They may not realize it. I think they just draw from a list of adults in the area randomly. That's why there's a bunch of exceptions listed, IIRC and you can always go in and plead you have circumstances that make it difficult for you to sit on a jury if applicable.Got my first jury summons, which was weird. Then found out that indeed green card holders can not be on a jury. Why send me the form? Disappointed.
I remember running into this guy's YouTube channel during the pandemic. I think it's hilarious that he's turned this into a side gig.
"...where he sometimes sells art made from the debris."
Had me at the fascinating idea, lost me with the NFTs. Kinda scared to check up on BlaseballToday I learned about the FCF league, or Fan-Controlled Football. It's an American football league wherein fans pick players and select plays in real-time. Not sure how it works exactly, and it's likely a very casual "for fun" league, i.e.: don't suspect the NFL is actively scouting them, but it is an interesting idea.
NFTs?Had me at the fascinating idea, lost me with the NFTs. Kinda scared to check up on Blaseball
Michael Caine spent 8 years trying to never blink while acting because of an acting book he once read.
Michael Caine spent eight years trying not to blink because of advice from an acting book
Michael Caine spent eight years trying not to blink because of advice from an acting
Kind of reminds me of Robert Patrick, who similarly trained to not blink while firing a gun for the T-1000.
IIRC Arnold also did this for all his Terminator appearancesPatrick also held his breath during scenes when he wasn't speaking, for a more machine-like appearance.
My arteries: "Yeah, we out."
Oh, had no idea NFTs were in any way involved. Not surprised. More disappointed that bullshit has infected an already bullshit outing.![]()
Fan Controlled Football is where FANS call the shots
In the FCF, real fans pick real players and call the plays – in real time! I know which team I’m controlling. What team will you manage?
Yeah, "just build your own league" doesn't quite work when there's a finite amount of talent for hire. Though that doesn't mean local leagues can't be a thing: the regional Single A Short Season baseball league where I live got cut loose from the MLB and are making an independent go at it. Absolutely zero chance at competing with Major League Baseball, but it doesn't have to and it's not trying.Oh, had no idea NFTs were in any way involved. Not surprised. More disappointed that bullshit has infected an already bullshit outing.
Either way, I don't think any American football league outside of the NFL will every gain traction again; I'm actually quite curious why they keep trying. This FCF is at least different enough to garner some passing interest/morbid curiosity, but shit like the XFL and USFL need to just stop. I had a fleeting affair with the Canadian Football League (CFL; ) I picked the Ottawa Redblacks as my team to root for since red and black are my favorite colors... yeah, that's how interested I was. As long as the NFL produces the product it does, anyone who comes to run alongside shouting "WE'RE FOOTBALL TOO!" is destined to fail. This is the USFL's, what, 3rd attempt? It's like building a Walgreens next to a Walmart: put "failure" as the last bullet point on your business model.
I don't think the NFL was so much "spooked" as they simply usurped XFL ideas, like the Borg in Start Trek: "We are the [NFL]. Existence, as you know it, is over. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile."Yeah, "just build your own league" doesn't quite work when there's a finite amount of talent for hire. Though that doesn't mean local leagues can't be a thing: the regional Single A Short Season baseball league where I live got cut loose from the MLB and are making an independent go at it. Absolutely zero chance at competing with Major League Baseball, but it doesn't have to and it's not trying.
Hilariously, the XFL spooked the NFL enough that the NFL finally started investing in better camera work.
It's because most people were, and still are, far too stupid and inattentive to be safely allowed to control a motor vehicle. And these people want flying cars?!Ok, so I'm watching an old thing about railway crossing safety in the US in the 70s (like you do), and it said that 1 in 3 collisions between trains and cars happen when the car crashes into the train. As it, the train is already going through the crossing when the drive of the car tries to.
Also, in some parts of California, they have to keep large stockpiles of spare gates, because people kept crashing into them in large numbers.
I remember seeing a Nascar newscaster over a decade ago with the name "Dick Trickle." My family still has a giggle about it when we remember that was a thingAlso one of the actors in the movie is named Pat Buttram. How does anybody end up with the name of Buttram? Tragic.
If Dick is short for Richard, he could have gone for Richie Trickle, which is embarassing, but less so and in a different way.I remember seeing a Nascar newscaster over a decade ago with the name "Dick Trickle." My family still has a giggle about it when we remember that was a thing
Going by Richard could've avoided nearly all of the embarrassment as well. Going by Dick with a last name like that had to have been a very conscious choiceIf Dick is short for Richard, he could have gone for Richie Trickle, which is embarassing, but less so and in a different way.