a good and fun game. That's it. Nothing more and nothing less. For him, it's nothing more than a glorified ego boost.
He actually doesn't care much about Gamerscore either, but catching up to me has been a friendly, tacit competition we've been having since the early days of the 360. But to his credit, always having to have the latest and greatest, he spreads his time between Xbox (He's got a series X) and Playstation (he's got a 5) whereas all of my gaming is on Xbox (I'm still on the lowly One) exclusively. I think the last game we played together was Rory McIlroy PGA Tour back in 2015; we spent a morning 100%'ing it together. The game absolutely sucks, but we had fun racing to see which of us would do it first. I won, retribution for his getting the coveted "Circle of Life" achievement in Tiger Woods 2010 before me and bragging every day for months while I struggled to earn it. Good times...
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Looks like Watch_Dogs with a green tint on. That is to say: might still be an alright game, for a movie cross promotional material.
Is this going to be an actual game? I thought it was just a playable visual showcase not a preview of a game in development. Because if they are, then I already don't want it because it's a rail shooter.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Even if they did ever make an actual game out of this I think it would be easy for them to handwave away the fact that most of it is just a window dressing kind of pretty. Like you drive through pedestrians and they just blip away because, “Well, it’s not supposed to be real really; it’s just a simulation!

It goes to show the more that realism is the goal, the more you’re going to run into issues because it’s like diving into a rabbit hole; how far do you want to go? Consider the development of RDR2 for a prime example. How many studios have the pockets and willingness to spend 8+ years on a single game involving thousands of people, that still despite all its detail has flaws, of which some end up more noticeable because of it? It’s human nature to strive for perfection but at the same time it’s impractical, let alone unrealistic (the irony) and unsustainable especially with how the industry currently is. Going a procedural route for everything might work someday, but we’d practically need to be at the point of AI being self aware for it seem natural, which is kinda terrifying.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
See? Shit like this makes you wonder why they'd even bother. Feels like a lot of time and effort went into something that could happen when that same time and effort could have gone into something tangible. My car's speedometer goes up to 140 mph; there's nowhere in the 48 contiguous United states where that speed is legal or practical, but I guess knowing it could go that fast is worth a mention, right?
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I'm not disappointed at all; I've just learned to temper my expectations as we all should have by now. What was the last game that was hyped and met every early expectation? Name one. Hell, name ANY. In my personal experience, the earlier they "show" us a game to get us excited about it, the more likely it's not going to be what they show us; a "tech demo" tells me they're just showing of what the could do, and less what they will do.

My friend is very gullible; over the near 20 years I've known him, I've watched him flip flop between cell and cable/internet providers, praising one while disparaging the other, then 6 months later switching back with the exact opposite opinion. He once left his current wife (they were only living together at the time) for another woman he told me was "the one" after knowing her for about 2 months, and worth upending his life for. Moved out and everything. Within a month, he was calling me crying that this new chick had left him and "wasn't shit" before tucking tail and crawling back to his wife. When the Xbox One launched with the mandatory Kinect, he held the strong opinion that the new Kinect was going to "change gaming" despite my rationale that motion-based gaming and gimmicky voice commands were too awkward and pointless to rival traditional control-based gaming; we actually argued over this, like full-on heated debates. A few months later, he finally admitted, "man, you right; Kinect ain't shit." He's also a flat earther and anti-vaccines, so there's that, too.

How did he react? Same way he always does: accuses me of being short-sighted and behind the times; the future is now, and I'm "missing out." A part of me is jealous that he still sees the world with the awe, wonder and optimism of a child; the 41-year-old part of me though knows that "new" and "better" aren't interchangeable terms. Dog shit at 9,000 fps and 8K definition is still dog shit. I'm not ready to throw $500 at a console I can't find for the two games I might somewhat enjoy, but that makes me a dinosaur in his eyes. I couldn't care less, and that further enrages him. It's kind of a meta game: see how far into outright rage I can push him before he snaps and stops returning my phone calls for a week, lol. If we weren't both massive 49ers fans, we'd probably actually hate each other.

Your dysfunctional friend reminds me of a good quote:

Life is tough. It’s even tougher if you’re stupid.

Probably best to keep that to yourself though, if you still somehow value the friendship.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Your dysfunctional friend reminds me of a good quote:

Life is tough. It’s even tougher if you’re stupid.

Probably best to keep that to yourself though, if you still somehow value the friendship.
Oh, we're gloves off; I tell him he's an idiot at least once a week, he cusses me out damn-near daily, and I still managed to become godfather to his daughter, so we're solid despite one of us having horse shit for brains.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Oh, we're gloves off; I tell him he's an idiot at least once a week, he cusses me out damn-near daily, and I still managed to become godfather to his daughter, so we're solid despite one of us having horse shit for brains.

Hopefully you’ll let his daughter in on the fact too, when the time is right of course as soon as possible.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Hopefully you’ll let his daughter in on the fact too, when the time is right of course as soon as possible.
Lol, I've already threatened to call CPS and take custody from his dumbass. Thankfully, his wife and mother to my goddaughter is of sound mind, and rest assured, hell hath no fury like a black woman dealing with his flavor of nonsensical bullshit. He can say whatever he wants to me and others, but when it comes to their daughter, Tonya has the final say. Baby girl is vaccinated and healthy despite his conspiratorial diatribes.