Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Musk doesn't do anything unless he feels there's something in it for him. If not financial gain, then perhaps power and influence. Or maybe he just being a petty dick again.
I mean it's probably to be king dick on twitter since twitter hates him, now they can't hate him because he owns that shit.

Although maybe he'll buy it and let it actually be free speech (as hje claims) so shitting on him will be allowed.

I saw a tweet that I found really funny from a Youtuber named Jesse Cox.
I thought this was funny because Jesse is a millionaire. So millionaires are okay. You are allowed to be rich, but not too rich.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Some 3rd party but a lot from social media or what I'm guessing were PR pieces being pushed out to some of the media.
3rd party and "what you're guessing." Neither of these claims are particuarly compelling.

No that's the thing. It's the reason they failed because Chibnall and others didn't think much beyond that they went "We have a diverse range of people, that's all we need. The thing being the moment anyone objects to the characters etc people they just cry bigot / racist / sexist to try and shut them down and present all those objecting as "Not the real fans just angry Alt-right Nazi bigots."
And your source for Chibnall thinking this is...?

Look, I'll grant you that occasionally, I've seen content creators act like this, but on the flipside, what you've just said is indicative of a trend I've seen in media for close to a decade. It often goes along the lines of:

1: Character X is bad.

2: Character X is outside the 'norm'

3: Character X is an example of "forced diversity" - creators are shoving this down our throats, they're pandering to SJWs, all the problems of the character would be solved if they weren't 'woke.' (in other words, if Character X was in the 'norm,' all the problems of bad writing magically wouldn't exist)

This is a case in point. As I've made clear, I'm not fond of Chibnall's companions either, but the reason I'm not is that by giving Thirteen three companions at a time, Chibnall was stretching the time available to flesh them out thin, so whereas Davies and Moffat kept the companion no. to 1-2 at a time, and usually starting off with 1 and then 2 (e.g. Rory joins Eleven after Amy), Chibnall just dumps us with three. As to why he did that, I don't know, but my guess is that he was harkening back to OldWho, where it was common to have multiple companions at a time, and like Old Who, this made it harder to flesh them out. A lot of Chibnall's run has used OldWho as an inspiration, but whatever the case, I don't think his run has been good, and if anything, his attempt at carving his own path (Timeless Child, Flux) has been a disaster.

So, yeah. I don't think Chibnall's companions are good either. But it takes a really strange line of thinking that the reason they're not is because of some insidious agenda. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I think the idea of making the Doctor a woman was stupid for a variety of reasons, but to be frank, if Thirteen was male, all the issues with Thirteen would remain. And on the flipside, no-one cares about Sacha Dawan being the Master because, spoilers, he actually does a great job of it. So when someone outside the 'norm,' it's all well and good, but when they don't do a good job, the only reason is "forced diversity?"

Oh, and if we ARE talking about diversity, try and write Demons of the Punjab without Yaz being Pakistani for instance, or Rosa without Ryan being Black British. Neither of them would be able to function in their final form. I'm not sure how that's a bad thing.

I'm hoping T Davies fixes the mess that Doctor Who has become.
I hope so as well, but I don't think our diagnosis for the reasons behind the mess are the same.
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Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
Google shows results based on your history and interaction with it. I have no doubt certain people are bombarded with "woke" articles, because google doesn't especially understand that people might spend extensive time searching for things they don't want to see.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I mean it's probably to be king dick on twitter since twitter hates him, now they can't hate him because he owns that shit.

