Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
A number of reasons.

First of all, there's the leg between conception and completion. Nuclear power plants take up to 20 years to build correctly. That's a hell of a lag compared to solar and wind farms. Even France's Messmer plan took 32 years to complete.

Then there's the levelized cost of energy. The LCOE for a nuclear power plant in 2018 was about $151/MWh. That's compared to $43/MWh for wind farms and $41/MWh for solar. And these are likely underestimates for nuclear again because of that lag in construction, nor does it include the cost of meltdowns and waste storage.

Then you have nuclear proliferation concerns as more nuclear power makes it easier to acquire fissile material.

I mentioned meltdowns already. Even an exploding coal plant doesn't do as much damage as a nuclear meltdown.

There's also the fact that uranium mining is an extraordinarily dangerous job with a very high risk of lung cancer.

These factors also combine to create higher emissions compared to renewables. When China went nuclear, their emissions went up during the building process and is estimated to have caused somewhere in the neighborhood of 69,000 deaths from the resulting air pollution.

And of course there are a lot of issues with waste disposal, with most facilities for disposal needing to be maintained for 200,000 years, which is well outside the operational life of a power plant.

Would you like more?
1. Not a lot you can do about construction time probably. Though it would probably be shortened if companies with experience where hired to consult and help build properly and efficiantly. Like crews from Japan, who's been on nuclear for a while now.

2. The cost might be higher but there might be reasons for that I am unaware of. Wind farms are not producing enough energy and have uncontrollable situations that effect the consistancy of the power (like having wind). Nuclear doesn't have that limitation, it runs rain or shine, day or night. And a single facility can cover a much larger area granting power needs to a lot more people than a wind farm.

As a side note, Wind farms require a lot of land space. Which wouldn't be the case with a typical power plant.

3. Meltdowns and general accidents are extremely rare. Possible but rare. And most accidents are minor with no lasting effects on the environment locally.

4. Jobs are dangerous, it's a factor in some jobs. Being a cop is dangerous, being a high rise window cleaner is dangerous. This isn't a valid argument. However the lung cancer risk is fairly easily mitigated with strict labor standards. Each worker should only be allowed to be exposed to the mine for X-number of hours per week/month whatever is deemed safe. Rotate your workforce so that employee's take turns doing different parts of the job, sometimes within the mine, sometimes working outside the mine outdoors where ventilation is good. Some jobs are dangerous and you'll never eliminate all dangers, but you mitigate what you can.

5. I don't think the emissions went up because of nuclear directly. They went up due to a higher volume of manufactoriing which is a whole other can of worms.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
6. As opposed to the toxic batteries in electric cars that burn out at a much faster rate than nuclear material. According to this article electricity from,the used fuel is recycled. the nuclear material is very recycleable until only a small tree amount of the fuel becomes waste. This article goes on to talk about the health risks of the waste, which is very small and the rate of decay to a non-harmful level is much faster that your implied 200,000 years, being only a couple hundred at most.

It's not perfect. But you said yourself we should try better even if not perfect right?


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
They are the face of it, while the billionaires are the source.

But at the same time the politicians are almost trapped. Because the rich can go be rich anywhere. So in order to keep wealth in the country the politicians have to please them in at least some ways.
Well... sort of. If your primary market is in one place, you cannot just relocate manufacturing/offices to another country without incurring huge shipping/export costs. Of course, the wealthy usually just declare the income elsewhere instead, and don't bother to actually move the business. But its purely a decision by politicians to allow them to continue doing so.

A better solution is the global minimum corporate tax rate. If a business moves, and the country it moves to charges less tax... then any other countries they do business in are also entitled to charge tax, regardless of where the business is officially stationed, up to a certain ceiling. That's the plan Janet Yellen worked out and is due to come into force in 2023.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Well... sort of. If your primary market is in one place, you cannot just relocate manufacturing/offices to another country without incurring huge shipping/export costs. Of course, the wealthy usually just declare the income elsewhere instead, and don't bother to actually move the business. But its purely a decision by politicians to allow them to continue doing so.

A better solution is the global minimum corporate tax rate. If a business moves, and the country it moves to charges less tax... then any other countries they do business in are also entitled to charge tax, regardless of where the business is officially stationed, up to a certain ceiling. That's the plan Janet Yellen worked out and is due to come into force in 2023.
thats a plan i could get behind.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
It's not perfect. But you said yourself we should try better even if not perfect right?
Except that I have yet to see evidence that nuclear is this magical silver bullet that its advocates keep insisting it is. It's still loaded with drawbacks and there doesn't seem to be much incentive to solve any of them, while others remain somewhat static.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
3rd party and "what you're guessing." Neither of these claims are particularly compelling.
Compelling or not it was pushed fairly heavily on that angle.

Also some media will get fed press releases and stuff (Source: I literally get some of the press release stuff for gaming companies)

And your source for Chibnall thinking this is...?

Look, I'll grant you that occasionally, I've seen content creators act like this, but on the flipside, what you've just said is indicative of a trend I've seen in media for close to a decade. It often goes along the lines of:

1: Character X is bad.

