Most of the articles about I seemed to see and tweets etc about the show talking about how this would finally make Sci-Fi inclusive or some nonsense and how the show was so diverse (not how good it was how diverse it was)
Okay, but were those articles coming from the producers themselves, or from third party publications? Because there's a difference there in regards to how the show presents itself, and how observers present the show.
See I liked Clara's arc in that she was kinda a Mary Sue but that success came back to bite her in the butt in the end which I'm shocked didn't draw some outrage form other segments of the "Fanbase"
I agree, but I wouldn't quite put it like that. It's not so much that "Clara is a Sue, so she dies," it's more the idea of Clara getting over her head (arguably facilitated by the Doctor himself), and pays the price for it.
As for the lack of outrage...well, I wouldn't have really expected it. Clara was generally disliked, and even if she wasn't, I think her death was well handled. Plus, after it, you get one of the best DW episodes ever written IMO (Heaven Sent), which deals with the immediate aftermath of that, so there's that, as well.
Chibnall's issue was he didn't have any real arcs planned out fully to flesh out the companions beyond "Diverse group"
Alright, seriously, is this another "forced diversity" thing? Because saying that "diversity" is the reason why Thirteen's companions don't work is missing the forest for the trees at best. You could have any combination of companions for Thirteen and the issues would remain.
seemingly early on which really shows up far stronger with Yaz in the first two seasons where Season 1of Chibnall's run she's just there almost to be a possible love interest for Ryan and then Series 2 she's just there to be the one to walk off on her own or be left on her own and get into trouble. I think we learned more about Yaz's family than her in the first two seasons with Chibnall
I think of the first two seasons with Thirteen, Yaz gets the least development. Ryan and Graham at least have to deal with the issue of their wife/mother dying, and arguably bonding as father/step-son over the experience. Yaz doesn't even really get that. If anything, I was hoping that Flux would be a chance for the show to improve (or at least for Yaz to improve), since she could be fleshed out, but nup, Flux is terrible.