Although maybe he'll buy it and let it actually be free speech (as hje claims) so shitting on him will be allowed.
lmao, he swatted a whistleblower. This is gonna be a train wreck. Anybody thinks otherwise, Tumblr went from a billion dollar acquisition to a million dollar acquisition for a reason. Check for Musk shorting Twitter
I saw a tweet that I found really funny from a Youtuber named Jesse Cox.
I thought this was funny because Jesse is a millionaire. So millionaires are okay. You are allowed to be rich, but not too rich.
I mean, yeah? According to the highest estimate of Jessie Cox's net worth I can find, 1.5 million, Elon Musk spent 30,000 times as much buying Twitter alone. Humans are bad at visualizing scale

Musk needs to pay more taxes if he has that kind of cash floating around.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I mean, yeah? According to the highest estimate of Jessie Cox's net worth I can find, 1.5 million, Elon Musk spent 30,000 times as much buying Twitter alone. Humans are bad at visualizing scale

Musk needs to pay more taxes if he has that kind of cash floating around.
Jessie Cox used to do a podcast with Total Biscuit and Dodger. Maybe they still do after TB died

He had a lot of hot takes


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I hope so as well, but I don't think our diagnosis for the reasons behind the mess are the same.
The first episode of NuWho is top 5 worst episodes of NuWhu. So is Aliens in London. Davis had some great episode. And some truly awful one

So, I'm not going to hold my breath

Edit: Oh shit, remember Rose's family. The mum, the dad, the Mikey. All terrible.They make the Whittaker Three look well written.

The best part is Mickey fucking off and becoming.... well cool is a strong word. Cool for the early Nuwho years
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I mean it's probably to be king dick on twitter since twitter hates him, now they can't hate him because he owns that shit.
In a sense, Musk is of course doing similarly to Bezos buying the Washington Post. Rich and powerful people like having pet mouthpieces. Twitter is distinctly different from WaPo, of course, but it's still a comms medium.

Although maybe he'll buy it and let it actually be free speech (as hje claims) so shitting on him will be allowed.
What we might possibly consider is that Musk will buy Twitter and facilitate forms of free speech that suit him, whilst limiting other forms... that also suit him.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
In a sense, Musk is of course doing similarly to Bezos buying the Washington Post. Rich and powerful people like having pet mouthpieces. Twitter is distinctly different from WaPo, of course, but it's still a comms medium.

What we might possibly consider is that Musk will buy Twitter and facilitate forms of free speech that suit him, whilst limiting other forms... that also suit him.
Well it works for Rupert Murdoch, and William Randolph Hurst before him.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
In a sense, Musk is of course doing similarly to Bezos buying the Washington Post. Rich and powerful people like having pet mouthpieces. Twitter is distinctly different from WaPo, of course, but it's still a comms medium.

What we might possibly consider is that Musk will buy Twitter and facilitate forms of free speech that suit him, whilst limiting other forms... that also suit him.
I find it fascinating that people who thought Dorsey was not about Free Speech suddenly think Musk would because... wait, Dorsey said he was for free speech too. It's almost like its a identity politics buzz word that doesn't mean anything
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I find this bizarre, unless there's something missing.

A university should provide a respectful and inclusive learning environment for its students. It can academically challenge them, it can have standards of conduct and punish students that infringe, and lecturers can pose difficult and alternative views. But I absolutely do not see how "freedom of speech" reasonably extends to allowing lecturers to denigrate students.

If the university accepts students' declared genders, then it should be able to require its staff to respect students' gender as well.
I'd thought I'd add this. The journalist who was saying that Raynor was too sexy for Bojo to handle isn't allowed in the Westminster press core anymore. Because there is a certain standard that every job requires you to fulfill on, and this includes your speech



Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I mean, yeah? According to the highest estimate of Jessie Cox's net worth I can find, 1.5 million, Elon Musk spent 30,000 times as much buying Twitter alone. Humans are bad at visualizing scale

Musk needs to pay more taxes if he has that kind of cash floating around.
I mean 1.5 million is more money than 90% of people will ever have. So it puts him well into the upper bracket of people aloong the scale of good surgeons and lawyers probably. I just find his statement in general hypocritical because it's really a complaint about the rich when he is pretty damn well off.

Musk already pays taxes, according to estimates he pays more taxes than 50% of America COMBINED. There is an agurment that maybe billionaires need to pay more in taxes but the problem with that is that we tax based on earned income, not previous wealth.