2: Character X is outside the 'norm'

3: Character X is an example of "forced diversity" - creators are shoving this down our throats, they're pandering to SJWs, all the problems of the character would be solved if they weren't 'woke.' (in other words, if Character X was in the 'norm,' all the problems of bad writing magically wouldn't exist)

This is a case in point. As I've made clear, I'm not fond of Chibnall's companions either, but the reason I'm not is that by giving Thirteen three companions at a time, Chibnall was stretching the time available to flesh them out thin, so whereas Davies and Moffat kept the companion no. to 1-2 at a time, and usually starting off with 1 and then 2 (e.g. Rory joins Eleven after Amy), Chibnall just dumps us with three. As to why he did that, I don't know, but my guess is that he was harkening back to OldWho, where it was common to have multiple companions at a time, and like Old Who, this made it harder to flesh them out. A lot of Chibnall's run has used OldWho as an inspiration, but whatever the case, I don't think his run has been good, and if anything, his attempt at carving his own path (Timeless Child, Flux) has been a disaster.

So, yeah. I don't think Chibnall's companions are good either. But it takes a really strange line of thinking that the reason they're not is because of some insidious agenda. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I think the idea of making the Doctor a woman was stupid for a variety of reasons, but to be frank, if Thirteen was male, all the issues with Thirteen would remain. And on the flipside, no-one cares about Sacha Dawan being the Master because, spoilers, he actually does a great job of it. So when someone outside the 'norm,' it's all well and good, but when they don't do a good job, the only reason is "forced diversity?"

Oh, and if we ARE talking about diversity, try and write Demons of the Punjab without Yaz being Pakistani for instance, or Rosa without Ryan being Black British. Neither of them would be able to function in their final form. I'm not sure how that's a bad thing.

I hope so as well, but I don't think our diagnosis for the reasons behind the mess are the same.
My Source of Chibnall thinking it is the number of times the pattern has repeated in many other bits of media and the same cycle has played out from America Chavez to the Charmed Reboot seemingly where they don't try to develop the characters as characters in their own right and any objection gets met with cries that anyone objecting is just a Nazi.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Google shows results based on your history and interaction with it. I have no doubt certain people are bombarded with "woke" articles, because google doesn't especially understand that people might spend extensive time searching for things they don't want to see.
I don't generally have to google search for this stuff it just works it's way to me via other means.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I would suggest that if you going to quote people to make a point, the quote should actually show evidence towards that point

Edit: Fuck, sorry. Forgot to say that was a BUNCH of strawmanning
Oh so you're now going to go for gas lighting and claiming the people never made any sort of implied or otherwise statements about my position on things?


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
As a side note, Wind farms require a lot of land space. Which wouldn't be the case with a typical power plant.
Yes and no. Yes in the sense they do, no in the sense they can easily be located where the land use for other purposes is very low, and that turbines don't mean that land is then completely useless for anything else.

Mostly, it's probably cheaper than nuclear.

Interestingly, in the UK, there are still decades worth of spent nuclear fuel, the disposal costs of which are... incredibly high. But they just keep managing to kick that can down the road.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Yes and no. Yes in the sense they do, no in the sense they can easily be located where the land use for other purposes is very low, and that turbines don't mean that land is then completely useless for anything else.

Mostly, it's probably cheaper than nuclear.

Interestingly, in the UK, there are still decades worth of spent nuclear fuel, the disposal costs of which are... incredibly high. But they just keep managing to kick that can down the road.
Nuclear gets a bad rap i think because all most people know of it are things like Chernobyl and Fukashima. Which is not exactly representative of the normal.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Interestingly, in the UK, there are still decades worth of spent nuclear fuel, the disposal costs of which are... incredibly high. But they just keep managing to kick that can down the road.
I've got dibs on one to keep the house warm next year.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Oh so you're now going to go for gas lighting and claiming the people never made any sort of implied or otherwise statements about my position on things?
You provided your evidence and utterly failed to connect it to your point

Maybe you should look up what gaslight means


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
That's how people who are smart with money, make more money than everyone else. Musk is paying 11 billion in taxes this year though's: $0,-By Chris Isidore

Tesla however is paying nothing. Which is my bigger complaint because by claiming their income is offshore they escape coorporate taxes. Which is bullshit.
Yeah, they cheat the tax code, we know. Smack them both


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
it isn't cheating the system. It's using the system. It's also not dishonest, because it's all reported on paper. It's simply not taxable income because it's not income, and it's money that only exists in theory and isn't actually capital.

Much like getting really good at Dark Souls where you can beat the game naked with just your fists. You get so skilled at the system the game puts in place that you can do things normal people can't.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.
The player is rigging the game, it didn't spring up fully formed from nothing. Hate the player
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Nuclear gets a bad rap i think because all most people know of it are things like Chernobyl and Fukashima. Which is not exactly representative of the normal.
Indeed. But they aren't exactly small issues, either. Honestly, if we're going to have a conventional backup to renewables, I'm not that bothered about gas: it's modest as emissions go.

There's something kind of weird about nuclear. I mean, not the technology itself, but people's attitude to it. I think it's that sort of whiff of futuristic awesomeness it's managed to hold onto (even if it's many decades old) some people love, plus an element of "This will show I care about the climate but also fuck the green lobby LOL". I'm not particularly against nuclear by any means, it's just I cannot help but feel it's messy and expensive whilst more practical alternatives already exist.