I think that's fine. I myself don't always feel for digging up articles. But that does mean that so far we only have your word on it that outlets were out go get Ghost.
And the articles I already posted from other outlets
Personally I find it funnier when people try to say that Metal Gear games or the fall of Falluja aren't political.
And if many games portray the ''war on terror'' as valid, as a legitimate struggle against terrorism and if they're all middle eastern terrorists rather than French ones then it sounds to me as if the games have certain things to say about American interventions in the Middle East.
Still kind of a strawman the Metal Gear Solid thing there. (oddly one that has already been brought up and I posted some-one basically replying to it on twitter)
Except its not. You literally gave us a definition of what you thought woke meant, and it was more than a little scewed.
No it's pretty much always the one that's been used
As another poster already pointed out such cases are often genuinely accompanied by examples of racism, homophobia and all that. You can't argue that there were strong far right undertones in at least some critics of many pieces of media that get accused of being too woke.
I also found that many people are willing to completely hijack the movements against certain media and drag it into their own political sphere. You had people insisted that Mass Effect Andromada was bad because it went ''full SJW'' rather than it being bad because the game was broken and unfinished. With Star Wars too people seem very willing to ignore the actual reasons why the new trilogy doesn't work and instead focus solely on feminism. And of course people focus much more on Abby having big arms than about the core message of TLOU2 being cliche, mundane and really boring.
Based on often nebulous standards. Hell Eli Roth's
Green Inferno saw some people accusing it of racism not for the whole cannibal tribe stuff but for daring to suggest FGM is bad and painful for women and a white man saying such a thing in film was imperialist towards cultures that practice something which I'm going to say is harmful, outdated, fairly barbaric and hilarious as it turns out not even actually some ancient cultural practice in most culture it is relatively new to many of them (say 1600s at earliest).
Also while yes it should have been called bad for the bugs (and was from most I saw). Part of the issue with the argument of it going SJW is that can't be fixed so easily without more work. E.G. The little side bit in the game that actually somewhat deconstructs the Asari species and culture from being basically a mono-gender species so much so that their life stages are gender named to a species that now has 5 genders despite them basically having no concept of gender until they met other species and the new aliens having 7 different sets of possible gender pronouns.
With Star Wars, part of the issue of the new "Strong female lead" is the weird writing that really isn't willing to let them suffer and come out and triumph over that adversity. People will then point to Luke and go "Well he never had a journey and suffer" which is untrue. Luke had his arm cut off and hell he almost froze to death and basically had to be put into a special treatment tank for a while to save his life. How does Rey suffer and overcome adversity? She gets told her parents were no-ones and she has a bit of an issue with visions or something in the 3rd film. In the original trilogy Luke has to be trained by Yoda as his powers are there but needed to be refined and he needed to be taught to tap into them, meanwhile Rey needs no training she just totally needs to believe in herself because her skills and abilities are all there totally formed with no real training needed to be able to use them.
To bring up once again the Alita vs Captain Marvel things
From my understanding of Captain Marvel: The super powers were in here all the time just suppressed and she was just being lied to / deceived by the actual enemy and she was totally powerful all along.
Alita: Starts the film basically broken as hell barely alive, gets rebuilt and has to learn about the world again. Goes to confront one of the villains and gets beaten so badly she basically ends up as a head a torso and a hand as all that's left. Gets her sort of power / combat body suit and comes back to fight again.
With a "Woke" narrative: The usually female lead is already amazingly powerful and the only thing holding her back is society and her own self doubt in her powers, they need no training, they don't have to suffer a setback and get back up again they just have to realise how special and powerful they are. Part of this is due to the idea among 4th wave feminists that depictions of VAW (Violence Against Women) in media is wrong and is part of what causes violence against women in real life thus a piece of media doesn't meet their requirement to be endorsed seemingly if a female character faces violence that gets to the stage of being a serious threat and they suffer "too much" harm. It's why Batwoman gets pushed quite hard but Stargirl doesn't because Stargirl is willing to basically let a villain kick the ass of Stargirl to build up how much of a threat they are so much so in Season 1 Stargirl spends most of an episode in hospital then at home recovering.
It's why despite Atomic Blonde being a great female equivalent to James Bond films you didn't see the media outlets fawning over it but almost at the same time there were some pushing for a female James Bond.
Nonsense. They were not the first characters kissing in a trailer. Had the trailer been exactly the same except focusing about Joel and a new girlfriend none of you would have given a peep. No one would claim the trailer is trying to celebrate heterosexuality
Not the first but as I said, can you name another trailer? Not least one that made it a more focal point and wasn't a quick kiss happening in a short few second scene?
Also you're right in wouldn't have been celebrated. Thing is it very much was celebrated when it was Ellie, there's an element of Tumblr fanfiction shippers in this and well lets just say there's probably a reason the kiss happened at totally now post apocalypse prom