I don't think that's an anti-woke opinion at all. I'm an anarchist, so I largely agree.
The one thing I would ask is, how would you feel about cleaning up the mess?
Let's take drugs. Many illegal drugs are extremely addictive, and they're especially attractive especially to people who are not living very good lives because they provide an escape. Addiction, sadly, isn't like it is on the movies or television. It's not something people typically snap out of just through willpower or because they just gosh-darn love their families so much. Recovering from addiction is one of the hardest things a person can do, and it's a process that lasts for the rest of that person's life.
So yeah, we can legalize drugs. But if you legalize drugs and just keep everything else the way it is, the result is just going to be a lot of addicts and a lot of people making money off of addicts.
The same goes for sex work. Some of my friends have done various forms of sex work, and it works really well for some people. But when people talk about "legalizing" sex work, often what they mean is legalizing the sex industry and the economic exploitation of sex workers, often at the expense of the freedom that makes sex work so attractive to many people. Legalizing the sex industry also tends to increase demand for sexual services without a corresponding increase in supply, which means that actually it doesn't reduce the problems of things like trafficking or coercion in the way lobbyists often claim. It also leads to a pressure on the industry to drive down prices, which means sex work ends up being devalued.
Again, decriminalizing sex work sounds great, but depending on the way it is implemented, and assuming everything else stays the same the result is not actually very beneficial for the people who do it.
So yeah, who cleans up the mess?