Funny events in anti-woke world

Fallen Soldier

Brother Lombax
Oct 28, 2021
United States
Of course. It's a shame he also spent months purposely downplaying the virus and feeding the pro-pandemic extremists to the point that his own supporters won't take the vaccine he helped fund development of. Honest to God, Trump would have easily sailed into a second term with covid as his "war," but he couldn't even do that right.
No one said the guy was smart.


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
Of course. It's a shame he also spent months purposely downplaying the virus and feeding the pro-pandemic extremists to the point that his own supporters won't take the vaccine he helped fund the development of. Honest to God, Trump would have easily sailed into a second term with covid as his "war," but he couldn't even do that right.
And Trump is a germophobe, too. Much as I hate to say it, if he'd been carried by those instincts instead of his vanity, and gone whole-hog on fighting the virus, we'd be in a much better place right now as far as Covid is concerned. And he would've easily won reelection, no doubt. So, we'd be screwed as a country, but at least we wouldn't be dying of covid while the fascists are rounding us up for hanging.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
And Trump is a germophobe, too. Much as I hate to say it, if he'd been carried by those instincts instead of his vanity,
Yes, but he's also a narcissist. He's bothered by germs for himself, but couldn't give a shit about everyone else out there.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I dunno what's funnier; Joe Biden not knowing about the right's internet chants, or Joe Biden not caring about the right's internet chants. Like, "how to deal with internet trolls 101", but applied to a major political party

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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
And Trump is a germophobe, too. Much as I hate to say it, if he'd been carried by those instincts instead of his vanity, and gone whole-hog on fighting the virus, we'd be in a much better place right now as far as Covid is concerned. And he would've easily won reelection, no doubt. So, we'd be screwed as a country, but at least we wouldn't be dying of covid while the fascists are rounding us up for hanging.
Not really.

You see the thing is the people who voted Trump in who are republicans hate the idea of losing freedom of choice.
The people vehemently opposed to Trump hate losing their luxuries. So tell them they can't go see their plays or go for avocado toast brunches etc and they'll lost their shit and considering they were already trying to portray Trump as literally Hitler 2.0 they'd have got series ammo if Trump had gone full on.

Hell Trump's attempts like shutting down international travel was met with court action to stop it and people yelling it was down to racism.

I doubt Trump could have won re-election with Covid-19 no matter how he played it because it would get in anyway.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I dunno what's funnier; Joe Biden not knowing about the right's internet chants, or Joe Biden not caring about the right's internet chants. Like, "how to deal with internet trolls 101", but applied to a major political party

The thing is that was created thanks to the Left lol.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
I didn't say other peoples freedom of choice lol.
I'm actually curious.

If you can see how the freedom of choice is important, but then realize that republicans do everything they can to restrict other people's different ideals ... can you ascertain why people think the Right are as bad as you consider the Left?


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
You see the thing is the people who voted Trump in who are republicans hate the idea of losing freedom of choice.
Their own freedom of choice? Maybe. But they don't give a hoot about the freedom of choice for others. Abortion, gay rights, saying happy holidays or where you can sit on the buss. The people who would vote for Trump have a long history of fanatically opposing the freedom of choice of people they don't like. Heck, even the choice of voting for a party they don't like is now fanatically opposed by them.

The people vehemently opposed to Trump hate losing their luxuries.
Not really. It anything its his supporters acting like gigantic babies about every single covid measure even the ones that have more to do with luxuries than choice. Besides I'd argue that the resistance against vaccine is much more a loss of luxuries than a loss of choice.

So tell them they can't go see their plays or go for avocado toast brunches etc and they'll lost their shit and considering they were already trying to portray Trump as literally Hitler 2.0 they'd have got series ammo if Trump had gone full on.
You do realize that this never happened right? Not to Trump, nor to any far right demagogue in his position. No one has suddenly opposed anti covid measures just because the far right happened to implement them, nor have people cheered them on solely because the far right wasn't the one who implemented them. Trump for once in his career having done the right thing wouldn't have made people ''lose their shit on him''. In fact Trump stubbornly refusing to do the right thing during a pandemic made him even more detested, and showed just how unsuited for office he really was.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I'm actually curious.

