Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Just want to be clear about what you are saying here

Bill alludes to the fact that they are lesbian, so that means that are actually saying 'I'm a lesbian.'
You realise she actually does say that quite regularly

Don't blame me if you failed to follow the argument.

I provided that link as evidence that references to romance/relationships come up less for Bill than they do for most Dr. Who companions. Which is true, and the link shows that.

At another point, I also said that references to sexuality are in a minority of episodes. That link was not used to support that claim. References to relationships/romance are not the same thing as references to sexuality.

Feel free to accuse me of psychological abuse for keeping up with what we were actually talking about if ya like.
And don't blame me for you not following as I pointed out multiple times to you (and you ignored it) that basically in the history of Doctor Who no other companion has had to declare to the audience "I'm straight" but apparently Bill had to declare multiple times "I'm a Lesbian" to make sure the audience got it. You then tried to conflate every romantic thing that happened as equivalent to that which then I turned round by pointing out based on those standard 7/12 was actually too low a number and it was at least 9 /12 episodes with 2 more bringing up that she's Black and a Woman. I'm pretty sure in Martha's whole time as a companion her being a black woman didn't come up once. She just was herself.

Also now you're going with Sophistry because you previously were happy to go with and accept that number. So no it's not a minority of episodes unless you'd care to actually produce your evidence to support it because most people who watched the series will remember she regularly brought up how she's a Lesbian. From early episodes to even the episode where she's moving out and in with some friends from University.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
And a Jedi knight who's at the end of his character arc.

I'm not saying Last Jedi couldn't/shouldn't show Luke flashbacks, but it wouldn't add all that much to the film. We already know that Luke's badass from Ep. 6, we don't need reminding by Ep. 8.
Except look at the Mandelorian and how it handled Luke in his prime. The reason to do that is to how the level of the character having fallen.

Except she wasn't representing LucasFilms, she was there on her own time.

And Chris Pratt has preached on his own time. So claiming that a deity exists is pretty equivalent to saying the Force is gendered.
Wasn't she literally at the film event because she's head of Lucas film not invited just as a private individual?

Well first, one-upmanship is a potential problem in fiction, period. Take DBZ as an example - each villain is more powerful than the last, and each is defeated through the same premise of brute force. On the flipside, there was no rule saying that Gohan couldn't outdo Goku, even if the show reversed that.

To you actual examples:

-I agree that the punch thing is silly.

-That sounds silly.

-I don't think that's an issue, because the smartest person in Marvel has alternated over time, and it's fairly arbitrary at that. It doesn't suddenly become a problem when female characters get the moniker.

-Yes, it was stated, I didn't have a problem with it, I think it was handled fine.
The issue being the the smartest person in MCU is it was just done with the character to try and make it seem like they mattered more in the MCU. To try and get people to care when the comic book wasn't selling well because people didn't like the characterisations and characters that much.

That statement can apply both to SJWs and SQWs though.
Yes it can the issue being most of the time it's the SJW side having to one up and "Own" the other side one way or another.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Yes, but the difference is that Cho Chang's actress DID state it, Katana's actress HASN'T.

Again, you're conflating hypotheticals with confirmations.
After many years she stated it. At the time people had no idea it was going on.

Is it not going on unless a person loudly yells about it going on now?

First, even if the hashtag was done by bots, I don't know of any bot sophisticated enough to make a detailed argument as to why dark-skinned mermaids can't exist (apparently they forgot about Gabriella).

Second, it's a bizzare setup you've got. You accept Katie Leung at her word that she was harassed, but are entertaining the idea that the attacks on Tran were false flags, which, if so, would mean that she'd still be lying as of 2022.
Not hard to just program bots with a simple message like "Doesn't look how she should" #notmyaerial or similar.

With Katie Leung again shippers be nuts yall.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Maybe because some of them are?

That Candice Patton has received racial abuse is confirmed. To my knowledge, Danielle Panabaker hasn't.
Maybe and no it's true she hasn't it's just the Shippers who prefer Barry and Iris have tried to have her fired because she's dared to give positive engagement to some Snowbarry shippers.

