Funny events in anti-woke world


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I mean....he's right in the sense that whoever it is really won't be getting a single Republican vote.
I wouldn't bet on that.

There's little point in the Republicans being that obstructive. They will control SCOTUS 6-3 anyway so there's not so much at play, and if they fancy making inroads into Democratic dominance amongst non-whites, it's a totally unnecessary own goal. I'm sure they'll ask some difficult questions, but I don't think they'll oppose the candidate in lockstep as long as she's halfway credible.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Also, Portugal legalized all drugs, and instead of locking people up, they put them in clinics, give them clean needles, etc.
What Portugal did, and what is likely to happen across much of Europe in the near future, is to make the possession of small quantities of drugs an administrative rather than a criminal offence.

What this means is that if you are caught in possession of drugs in Portugal, your case goes to a panel consisting of medical professionals, social workers and lawyers which decides what level of risk your case poses and whether any action should be taken. Usually, no action is taken, but the panel can take a range of measures ranging from referring you to counselling services through to compulsory rehabilitation.

The point was never to create a "marketplace" for drugs. It is not legal to sell drugs in Portugal, or to possess them in quantities considered to be too high to meet the criteria for personal use. It's a harm-reduction strategy and one that seems to work really really well, as did the even more permissive approach taken by Switzerland. Both countries have seen a very large reduction in things like drug related deaths and HIV transmission via needles.

One of the main goals, for example, is to stifle the trade in opioids. By making it extremely easy for addicts to get opioids by prescription, for example, those addicts become less dependent on their dealers, which reduces the potential profits of dealing drugs like heroin and ultimately means less being brought into the country in the first place.

But imagine if the sale of drugs was legal. Now you have a situation where a legal business is in direct competition with state-funded medical services, where social workers and medical professionals are working hard to treat addiction while companies are trying desperately to get more people addicted so they can sell to them. In essence, it's the same situation we have with tobacco, only potentially a lot more messy.

Also, many sex workers have to face a war against their livelihoods. Many are arrested by the police for example, and many face abusive pimps. I would rather all of that be given a spotlight, and the sex workers are given more workers rights up to, and including unions.
There's a huge problem here which by definition we don't hear much about.

Most people who end up doing sex work don't want anyone to know, and most people who end up doing sex work aren't choosing it as a permanent career. They're doing it to meet some immediate need or accumulate some savings, and their ambition is to leave and do something else. Those people don't necessarily want to be on a registry somewhere, they certainly don't want to join a union. As nice as it may be to think otherwise, a lot of sex workers are not hugely proud of what they do, and certainly don't want what they do to be public knowledge.

The problem is that this word "sex work" describes so many different things, and so many different people, all of whom may have completely different needs. But a huge, huge proportion of the people who do sex work aren't visible within the discourse around it because they don't want to be visible at all. That lack of visibility is a part of what they need.

Again, the point is not that we shouldn't decriminalize these things, but that doing so is a very involved process that in some cases would require society to work very differently to the way it currently does.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
So yeah, we can legalize drugs. But if you legalize drugs and just keep everything else the way it is, the result is just going to be a lot of addicts and a lot of people making money off of addicts.

The same goes for sex work.
So yeah, who cleans up the mess?
These two things are vital to the human condition - all adults need a way to alter their consciousness, and all adults need a sexual outlet.
"The mess" is solely due to ignoring this and the stigmatisation of these activities for political gain.
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Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
These two things are vital to the human condition - all adults need a way to alter their consciousness, and all adults need a sexual outlet.
I would personally rephrase that to all adults have a right to alter their consciousness, and all adults deserve a space to explore their sexuality.

Just because you can alter your consciousness, and just because I believe you should have the right to do so, doesn't mean it's a good idea. I think every healthy adult should be able to alter their own consciousness, but doing so can be dangerous because you are manipulating parts of your brain that are more powerful than your conscious mind. Parts which can absolutely destroy you, or take over your entire life and strip you of everything you thought you were. Drugs deserve enormous respect, and people who use them need to look after each other.

