Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
I would personally rephrase that to all adults have a right to alter their consciousness, and all adults deserve a space to explore their sexuality.

Just because you can alter your consciousness, and just because I believe you should have the right to do so, doesn't mean it's a good idea.
I'm not talking psychonaut territory (though respect to those that do), just that we pretty much all need to partake in a drug as reliable and consistent in the relaxation effects as alcohol, without the devastating health effects. And we have them - kava, cbd/thc, and I'm sure there are others. But society has decided one is acceptable and alternatives are not.

If sex work was not stigmatised, those who have the fortitude and aptitude and generosity for it could freely (figuratively) and safely provide that service for those of us who socially are unable to more 'organically' acquire it. Taking the 'shadow-market' aspect away from it would I imagine take away the exploitation/organised crime/sexual slavery part of it and give the power to the practioners themselves.

I'm probably engaging in somewhat utopian thinking that would require a hundred years worth of shifting social attitutdes, but it's not impossible.



Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
Taking the 'shadow-market' aspect away from it would I imagine take away the exploitation/organised crime/sexual slavery part of it and give the power to the practioners themselves.
you can find lots of exploitation and some organized crime and sexual slavery in legal businesses, so this is far from clear.

i think decriminalization would be a marked improvement, though not a panacea. if nothing else, it would stop an amount of police abuse and rape of sex workers.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace

K so been playing bioshock infinite recently and now this is what happun in modern times no less

Yeah, I got more out of bioshock infinite because I'd seen that kind of shit when the game came out. The founders of Columbia are a very thin parody of the US right wing.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Yeah, I got more out of bioshock infinite because I'd seen that kind of shit when the game came out. The founders of Columbia are a very thin parody of the US right wing.
It's a teensy bit concerning that satire, obvious satire is still being less obvious in it's messaging that reality right now. There was another popular rally last night in Texas too. So much concern to unpack, but should mention the "snake" poem read garnered a lot of cheers at the time.

Also this is twice now they've used WWEs undertaker entrance theme for Trump's pre-speech build up. The death march track, yes. What is there to satirise left?
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
I am still ticked off about Youtube getting rid of dislikes. The reason companies do so is to maximize market share, and to maximize either revenue (Amazon for example) or net revenues/profits(Apple for example), and one dislike is basically negative advertising against them, it could cost them a sale, or just generate negative PR.

But there is a second dumber reason. To protect people who have fragile egos. I am sorry if you don't like your dislike bars either grow up and accept criticism as a public figure or leave the entertainment industry. You don't HAVE to be a Youtuber or be a public figure on social media. I have gotten ratioed on Twitter and attacked Youtube, I didn't respond by wanting that person silenced.

Also, there have been cases where I have worked hard only to find my work sucks, and I got a lot of negative feedback. When I was presenting for intermediate Macro-Economics against three presentations, my presentation was literally the worst, my equations sucked, models were wrong, my graphs were wrong and confusing, and my slides weren't as good. I had an argument with the professor/Ph.D. student about it(It was on supply chain shocks vs supply chain shortages), so instead I redid a lot of it and made my models, equations, and information better, and I got the highest grade in the class on the final paper related to the presentation. (It turns out the economy wasn't gloomy and was really good due to the Biden recovery, I was warped by my hatred of Biden at the time)

There was a second time in the international relations course where I argued China was in the wrong/immoral in the Cold War 2 between China, and the US war with classmates on a Zoom session. Almost the entire class was against me, the Chinese Expat students/international students hated my guts, the communists' students sided with the international students, and argued China was better than the US in civil rights(I shit you not), the neo-conservatives and republicans didn't back me up or support me, the liberals assumed I was wrong, the Trump supporter supported me, but ended up turning against me when I mentioned the US was forming a world government/New World Order. It was a blow, and even the Trump IR professor who had written for Vox that Trump's foreign policy was better than Obama didn't say anything. Despite this I didn't cuss at them, call anyone names, and I mostly argued civilly while the other side didn't. Because while I am sensitive to criticism I still love free speech which many people in Gen Z and Millenials don't.

They would rather cancel, and riot in Berkeley beat up Trump supporters in San Jose, and knockdown statues of Abe Lincoln

Disliking something is free speech, whether you like it or not. No wonder I despise this part of the anti-free speech left.


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
I am still ticked off about Youtube getting rid of dislikes. The reason companies do so is to maximize market share, and to maximize either revenue (Amazon for example) or net revenues/profits(Apple for example), and one dislike is basically negative advertising against them, it could cost them a sale, or just generate negative PR.

But there is a second dumber reason. To protect people who have fragile egos. I am sorry if you don't like your dislike bars either grow up and accept criticism as a public figure or leave the entertainment industry. You don't HAVE to be a Youtuber or be a public figure on social media. I have gotten ratioed on Twitter and attacked Youtube, I didn't respond by wanting that person silenced.

Also, there have been cases where I have worked hard only to find my work sucks, and I got a lot of negative feedback. When I was presenting for intermediate Macro-Economics against three presentations, my presentation was literally the worst, my equations sucked, models were wrong, my graphs were wrong and confusing, and my slides weren't as good. I had an argument with the professor/Ph.D. student about it(It was on supply chain shocks vs supply chain shortages), so instead I redid a lot of it and made my models, equations, and information better, and I got the highest grade in the class on the final paper related to the presentation. (It turns out the economy wasn't gloomy and was really good due to the Biden recovery, I was warped by my hatred of Biden at the time)

There was a second time in the international relations course where I argued China was in the wrong/immoral in the Cold War 2 between China, and the US war with classmates on a Zoom session. Almost the entire class was against me, the Chinese Expat students/international students hated my guts, the communists' students sided with the international students, and argued China was better than the US in civil rights(I shit you not), the neo-conservatives and republicans didn't back me up or support me, the liberals assumed I was wrong, the Trump supporter supported me, but ended up turning against me when I mentioned the US was forming a world government/New World Order. It was a blow, and even the Trump IR professor who had written for Vox that Trump's foreign policy was better than Obama didn't say anything. Despite this I didn't cuss at them, call anyone names, and I mostly argued civilly while the other side didn't. Because while I am sensitive to criticism I still love free speech which many people in Gen Z and Millenials don't.

They would rather cancel, and riot in Berkeley beat up Trump supporters in San Jose, and knockdown statues of Abe Lincoln

Disliking something is free speech, whether you like it or not. No wonder I despise this part of the anti-free speech left.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra

K so been playing bioshock infinite recently and now this is what happun in modern times no less
Don't you see, though? God only loves white people- that's why we made Him in our image!

As a WWE Hall of famer Trump really should know that gimmick infringement is a dick move.
Yes, but Trump is a dick, so dick moves come naturally to him.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I can think of a bunch of much better reasons aliens haven't made contact but as you do
Yeeeaaaaah. Suffice it to say Nick Pope is not an "expert", as the Star has characterised him. He's a fringe media personality.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I'd never heard of him but that doesn't shock me.
Well, the Star seems to be referring to him as an "expert" because he once worked for the MOD. While there, he worked on the desk that investigated whether "UFO" sightings had any defence significance.

Of course, the purpose of that desk was nothing to do with aliens. It was making sure unidentified aircraft weren't undeclared spy aircraft from other countries. Pope appears to have dramatically misunderstood his brief and interpreted it as a kind of X-Files type deal. He left in 2006 and the desk was closed in 2009 (probably because foreign aircraft can now quite reliably be identified by software).

I very much doubt the Star is reporting the story for anti-Russia propaganda purposes, either, because that outlet has next-to-no national influence. It just reports on stuff it finds funny or interesting (or easy to exaggerate into something funny/interesting).