Shipping wars haven't really spilled out into a wider cultural war though.
Oh they have, it's just no-one has fully noticed yet.

I mean death threats and accusations of bigotry against certain shows an creators for not making certain ships cannon? Has happened a fair bit.

Hell how bad it's got with shippers it's shocking how little has been reported about E.G. Kit Harington going to rehab and part of the reason around that

First, Reylo is much more common than FinnxRey. I ran the numbers on FFN, character tags with Rey and Kylo Ren are at 4,800, while Rey and Finn are at 1,200. That isn't definitive, but it's an indication as to who's more popular.

Second, it's academic, because of all the attacks on Tran (and you can look them up), not one of them went along the lines of "how dare your character kiss Finn, I wanted him with Rey!" What we did get, however, was your usual sexist and/or racist diatribes.

Shippers aren't the problem. Not in the way you're suggesting.
Doesn't matter how popular it is as long a there are people there to do it.

To use a mataphor
People are likely to not care how many times they were shot as much as the fact they just got shot.

Also the attacks on Tran not going along to specifically mention shipping stuff tends to be more in line with how shippers act oddly because they just throw out abuse rather than object to specific things or outline them if they're just trying to attack one of the people.

Yes, that's a risk, and as I've said, I don't think disliking TLJ makes you an awful person.

But why do you think that impression exists? Could it be that awful people who dislike TLJ acted like awful people?
Because through the use of weighted words and repetition it's pretty easy to establish and position as absurd especially if action is taken against anyone seen as possibly descenting or seeming like they will question things. It's easy to establish a narrative these days you just pick one or two people find something awful and then paint everyone with that and if you have backing of people willing to spread the claims further for their own ends it's spreads and can take quit a while for the truth to catch up.

I mean for months the narrative was TLJ was a great revolutionary film and the people objecting to it were just awful bigots. And now it's fairly widely accepted that it wasn't that good a film.

I mean look at how much work was put in to frame Amber Heard as an innocent victim and Johnny Depp as a monstrous violent abuser.

For a while there was stuff about how anyone doubting Jussie Smollet's claims was just an alt-right Nazi racist because we should believe his truth why would he lie?

Even if they had a plan, the point still stands.

That Vader was Luke's father wasn't decided until Empire. Return didn't retcon it back like Rise did.

Plans change in multi-stage fiction.
Plans change but also if you're coming in to an established thing there should be some level of respect for it and understanding you're there as a custodian not to have free reign to smash up the proverbial toys you're being allowed to play with.



Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
And don't blame me for you not following as I pointed out multiple times to you (and you ignored it) that basically in the history of Doctor Who no other companion has had to declare to the audience "I'm straight" but apparently Bill had to declare multiple times "I'm a Lesbian" to make sure the audience got it. You then tried to conflate every romantic thing that happened as equivalent to that which then I turned round by pointing out based on those standard 7/12 was actually too low a number and it was at least 9 /12 episodes with 2 more bringing up that she's Black and a Woman. I'm pretty sure in Martha's whole time as a companion her being a black woman didn't come up once. She just was herself.

Also now you're going with Sophistry because you previously were happy to go with and accept that number. So no it's not a minority of episodes unless you'd care to actually produce your evidence to support it because most people who watched the series will remember she regularly brought up how she's a Lesbian. From early episodes to even the episode where she's moving out and in with some friends from University.
All of this is a very long and convoluted way of admitting I didn't say what you insisted I said.

So to be clear: she doesn't bring up sexuality/lesbianism in 7/12 episodes. 7/12 episodes refer to romance/relationships in some form, as I said. Which is under the average for Nu-Who companions.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
How's Marcus going to stay jacked? Where does the meat come from after the COG loses Jacinto?
Is it cannibalism when Locust aren't human?

Sorry couldn't resist going to a weird awful place with that one.

And your evidence that Serans are biologically different from Terrans is...?

I'll wait.
I'll admit I just pulled that one out my arse but different planet gravities and conditions would impact humans differently.

