Funny Events of the "Woke" world

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Also, back to Abby, I don't see an equivalent between Abby bulking up to take part in pre-mediated revenge, and Ada taking part in an assigned mission in rural Spain, against homicidal monsters, wearing high heels and a red dress. One of them has clearly planned for their mission in the way the other hasn't.
One thing about Abby is kinda similar, in one of the sections anyway; her strangling zombies with her naked arms. This was a bit of an issue with Joel too in the first game as he was just wearing flanel shirts, but Abby's got her giant exposed arms just right there. All a zombie has to do is pivot its chin just an inch and chomp. Nothing immersion breaking, just kinda hysterical.
I agree. But what's more silly? Jill wearing a tube top in RE3, or Abby getting jacked in LoU 2?

It doesn't really matter what answer you give, the trend is clear. The former was widely accepted when it came out, and it's only relatively recently that it became questioned, with some lamenting the remake's new design. The latter was criticized as unrealistic from the outset. And there's never been some widespread culture war against Jill in the way there was against Abby.

Or in other words, why are some forms of silliness acceptable, and not others? Why is Ada wearing a dress in rural Spain accepted without question, while Abby getting jacked in post-apocalyptic America questioned?
It honestly makes less sense for Ellie to be as ripped as she is, as she lives on a chill ranch. But then Ellie looked more acceptably feminine and Abby didn't. So yeah, that's it.

Yes, girls CAN be ghostbusters, despite the arguments of some that as females, they shouldn't have the strength to use proton packs. This shouldn't even be an issue. Remember Kylie? Remember when Janine used the pack in at least one episode? No-one complained then.
Also, the original Ghostbusters were pudgy looking science guys, and Louis was the size of a hamster when he wore a proton pack in Ghostbusters 2. Nobody could wear these things if they were real machines. They certainly wouldn't be able to run around with them down hotel hallways and New York streets.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014

So, since I've debated this a lot, this is an example of what could be called "woke" analysis of shows.

Batwoman & LoT are cancelled. What we thus have is an article that focuses entirely on the queer aspect. I actually went through to check if there was a reference to anything other than identitarian analysis (e.g. plot), and came up with...79 words out of around 500 (about 15%). If you include re-tweets, that ratio becomes even more skewed.

Said tweets including stuff like "It's super shitty how a network thinks it can hide the fact that they're not renewing two of the most diverse and queerest shows on TV. We still see what you did and how cowardly it was."

(Ah yes, because the reason those shows were cancelled was due entirely to some anti-LGBT agenda rather than literally anything else...budget, advertising revenue, viewing figures...nup, the CW are just bigots.)

Part of why SJWs and SQWs are mirror images of each other. An SJW can look at this and conclude that the only reason for the cancellation is an anti-LGBT agenda. On the flipside, an SQW can look at something like Last Jedi, and conclude that the only reason for the casting is a feminist agenda. Personally, SQWs irritate me more, in that they tend to be far more vicious, but it's really striking how similar the two philosphies are, just inverted.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
You know it still mystifies me to this day that if a studio wanted ‘woke’ Ghostbusters, then Extreme Ghostbusters was RIGHT THERE. It had a girl, a black guy, a Hispanic guy, and the white guy pulled double duty as their disabled guy. The fucking Burger King kids club of diversity. Only change would have been to swap Egon for Ray as the teacher given the tragic passing of Ramis. The easiest ball to pot and they still tried a trick shot.

That said, I saw Ghostbusters 2016. It was okay; best parts of it were Holtzman and some of the new ghosts. Everything else was fairly average.
I think that's a fair point, though it makes me wonder what would happen if Extreme Ghostbusters was made today.