I think the problem with equating all adults needing a sexual outlet with decriminalizing sex work is that sex work requires a person to actually do it. The idea that having sexual access to someone else is vital to the human condition and required to meet some basic need is, to me at least, a very dodgy precedent to set, because it entails an obligation on someone to meet that need.

What is valuable and great about sex work, at least right now, is that it can be incredibly liberating for the people who do it, especially compared to working in other areas of a capitalist economy, but there is a dark side to sex work that is not liberating or empowering to the people who do it and instead just seeks to extract as much work from them for as little value as possible, because that's what work has become under capitalism. The real danger is that moving towards greater legalization might mean legalizing the later at the expense of the former.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I just...

Please explain how I am supposed to take these people seriously as a political class?
Minnie isn't sexy anymore! And if Candace can't get off to the Cartoon Mouse because she's wearing a pantsuit, the commies have officially won!

Meanwhile, the rest of us don't fucking give a shit about Minnie's wardrobe because we have more important things in our lives.
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Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
I wouldn't bet on that.

There's little point in the Republicans being that obstructive. They will control SCOTUS 6-3 anyway so there's not so much at play, and if they fancy making inroads into Democratic dominance amongst non-whites, it's a totally unnecessary own goal. I'm sure they'll ask some difficult questions, but I don't think they'll oppose the candidate in lockstep as long as she's halfway credible.
They'll oppose whoever is nominated in (or near) lockstep and Manchin will join them because the pick is 'divisive'.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
If they stall long enough, the court will go 7-2.

The GOP has no principles, they'll try and stall for 3 years. After all, they don't have to worry about a 4-4 split on a 6-2 court


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
lmao jfc

Oh well, if they do that then you can look forward to a Republican presidency until 2028. But I guess the Democrats need to learn the same lesson twice before it will sink in.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Oh well, if they do that then you can look forward to a Republican presidency until 2028. But I guess the Democrats need to learn the same lesson twice before it will sink in.
That article is completely bizarre. It even sort of admits the scenario is whackjob territory, and then attempts to justify its usefulness by saying crazy stuff is happening at the moment.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Oh well, if they do that then you can look forward to a Republican presidency until 2028. But I guess the Democrats need to learn the same lesson twice before it will sink in.
They learnt it for the second time many years ago. This is like the twentieth.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
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Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
No? Clinton is a broken politician. Any credibility she might have had was crushed in 2016.
It's a conservative daily tabloid. Seanchaidh conveniently forgot to mention that in favor of pretending it's actually news.
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It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Should a stumbling Biden then resign or be mentally or physically incapacitated and removed from office through the 25th Amendment, Hillary, as the new vice president, would be president without an election. And the Democrats, if not the country, would let out a sigh of relief.
Yeah sure Peter, way to meme.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Yeah sure Peter, way to meme.
It's funny. Republicans spent the entire election year telling me that Harris was going to have poisoned Biden by now, taken the Presidency and made white people a slave class. They always seem to have another doomsday scenario ready when whatever one they were pushing doesn't come to fruition.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
It's funny. Republicans spent the entire election year telling me that Harris was going to have poisoned Biden by now, taken the Presidency and made white people a slave class. They always seem to have another doomsday scenario ready when whatever one they were pushing doesn't come to fruition.
It's like the Antichrist conspiracies. Every time the current alleged Antichrist dies without starting the end of the world, they move on to another target without missing a beat. Any target will do.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
It's like the Antichrist conspiracies. Every time the current alleged Antichrist dies without starting the end of the world, they move on to another target without missing a beat. Any target will do.
Any day now. Obama was president, now he's a podcasters. Once he starts his hot tub twitch stream the end times will begin.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
It's funny. Republicans spent the entire election year telling me that Harris was going to have poisoned Biden by now, taken the Presidency and made white people a slave class. They always seem to have another doomsday scenario ready when whatever one they were pushing doesn't come to fruition.
I think that stems from a very antiquated and moralistic view about woman where they come to lead our noble men astray the moment we let them out of the kitchen and into the government. The Cleopatra syndrome.