Except Vagrant Queen is fun. You may disagree (I'm assuming you've watched it), but AlitaxAmae isn't the focus. It's about as prominent as JohnxAeryn in Farscape. Present, somewhat important, but not the focus. And even if it was, how does that automatically mean the show is weaker for it? Plenty of romances add to stories.
I'll give you that it's far less of a focus in the show itself then John x Aeryn in part because well a lot of the stuff with Aeryn is about John showing her she can be more that what the Peacekeepers made her. Also John to some degree proving humans have their worth and aren't some inferior weak species at least in the eyes of the others.

First, I disagree Star Wars is a mess. This may sound strange, considering that I dislike the sequel trilogy, but by any reasonable metric, Star Wars is in a solid position, when you consider the volume of material that's being pumped out for it, and the critical successes a lot of it has had under Disney.

Second, you mean Geode? What's wrong with Geode? He appears in the novel Into the Dark, he's quietly (silently) hilarious. Did something go wrong in the comic?
The volume being pumped out but is it selling ultimately is the question?

I mean The sequel Trilogy technically was still a failure for Disney as it didn't recoup as much of the costs of the Lucas films purchase as they'd hoped.

It doesn't matter what criteria you use, the stats would likely remain the same.
Context very much matters with stats. I'll use the one a professor once brought up.

"Did you know the USA spends more on renewable technology than any other country in the world?"

Important context. It's not per capita spending it's overall and as basically the largest country in the world it becomes far less impressive.

In terms of the stats context for the ones Brie Larson brought up it could mean that some dude writing for a paper with a readership of 200 people is deemed a critic while a woman on youtube doing videos to 200,000 people isn't deemed a critic.

YouTube dumps is irrelevant to the premise. Anyone can go onto YouTube. It's in the actual industry that the issue (if you see it as an issue) is.
What do we consider the industry these days?

People employed by a company doing it?

Does that mean Roger Ebert wouldn't count now unless employed by company even if doing it on his own he's be hugely successful?

I partly agree - I don't think there's inherent worth in one's POV based on inherent traits - but there's nothing objectionable about getting as many viewpoints as possible.

And there's plenty of evidence that shows how people react to seeing themselves portrayed. Look at Afro-Americans' reaction to Black Panther for example.
Nothing objectionable unless it's being done on the belief that said characteristics they have somehow works as a qualification in their own right without any actual justification to it.

And your point is...?

WHere, in any of it, did Larson say something so horrendous that it triggered pile-ons?
It's more the dumb falling in line with certain rhetoric about people having inherent worth based on who they were born as not who they worked to become.

Even if that's true, it doesn't change the fact that the sentiment exists. Bots don't have the ability to do in-length essays and responses on mermaid science.
No just get an easy buzzword going and get people to focus on it think it's a thing and something to fight against.

IT all comes down to having an "Enemy" that can easily be defined.



Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Some of them I'm familiar with, some of them I'm not. It's irrelevant. Hate crime hoaxes are very, VERY much the exception, not the rule.

Second, the fact that Smollett lied is not in any way relevant to people actually discussed here. The abuse against Tran, for instance, is well documented, and so far your alternative theory is that it's all false flags.
Yet so many prominent ones in the media keep turning out to be lies.

I've not even brought up some of the other ones like:

Maga supporters burn down church.
Alt-right supporters threatening Jewish synagogues.

There's a worrying lot of them coming out.

Two words. Occam's Razor.
More than two words

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple" - Oscar Widle

Disney's grown beyond Walt, any opinions he might have are academic, especially on something as esoteric as Star Wars lore.
Then who speaks for Disney as such now? Their PR department and no-one else?

I'm not sure what you're responding to there.
More the idea of how Sarah being the mother of John the saviour of humanity was treated when it was a case of the new saviour was the saviour and presented as "Not merely the mother of the saviour" as though it was a bigger thing and being 'merely' the mother was a lesser level of importance.

Other generals or not, it betrays its own premise, that John is the only person that can lead humanity. If other generals can just step-in, then it doesn't matter if Skynet kills John Connor or not.
True but who knows we never found out where SCC was going with it in the end. Hell here's a twist what if Cameron was the future resistance leader because of her im with John?

Salvation doesn't reduce John's role in a narrative sense. John makes the transition from grunt/foot soldier to Resistance commander.
True but it does show humanity fighting back without him commanding as such.

