The Shattered Elden Ring Thread: Tarnished Edition - (Shadow of the Erdtree p. 85)


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Like the first mini-boss I found in a cave is a dog monster with a sword that moves like Orphan of Kos- wild big jumps and slams. It wasn't that hard because previous games taught me how to anticipate and react to that shit so I just poked it to death with my Estoc
Are you talking about the Erdtree Burial Watchdog? And comparing it to... Orphan of Kos?


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
re: the hip lantern, no I didn't know about it, how would I? There's so many... things... in this game, and even with my eagerness to look things up on the internet I'm going to miss things. I certainly don't remember coming across any in either of the two merchants I found (yes, I've extremely early in the game).

re: magic on bosses- even if "only" 33% are resistant to it, that's still a lot! And if some of those are tough bosses, that really sucks.
And honestly even the ones that aren't, some of them move so fast. Like the first mini-boss I found in a cave is a dog monster with a sword that moves like Orphan of Kos- wild big jumps and slams. It wasn't that hard because previous games taught me how to anticipate and react to that shit so I just poked it to death with my Estoc but from listening to streams I know the real bosses are going to fly around like crazy (this was in Yahtzee's review). Of course I will try to zap them with magic but I am guessing good ol' dodge 'n' sword wins the day when they're flying around like maniacs.
There is a tab in the Inventory menu screen (hit L1 once) that serves as an info dump for most of the gameplay stuff. You might also need to tap Square/X for more info - same for item descriptions.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I think he's talking about the beastman that lives in a wolf cave on the way to Stormveil Castle. I think it gives you a sewing needle.
Ohhhhh, the demihuman chief I think.

Still, he's a lot more like Vicar Amelia, but with much less health. He's fast, I suppose, but a lot of Elden Ring bosses are designed around the availability of Ash Summons.

Still seems like a comparison out of all proportion.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Ohhhhh, the demihuman chief I think.

Still, he's a lot more like Vicar Amelia, but with much less health. He's fast, I suppose, but a lot of Elden Ring bosses are designed around the availability of Ash Summons.

Still seems like a comparison out of all proportion.
No not the sewing needle (that's the gank squad demi-humans), not the statue thing that slams on you, there is another cave mini-boss, I think it dropped a fire talisman.
The comparison to Kos is the rhythm of how it jumps and that delayed overhead slam. I'm not saying it's as hard as Kos obviously since I beat it after a few tries, just the animation of rhythm of the moves is similar. It's this wild jumping around stuff that Dark Souls and even most of Bloodborne doesn't have, Kos just feels like the first one and then it appears in Sekiro with Guardian Ape, and DS3 with the Dancer of Somethingorother boss.

(ok sorry I can't remember all these awesomely ridiculous name)


The face I make when I see unguarded pie.
Jan 9, 2011
No not the sewing needle (that's the gank squad demi-humans), not the statue thing that slams on you, there is another cave mini-boss, I think it dropped a fire talisman.
The comparison to Kos is the rhythm of how it jumps and that delayed overhead slam. I'm not saying it's as hard as Kos obviously since I beat it after a few tries, just the animation of rhythm of the moves is similar. It's this wild jumping around stuff that Dark Souls and even most of Bloodborne doesn't have, Kos just feels like the first one and then it appears in Sekiro with Guardian Ape, and DS3 with the Dancer of Somethingorother boss.

(ok sorry I can't remember all these awesomely ridiculous name)
Oh okay, thats the Beastman of Farum. Yeah I see what you mean. He has a guillotine style maneater millie style attack and there's the couple where he sort of swings wildly and throws himself forward with the momentum. I can see the parallels there.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012

So yeah, they dug up enough of the assets to find other bits of the quest they "restored". Idk why they didn't just actually restore it instead of warping all the NPCs at an arbitrary point of the game and throwing a dragon stone at you. Like you got caught out forgetting to remove now-unused NPCs, so you patch their quest back in later, but only do it like 1/10th of the way. Why not just be "woops, we'll just remove those to avoid confusion"
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010

So yeah, they dug up enough of the assets to find other bits of the quest they "restored". Idk why they didn't just actually restore it instead of warping all the NPCs at an arbitrary point of the game and throwing a dragon stone at you. Like you got caught out forgetting to remove now-unused NPCs, so you patch their quest back in later, but only do it like 1/10th of the way. Why not just be "woops, we'll just remove those to avoid confusion"
Probably figure something is better than nothing, or which lesser evil would result in minimal outrage. With any luck it’ll be more “complete” in the inevitable “Complete” edition someday.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
So I'm still slowly going through the game and after taking down big Ginger Sword Boy(Radhan), I've been exploring the underground because I though.....Hey, I might as well check out the new area before going to do Volcano manor and such. I'm still exploring the underground because it turns out there's a lot of it. I even discovered a new elevator i didn't notice before(the one near the Carian Study hall) and I mean.........yeah, there's a lot going on down there. And it weird because while the overworld is big, the underdark compared to the ground above it feels like it runs like EVERYWHERE. I keep running across these dead giant guys on thrones that are also buildings and I have no fucking clue what's up with that surrounded by creepy melty corpses or something and it all feels like Bloodborne but underground in ER because the cities are really Gothic looking.