And let's be real for a fucking second. Individual people are not the people who should be paying more taxes. It's coorporations who claim their income is off-shore and therefore pay next to nothing in taxes. Like good old Activision Blizzard who hasn't paid a DIME in coorporate taxes in years, despite making bilions in revenue.

We need to focus less on the faces of the companies like Musk, Kotick, Gates, etc etc etc. And focus more on the companies themselves, because those are the entities that should be pulling more fucking weight. IMO.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
In a sense, Musk is of course doing similarly to Bezos buying the Washington Post. Rich and powerful people like having pet mouthpieces. Twitter is distinctly different from WaPo, of course, but it's still a comms medium.
Sure but the public doesn't publish in the Washington Post. Unless he makes Twitter ban everyone and anyone who dares mention him in a negative light and/or demands everyone post a good thing about him everyday in order to keep their Twitter account, I don't think much is going to change. Outside of a few features that he has promise people, like the Edit button, which can only improve things.

Rich people own things, that's how things work, I don't really know why people are losing their mind so much. Quite frankly if you are that attached to fucking twitter of all things, you should reevaluate your life.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Musk already pays taxes,
No he doesn't. Like most billionaires he manipulates the tax code to get away with paying as little as possible, often avoiding paying income tax entirely.

And let's be real for a fucking second. Individual people are not the people who should be paying more taxes. It's coorporations who claim their income is off-shore and therefore pay next to nothing in taxes. Like good old Activision Blizzard who hasn't paid a DIME in coorporate taxes in years, despite making bilions in revenue.

We need to focus less on the faces of the companies like Musk, Kotick, Gates, etc etc etc. And focus more on the companies themselves, because those are the entities that should be pulling more fucking weight. IMO.
Por que no los dos?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
No he doesn't. Like most billionaires he manipulates the tax code to get away with paying as little as possible, often avoiding paying income tax entirely.
That's how people who are smart with money, make more money than everyone else. Musk is paying 11 billion in taxes this year though's: $0,-By Chris Isidore

Tesla however is paying nothing. Which is my bigger complaint because by claiming their income is offshore they escape coorporate taxes. Which is bullshit.

But what most rich people do is that they keep their wealth in investments, which means they only have to pay taxes on what they sell or buy because technically they aren't taking any income from anywhere, thus there is no taxable income for them to pay. This allows their money and investments to grow and they only use whatever money they need which allows them to keep their taxable income low.

There are perposals on the government trying to tax people on Net Worth, but the problem with doing that is the government has no right to that. Because a lot of Net worth is theoretical. Yes owning Tesla is potentially a lot of money, however if Tesla starting going bankrupt then that estimated net worth would be usless as the investment is not worth anything. Same thing with Bezo's and Amazon.

When people here Billionaire, a lot of people imagine checking their bank account and seeing a lot of zeros and commas in their checking accounts. But that's not how being rich works at all. Almost none of that money is liquid and is instead in assets like stocks or real estate.

For example do you know how taxes work when selling your home? Let's say for example you buy your house for $250,000. The total taxable value of your home is $250,000. Even if you sell your house for $1,000,000 five years later, they can only tax you on your original purchase value of $250,000. They cannot tax you on the value of the new sale. The person you sold it to has to pay taxes based on the $1,000,000 that THEY spent.

There is also a tax exception in which every 7-10 years (I forget which), you can escape paying ANY taxes off the sale of your house if you use that $1,000,000 to buy yourself a new primary residence. Basically if you sell a house to buy a different house (say you move out of state for a job or something that forces you to move) the government will not tax you on this if you simply move to a new primary residence. However your property taxes will increase based off the purchase price of your new home which will likely be more than the $250,000 of your initial home.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
By cheating the system? I think the word you're looking for isn't, "smart," it's, "dishonest."
it isn't cheating the system. It's using the system. It's also not dishonest, because it's all reported on paper. It's simply not taxable income because it's not income, and it's money that only exists in theory and isn't actually capital.

Much like getting really good at Dark Souls where you can beat the game naked with just your fists. You get so skilled at the system the game puts in place that you can do things normal people can't.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.