The Fast & Furious franchise has a surprising legacy of superheroes being in their films, whether that’s Vin Diesel as Groot, or the more recent addition of John “Peacemaker” Cena that came with last year’s F9. (This is to say nothing of the real superhero in the cast, which is Tyrese Gibson as a cop in Morbius.) Next year’s Fast 10 is bringing Aquaman into the fold, and now it’s been announced that the franchise is gaining another superhero actor in the form of Captain Marvel herself, Brie Larson.
Diesel broke the news himself on Saturday night, posting a selfie of him and Larson smiling together. In welcoming her to “The Family,” he also teases the importance of her character to “the mythology” of the Fast universe, and she’ll add “something you might not have expected, but yearned for.” It’s worth noting that back in February, Larson herself said that she was a fan of the franchise and expressed that she would really like to be in the films someday. “I’m obsessed, I love them,” she told Uproxx. Good on her for getting to achieve her dreams.
Fast & Furious 10 Enlists Captain Marvel Into Its Cast
This is probably not a lead-in for an F&F/ MCU crossover...right?