Or maybe miyazaki is secretly a fan of the Anime Angel's Egg, though that might just be the vibe I'm getting and I have no fucking proof of any of this. I'm one of the few people who has both seen and likes that movie because of how fucking weird it is, but the fact the movie has almost no dialogue, the dialogue there is cryptic as hell and it feels like everything means something but I'm probably too fucking dumb to understand what gives it a Souls vibe to me.

Every time I think I'm done with the underground there's more to it. Especially the weirdness of just finding a coffin somewhere, getting a prompt to jump in and because I'm a fuckin madman I do it because why THAT'S NEVER A BAD IDEA. And then I end up in a totally weird area somewhere else under a giant tree and there's yet another underground city that's(if my map isn't fucking with me) is underneath the Royal Capitol and the Erdtree. Eventually I meet Fia and jump in the nearby teleporter because honestly at this point you could give me a point to jump into a hole full of blood and shit and corpses and I'd do it just to see where it goes. Instead I end up in the Royal Capitol again but this time I'm not confined to a little area near an elevator I can't operate from that side. Now I feel like I did something wrong somehow because I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to beat a boss to get in here(I haven't actually attempted to enter the capital yet because I'm trying to exhaust a lot of the outlying stuff first). So yeah, this game is both weird and captivating and despite all the kinda meh open world stuff I do kinda like this ability to just....go into a cave and just get fucking lost for a while. I've mostly been bypassing the caves/dungeons and such but the underground feels a lot more crafted and interesting.


Just no. No fucking no.

Anyway, thank you for listening to my dumb ER rant.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
So I'm still slowly going through the game and after taking down big Ginger Sword Boy(Radhan), I've been exploring the underground because I though.....Hey, I might as well check out the new area before going to do Volcano manor and such. I'm still exploring the underground because it turns out there's a lot of it. I even discovered a new elevator i didn't notice before(the one near the Carian Study hall) and I mean.........yeah, there's a lot going on down there. And it weird because while the overworld is big, the underdark compared to the ground above it feels like it runs like EVERYWHERE. I keep running across these dead giant guys on thrones that are also buildings and I have no fucking clue what's up with that surrounded by creepy melty corpses or something and it all feels like Bloodborne but underground in ER because the cities are really Gothic looking.

Or maybe miyazaki is secretly a fan of the Anime Angel's Egg, though that might just be the vibe I'm getting and I have no fucking proof of any of this. I'm one of the few people who has both seen and likes that movie because of how fucking weird it is, but the fact the movie has almost no dialogue, the dialogue there is cryptic as hell and it feels like everything means something but I'm probably too fucking dumb to understand what gives it a Souls vibe to me.

Every time I think I'm done with the underground there's more to it. Especially the weirdness of just finding a coffin somewhere, getting a prompt to jump in and because I'm a fuckin madman I do it because why THAT'S NEVER A BAD IDEA. And then I end up in a totally weird area somewhere else under a giant tree and there's yet another underground city that's(if my map isn't fucking with me) is underneath the Royal Capitol and the Erdtree. Eventually I meet Fia and jump in the nearby teleporter because honestly at this point you could give me a point to jump into a hole full of blood and shit and corpses and I'd do it just to see where it goes. Instead I end up in the Royal Capitol again but this time I'm not confined to a little area near an elevator I can't operate from that side. Now I feel like I did something wrong somehow because I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to beat a boss to get in here(I haven't actually attempted to enter the capital yet because I'm trying to exhaust a lot of the outlying stuff first). So yeah, this game is both weird and captivating and despite all the kinda meh open world stuff I do kinda like this ability to just....go into a cave and just get fucking lost for a while. I've mostly been bypassing the caves/dungeons and such but the underground feels a lot more crafted and interesting.


Just no. No fucking no.

Anyway, thank you for listening to my dumb ER rant.

Yeah if its the portal I'm thinking of it lets you bypass Draconic Tree Sentinel. You could walk through that gate you're next to if you really feel compelled, but its just another tree sentinel and like, a barely top 10 str weapon.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
As much as I’d like to watch a Max playthrough of this I just don’t have the time; especially when I don’t even have half that time into it myself yet. I suppose I could skim the playlist for more interesting looking sections to see how his progress looked.