Well if they're not reading EU material, then there's nothing to suggest that stormtroopers are clone bar an assumption that clone troopers became stormtroopers with nothing changing.
I mean the clones being developed came from the prequels an there's a presumption that having taken over much of the galaxy then the empire could just get more clones from said facilities.

Leslie Jones was compared to a gorilla. You can't get more racist than that.

If you seriously think that there was no sexism involved in the backlash to the film, you're delusional.
People latch onto easy was to hurt people and what people can see as an easy way to target and get at people.
It's been a thing for eons. Angry people looking to find an opening to hurt some-one.

No. Nor was vilification of the cast and crew.

Harassment is shitty no matter who's doing it, and who's receiving it. It isn't just some conspiracy. I could just as easily make the argument that the attacks on Rolfe were false flags, but I'm not, because it would be stupid at best, repugnant at worst for me to do so.
Well the attacks on Rofle were done by members of the press lol so kind of hard to false flag when peoples real names (or at least professional names) are on the articles.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
All of this is a very long and convoluted way of admitting I didn't say what you insisted I said.

So to be clear: she doesn't bring up sexuality/lesbianism in 7/12 episodes. 7/12 episodes refer to romance/relationships in some form, as I said. Which is under the average for Nu-Who companions.

All of what you're doing is just sophistry though to try and avoid admitting you got caught out.

Also again so which NuWho companion again multiple times through their run stated to make sure the audience were aware "I'm straight BTW" ? Because the argument is over how Bill was being treated differently and being written differently focusing on her sexuality and other inherent character traits.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
That link makes no such statement. It says "first female Ghostbusters action figures revealed." As in, the first figures based on the cast of the film.

I also checked the links in that post. None of them state that there were no female Ghostbusters beforehand.
Except Kylie Griffin did have an action figure. Multiple actually so how are these the first female Ghostbusters toys now?

Okay, but again, are these statements that came from Disney, or the tabloids? Because both statements are objectively wrong, but there's a clear difference between the creators saying something, and the tabloids saying something.
Tabloids likely with talking point and press releases hinted at or outright provided by Disney.

Which the remake does?

Sorry, are you saying its own style is bad by its merits, or bad ipso facto?
Sorry meant to say it doesn't come up with it's own style that much unless glowy bright CGI ghost is a style lol


And again, it's beside the point. By the time the 2016 film was announced, Ghostbusters had already split into two, mutually exclusive continuities. Why is a third one so terrible?
More because it was presented as the whole future of the franchise rather than one of the paths. IT was the pretty clear focus of most of the stuff being made.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
You realise she actually does say that quite regularly
You didn't answer the question and made up your own

To answer this particular question:

It depends if you make the allusion to lesbian as straight out say she's lesbian. If not, than no

But I dare say your understanding of regular is WAAAYYY lower than mine


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I'm pretty sure in Martha's whole time as a companion her being a black woman didn't come up once.
Once in the Shakespeare episode, a number of times (indirectly) in the Family of Blood duology.
Except look at the Mandelorian and how it handled Luke in his prime. The reason to do that is to how the level of the character having fallen.
Luke's emotions already display that though.

I don't need a flashback to a lightsaber display to show what his despair is already conveying.

Wasn't she literally at the film event because she's head of Lucas film not invited just as a private individual?
Not really, and she was at an event specifically made to help women get into the film industry.

The issue being the the smartest person in MCU is it was just done with the character to try and make it seem like they mattered more in the MCU. To try and get people to care when the comic book wasn't selling well because people didn't like the characterisations and characters that much.
Which is a common tactic in superhero comics, period.

"Read this, most powerful villain ever!" for instance.

Yes it can the issue being most of the time it's the SJW side having to one up and "Own" the other side one way or another.
Who's the SJW equivalent of Geeks and Gamers? Of The Quarter Pounder (sorry, Quartering)? Of the Critical Drinker?

SJWs can be annoying, SQWs are vicious.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
After many years she stated it. At the time people had no idea it was going on.

Is it not going on unless a person loudly yells about it going on now?
Well, Tran said it was going on, and you've presented a conspiracy that it was all false flags, so you tell me.

