I'm surprised we don't have a thread like this already. Surely we have in the past right? Anyway, share your favorite characters from video-games and tell us why. Note that this is your favorite characters, you don't need a big justification for why they're your favorite, can be anything from their personality, actions, or just because they look cool.
So I'll start with a very nonstandard one.
Yoshiki from Corpse Party

Dude's a fighter. His parents have disowned him, he's not good at keeping his grades up, and he has very little reason to go to school aside from one specific person and he's considered a delinquent that's not worth interacting with by most people. You'd think that'd make him susceptible to the 'darkening' nature of the hell world dimension that most of the series takes place in but no, Yoshiki is one of the most stalwart and least corruptible people in the series.
Not only does he go to great lengths to save his friends at great risk to himself but in particular; his willingness to protect and stick with Ayumi endears him to most people that play the games. Ayumi is a character that comes from a family of mystics and because of that she's more susceptible to the 'darkening' effect of Heavenly Host, getting possessed by the tormented and evil spirits of that dimension many times throughout the original game, but despite that, Yoshiki manages to stick with her, showing a huge amount of patience and dedication when dealing with her possessions and saving her life when she's in danger. All this because he cares about her for being one of the only people to show concern for his well being and in spite of her having feelings for someone else (Because they're stuck in a hell dimension, ain't got time for that shit).
He has no special powers or anything, he's not super smart or knowledgeable about how things work but he puts his all into surviving and helping those he cares about. That's why he's one of my favorite video-game characters.
So I'll start with a very nonstandard one.
Yoshiki from Corpse Party

Dude's a fighter. His parents have disowned him, he's not good at keeping his grades up, and he has very little reason to go to school aside from one specific person and he's considered a delinquent that's not worth interacting with by most people. You'd think that'd make him susceptible to the 'darkening' nature of the hell world dimension that most of the series takes place in but no, Yoshiki is one of the most stalwart and least corruptible people in the series.
Not only does he go to great lengths to save his friends at great risk to himself but in particular; his willingness to protect and stick with Ayumi endears him to most people that play the games. Ayumi is a character that comes from a family of mystics and because of that she's more susceptible to the 'darkening' effect of Heavenly Host, getting possessed by the tormented and evil spirits of that dimension many times throughout the original game, but despite that, Yoshiki manages to stick with her, showing a huge amount of patience and dedication when dealing with her possessions and saving her life when she's in danger. All this because he cares about her for being one of the only people to show concern for his well being and in spite of her having feelings for someone else (Because they're stuck in a hell dimension, ain't got time for that shit).
He has no special powers or anything, he's not super smart or knowledgeable about how things work but he puts his all into surviving and helping those he cares about. That's why he's one of my favorite video-game characters.