Uhh, I mean, you said yourself that men are still dominating the main character space. So...yeah, problem still not solved.
And you're right, there's never a completion point on "better": because there's no such thing as perfect. Media is always evolving, and that's a good thing. Stagnation is death. Always criticize flaws
What you're saying is that art must tick a series of check boxes always.
- Is the main character an only slighty-decent look minority
-Are there enough LBGT characters sprinkled through out the story.
-Make sure nothing bad happens towards marginalized characters
-nothing resembling any sort of possible stereotype can exist (whether positive, negative, or neutral)
How can something be a creative piece of artwork if the creator must always make sure they are adhering to an imaginary social criteria that normal people don't think about on a day-to-day basis?
I disagree with things can always be better, because even if they managed to make the gender of characters so varied that it boarders on "perfect", there will always be another bug to pick. If it's not the sexualization of women, then any character in an action game will be called abuse-fantasy. Or some other such form of shit. The people who write articles like this are not doing so because they think there is a genuine problem, they are doing to generate clicks and inflate their socisl credit-score.
in 2019 59% of the games features women as the main characters (according to feminist frequency) And that wasn't enough because 41% of the featured games had males as the lead role. So even when the MAJORITY of game reveals where staring women, it wasn't good enough. So at what point will it be good enough? 75%? 99%? 100%? Should the games industry just not make male characters for a few years to balance out the discrepancy?
There is a reason why i always ask these questions, because nobody can ever give me an answer when I ask "at what point would you be satisfied?" Because the answer is never, like you said people in your camp will only ever admit to things being "better" but never good enough. So yeah, perfection doesn't exist because these people have no criteria for "good enough" let alone perfection. If you can't even get to an okay place, how can you ever hope to achieve perfection?