Not hard to just program bots with a simple message like "Doesn't look how she should" #notmyaerial or similar.
I've already explained that the outrage went beyond the hash tag. Bots don't have the ability to write in-depth posts and respond to them.

With Katie Leung again shippers be nuts yall.
And you're source that it was shippers is...?

If shippers were angry at Cho Chang's character, where was the outrage for Emma Watson for instance? Why didn't the Dramionie or Harmionie shippers go after her?

Maybe and no it's true she hasn't it's just the Shippers who prefer Barry and Iris have tried to have her fired because she's dared to give positive engagement to some Snowbarry shippers.

Hell how bad it's got with shippers it's shocking how little has been reported about E.G. Kit Harington going to rehab and part of the reason around that

Also the attacks on Tran not going along to specifically mention shipping stuff tends to be more in line with how shippers act oddly because they just throw out abuse rather than object to specific things or outline them if they're just trying to attack one of the people.
Again, this is more conspiracy theory stuff. You're insisting that shippers were the ones who were attacking Tran, and haven't presented any evidence, whereas every piece of evidence that does exist points to racial abuse. I've already given you sources, I've already explained how I saw the abuse in edits on Wookiepedia, and all you're giving in response is conspiracy theories that it's actually shippers, or false flags.

It's kind of disgusting actually.
Last edited:


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Because through the use of weighted words and repetition it's pretty easy to establish and position as absurd especially if action is taken against anyone seen as possibly descenting or seeming like they will question things. It's easy to establish a narrative these days you just pick one or two people find something awful and then paint everyone with that and if you have backing of people willing to spread the claims further for their own ends it's spreads and can take quit a while for the truth to catch up.
The people who did the things were more than "one or two people." You're lying or delusional if you think it was just that. And it's rich for you to claim that a narrative was being established when you're trying to establish a narrative of false flags and shippers on this very forum.

I mean for months the narrative was TLJ was a great revolutionary film and the people objecting to it were just awful bigots. And now it's fairly widely accepted that it wasn't that good a film.
By whom? If anything, TLJ appreciation has gone up since we have Rise of Skywalker to compare it to.

I mean look at how much work was put in to frame Amber Heard as an innocent victim and Johnny Depp as a monstrous violent abuser.

For a while there was stuff about how anyone doubting Jussie Smollet's claims was just an alt-right Nazi racist because we should believe his truth why would he lie?
None of which changes the statistics I gave you.

Plans change but also if you're coming in to an established thing there should be some level of respect for it and understanding you're there as a custodian not to have free reign to smash up the proverbial toys you're being allowed to play with.
If we're talking about smashing toys, that applies to Abrams.

It's Disney who rejected Lucas's original pitch, and instead made A New Hope 2.0.

It's Abrams who spent a film trying to reverse course on Last Jedi.

I'll admit I just pulled that one out my arse but different planet gravities and conditions would impact humans differently.
Again, there's no mention of Sera having different gravity or different biomes than Earth. It has a 26 hour day and two moons, but neither of those things are going to affect human muscle mass.

Which is still academic, because it points to to the double standards. People were generally chill with Marcus's muscles, but went insane over Abby's.

The volume being pumped out but is it selling ultimately is the question?
If it's not selling, why is it being pumped out?

I mean The sequel Trilogy technically was still a failure for Disney as it didn't recoup as much of the costs of the Lucas films purchase as they'd hoped.

All three sequel trilogy films breached the 1 billion mark after all. It's very hard to call that a financial failure.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Yet so many prominent ones in the media keep turning out to be lies.

I've not even brought up some of the other ones like:

Maga supporters burn down church.
Alt-right supporters threatening Jewish synagogues.

There's a worrying lot of them coming out.
None of which disproves the statistics I gave.

If there's 100 hate crime hoaxes, and 10,000 actual hate crimes, then the latter occurs 100X more than the former, which is the actual ratio cited.

Then who speaks for Disney as such now? Their PR department and no-one else?
Whoever's in charge of Star Wars lore, I assume?

