I'm not fond of the Burton films either, though I prefer Returns (barely) to the original. And likewise, I'm not fond of Keaton as Batman. In the first film, as Bruce, he just seems to be wandering through, dazed and confused. Even when there's a mobster shooting, he just looks on in a daze. I get what the writers were going for, showing that Bruce just isn't all there thanks to his parents' deaths, but it doesn't make for an interesting character. And similarly, the film just sort of meanders through things.
Returns is a bit better for Bruce though - far more dynamic in his interactions with Max and Selina. I like to think that Bruce has been 'bettered' by his interactions with Vikki, that able to form a relationship (obviously one that didn't last), he's able to interact more naturally in his civilian form. I know none of that's established in the film itself, but it's my headcanon as to why Bruce is so different between the two films.