If you can see how the freedom of choice is important, but then realize that republicans do everything they can to restrict other people's different ideals ... can you ascertain why people think the Right are as bad as you consider the Left?
yes I can.

I can also see that for the most part they're useless, highly ineffective and often a lot of their bullshit is to deflect from other issues to begin with one way or another. What's the phrase, "Better the Devil you know". In this case better and easier to fight the bullshit coming from Trump and the Robber Barons than those who truly believe their actions are for everyone else's own good (while they ironically act just like the Robber Barons too)

You do realize that this never happened right? Not to Trump, nor to any far right demagogue in his position. No one has suddenly opposed anti covid measures just because the far right happened to implement them, nor have people cheered them on solely because the far right wasn't the one who implemented them. Trump for once in his career having done the right thing wouldn't have made people ''lose their shit on him''. In fact Trump stubbornly refusing to do the right thing during a pandemic made him even more detested, and showed just how unsuited for office he really was.
You haven't heard of Piers Corbyn in the UK then lol.

Also Trump can only do so much with it being up to local governors in many cases to implement things. You really think it's just been right wingers losing their shit? Really? It's not been.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
You haven't heard of Piers Corbyn in the UK then lol.
I heard Labour had to go rescue Bojo and vote for the covid measures that the Torries rejected.

Also Trump can only do so much with it being up to local governors in many cases to implement things. You really think it's just been right wingers losing their shit? Really? It's not been.
Entirely? Maybe not. But the majority are definitely aligned to the far right to some extend. If some freak punches someone for pointing out the law says he should wear a mask in his store then 9 out of 10 times he's not a Bernie supporter, nor a Biden suporter.
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Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
yes I can.

I can also see that for the most part they're useless, highly ineffective and often a lot of their bullshit is to deflect from other issues to begin with one way or another. What's the phrase, "Better the Devil you know". In this case better and easier to fight the bullshit coming from Trump and the Robber Barons than those who truly believe their actions are for everyone else's own good (while they ironically act just like the Robber Barons too)
A state barring a woman's constitutional right in a non-constitutional manner by deputizing people to hunt down abortionists

A state who's against the vaccine mandates Mandates how companies can respond... restricting their ability to choose.

States suppressing the voter rights of citizens

I'll take ineffective than suppressing the rights of citizens. Something that Republicans are supposedly against.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
A state barring a woman's constitutional right in a non-constitutional manner by deputizing people to hunt down abortionists

A state who's against the vaccine mandates Mandates how companies can respond... restricting their ability to choose.

States suppressing the voter rights of citizens

I'll take ineffective than suppressing the rights of citizens. Something that Republicans are supposedly against.
I think the mistake in your logic is thinking they are REAL citizens

The Republicans are just telling you who real citizens are with their policy. Also, patriarchy and white supremacy aren't a thing. No need to worry


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
So uh

Dwarvenhobble is now on record saying he'd rather support fascists because he knows them.
HAHAHAHAH, he just admitted to being a total tool!

A state barring a woman's constitutional right in a non-constitutional manner by deputizing people to hunt down abortionists

A state who's against the vaccine mandates Mandates how companies can respond... restricting their ability to choose.

States suppressing the voter rights of citizens

I'll take ineffective than suppressing the rights of citizens. Something that Republicans are supposedly against.
You forget this a known butt kisser and goal poster. Nothing new here.

Seriously, fuck the Republicans. They care more about screwing everyone that is not them, and each other (if they get a better deal or to save their own pathetic hide).
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
A single reporter covering up swearing on a live broadcast is The Left?
It also got reported on by a number of outlets as some big insidious thing lol

A state barring a woman's constitutional right in a non-constitutional manner by deputizing people to hunt down abortionists

A state who's against the vaccine mandates Mandates how companies can respond... restricting their ability to choose.