True but who knows we never found out where SCC was going with it in the end. Hell here's a twist what if Cameron was the future resistance leader because of her im with John?
It doesn't matter where season 3 was going, the ending of season 2 undermines the show's entire premise regardless.

True but it does show humanity fighting back without him commanding as such.
And? I'm not seeing too much of an issue here. John explicitly states that the timeline has changed, so the fight he's in Salvation isn't the fight that occurred before Judgement Day was postponed. Yet he still ends up leading the Resistance, and Skynet is still interested in killing him and Kyle Reese.

I mean the clones being developed came from the prequels an there's a presumption that having taken over much of the galaxy then the empire could just get more clones from said facilities.
Which is retroactive. If you watch the originals first, there's nothing to indicate that they're clones. And if you watch the prequels first, and then the sequels, there's nothing really to indicate that they're clones either. Their voices are different, their armour is different, their competence is different, etc.

People latch onto easy was to hurt people and what people can see as an easy way to target and get at people.
It's been a thing for eons. Angry people looking to find an opening to hurt some-one.
And your point is...?

You claimed that sexism and racism wasn't involved in the backlash to the film. I gave you proof that it was.

Well the attacks on Rofle were done by members of the press lol so kind of hard to false flag when peoples real names (or at least professional names) are on the articles.
So Rolfe = Legitimate

Jones = False Flags

If anything, it makes the attacks on Rolfe less problematic and the ones on Jones more, because hiding behind an alias tormenting someone doesn't make you brave, it makes you a ****.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Except Kylie Griffin did have an action figure. Multiple actually so how are these the first female Ghostbusters toys now?
Reread what I, and the article said. It was advertising the first action figures based on the cast of the film, not the first female Ghostbusters toys, period.

And even if it did, is that in the same ballpark as saying there were no female ghostbusters before the film? Are people expected to know the minutia of action figures?

Tabloids likely with talking point and press releases hinted at or outright provided by Disney.
Again, you're saying it's "likely."

Disney is a primary source, tabloids are a tertiary source. The further you get away from primary sources, the less authorative they are. I should know, I've been editing wikis since the 2000s.

Sorry meant to say it doesn't come up with it's own style that much unless glowy bright CGI ghost is a style lol
The original is a comedy movie with some action, the remake is an action movie with some comedy.

That's just one change, and I'd argue, the main one. It's part of why I think the original is better, even if I like the remake overall.

More because it was presented as the whole future of the franchise rather than one of the paths. IT was the pretty clear focus of most of the stuff being made.
A film getting most of the focus? Shock, horror.

I'm still not seeing the issue. The original film series ended on its own terms, with constant failures to make a third. Long enough for Ramis to die, and Murray to keep being disinterested. You can point to Afterlife as a way to continue the franchise, but I don't see an inherent issue with starting a new continuity.

I've pointed to Batman, so here's another - Planet of the Apes. There's three PotA film continuities, and when Dawn was announced, no-one complained that it was erasing the original works.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States

I could see it a mile away. They are getting rid of Roe to appease people who have an IQ that ranges from -500 to 0. What sort of moron gives money to a prosperity preacher. And yes I am dunking on the same people.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
It's funny which lesbains are offensive.

Like, all the examples are very restrainted versions of lesbians. They don't hold candle to Peacemaker. Or Legends of Tomorrow


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012

All of what you're doing is just sophistry though to try and avoid admitting you got caught out.

Also again so which NuWho companion again multiple times through their run stated to make sure the audience were aware "I'm straight BTW" ? Because the argument is over how Bill was being treated differently and being written differently focusing on her sexuality and other inherent character traits.
No. You just have a different tolerance to lesbian stuff than I do, and I'm gathering most other people here


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012

I could see it a mile away. They are getting rid of Roe to appease people who have an IQ that ranges from -500 to 0. What sort of moron gives money to a prosperity preacher. And yes I am dunking on the same people.
Thank the gods we can control particular people again. Can't wait for Griswold to be overturned too /s


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States

I could see it a mile away. They are getting rid of Roe to appease people who have an IQ that ranges from -500 to 0. What sort of moron gives money to a prosperity preacher. And yes I am dunking on the same people.
"No constitutional right to privacy"

Hell yeah, party of small police state government
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