States suppressing the voter rights of citizens

I'll take ineffective than suppressing the rights of citizens. Something that Republicans are supposedly against.
In the first case it's reliant on the public to work / enforce really

As much as I think it's dumb the 2nd one is going pro choice for employees which I'd rather see than corporations choosing for said employees.

Florida Republicans have introduced several restrictive voting bills, including one that would ban ballot drop boxes and block mail-in ballot applications that were used in previous elections. The authors of the bills say these measures are essential for improving election security.
Wasn't there a drop box torched last year?
I can see an argument to not used them and instead post them back normally because a big box is basically making something an easy target.

As for no previous mail in ballot applications from previous elections, well that could easily be abused if some-one got one of those and other people were able to file to get the vote because they found said persons application or kept an ex partners application and decided to use it potentially getting the partner in trouble initially for voter fraud.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
In the first case it's reliant on the public to work / enforce really

As much as I think it's dumb the 2nd one is going pro choice for employees which I'd rather see than corporations choosing for said employees.

Wasn't there a drop box torched last year?
I can see an argument to not used them and instead post them back normally because a big box is basically making something an easy target.

As for no previous mail in ballot applications from previous elections, well that could easily be abused if some-one got one of those and other people were able to file to get the vote because they found said persons application or kept an ex partners application and decided to use it potentially getting the partner in trouble initially for voter fraud.
Reliant on the incentivization of $10,000 dollars.

But put the bounty hunter, "I get paid for doing something I think is morally right" part of it aside for a minute. It literally doesn't matter if it's reliant on Porn Stars creating movies, or the effectiveness of solar panels. How it works isn't the issue. It's a constitutional right that's being flouted by a cute grab ass loop hole. "Hey, we're not doing it. It's the people".

The people who are deputized by a law that is sole purpose is to get around a constitutional right that people disagree with. I don't care how it works. As someone who says they are for citizens and citizens right for choice, you should be livid. Not giving up half hearted defenses that skirt the actual issue.

And what do you suggest for those employees that agree with vaccinations? Who don't want to get sick or be stuck in a in-closed place for +8 hours with someone coughing? That are supposed to be afforded a safe work environment by OSHA? What about the businesses, that people are supposedly so concerned with having to shell out money for closing down sections of a plant due to someone bringing covid into the work place? That could have been prevented or severely lessened if everyone just got a shot? Why does it seem like concern only falls in the laps of people who don't give a rat's ass about other people, and are only concerned about their 'rights'? Oddly enough, enforcing their rights clearly infringes on other's rights....

There were a "few" drop boxes that were created by Republicans who were not duly deputized to handle collection and distribution of ballots.

You know what could easily be abused? Guns. Access to guns. Why, a giant 'first world' nation with absolutely abysmal healthcare (not to mention mental health care), disproportionate distribution of wealth, and a political biases of "EVERYONE ON THAT SIDE WANTS TO STEAL EVERYTHING YOU HAVE" should most likely think better about allowing just anyone to have a gun. But one of the most major political powerhouses in this nation, the NRA, wants just that. No background checks, no wait periods. Just everyone have a gun and literally let God sort them out.

Not like mass shootings and armed incursions on State Capitols are a thing here, right?

How about a political party stacking the highest court in the land to make laws that can effectively rob its citizens of their rights. I know, I know, I just talked about it, but Gosh Darn-it, I am kind of a stickler for inalienable rights of every human in this Nation. so if it's salient, might as well stick with it.

You talk about possible abuses. I talk about actual abuses by the right. How about this? If the sanctity of Nation demands sacrifice, how about starting with some of the privileges the Right enjoys instead of looking over towards people who look like me and calculating what else can be robbed from us? Then maybe I and other likes me wouldn't feel like we need to fight the right with every Iota of our being just to make sure that we're still seen as citizens... let alone human beings wherever the Right has a foothold.