Something about the "SJW agenda" no doubt. :(


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I disagree, but even if I did, it would require a complete rewrite. Part of the point of Luke doing what he does is that he couldn't succeed against the First Order conventionally. That even if Luke Skywalker, the man, isn't a perfect paragon of virtue, there's value in the legend of Luke Skywalker. Having Luke at his peak would diminish this, and arguably take away from the sequel trilogy's own characters.
You don't really need him at his peak as such in the sequel Trilogy. You just need to show a bit of him at it. I dunno lets say elderly Luke meets Rey and refuses to train her but she refuses to leave eventually Luke goes something like "Well if you're going to insist on hanging round here you might as well join me for dinner" then you do some sort of crappy dinner table set up and Luke at some point turns to Rey and say something like "I think I owe you at least an explanation as to why I can't be the one to train you" screen fades and he skips through tales of his past showing him in his prime in bits. You have maybe 10-15 minutes at most of flashback showing how Luke ended up as he is now and done we've got to see Luke in or near his prime; it's contrasted him with now; explained why he's bitter and left beyond "I went a bit mad" and better set up his arc.

First, "the Force is female" wasn't part of any official push from Disney or LucasFilm.

Second, even if it was, none of that is manifested in the works themselves. The Force is never ascribed a 'gender' in the sequel trilogy.
The problem with that is
1) She happily was wearing a "The Force is Female Shirt" in publicity photos
2) The Publicity photos clearly had some level of official to them considering the background is a screen with logos for JJ Abrams company on it lol along with logos for a film festival.

Did it manifest in the films?
Well Finn got Side lined and Rey became the main Jedi lead for the series along with getting a host of new force powers and being shown as the most powerful Jedi ever.

Third, you can have that reading if you want, but it's really, REALLY stretching it. I could just as easily have Rose showing Finn the galaxy's seedy underbelly, and use it as evidence of how a British actor is lectured by a Vietnamese actress on slavery and privilage. I won't do that, because it's such an assinine reading that no-one would (or should) take me seriously.

Fourth, let's assume that WAS the intended message. Even by its own terms, it fails. Holdo is culpable as well as Poe, even though the film doesn't really acknowledge it (to its detriment). And Poe's the one who survives, and becomes a de facto leader of the Resistance. If "men should shut up and know their place," then why is a man calling the shots after a woman has died after calling said shots? I could just as easily turn this into the idea of the film being mysogenistic, because Rose and Holdo serve Finn and Poe's character arcs, not the other way round. I won't turn it into that however, because it requires such a leap of logic to do so.
Yeh Holdo is culpable to an extent and the film doesn't acknowledge it but Poe's actions basically cause the fall of most of the resistance. Poe not shutting up and knowing his place nearly cause the villains to entirely win and it was only thanks to Holdo that they didn't.

Except the difference is that Kelly Marie Tran did get racist abuse, while Karen Fukuhara didn't.

You COULD frame it as bigotry, but you're conflating a hypothetical with something that actually did happen.
Karen Fukuhara didn't....... that we know off because oddly enough there haven't been masses of article about it.

With Kelly Marie Tran it apparently was happening on Instagram which really trolls on Instagram? That's not really the common place for them. If I were to hazard a guess it was shippers again because if you think there's fanbase toxicity normally you've never seen shipping fandom toxicity such as the abuse then Candice Patton got tons of it for her role as Iris West in The Flash most of it if not all of it from "Snowbarry" shippers.

There wasn't an alt-right attack on Rise of Skywalker, because Rise of Skywalker pandered to those who detested the Last Jedi. It goes out of its way to reverse course on Last Jedi to the detriment of its storyline.
The also wasn't the "Alt Right" running round telling everyone who hated Rise of Skywalker to go kill themselves for the good of society and they can't wait for "People like you to go extinct and it's a shame we can't legally do it ourselves" or similar sentiments regularly being expressed.

Rose Tico? Completely sidelined, and put in the friend zone by Finn.

Holdo? She's referenced once, and her actions stated to be a "one in a million" shot.

Rey? Parentage retconned, she's now Palpatine's granddaughter, because fuck, why not?

There's 1000 things wrong with Rise of Skywalker, but intentional or not, it placated the people who thought Last Jedi was too "feminist" or "political."
And many of the critics being deemed bigoted alt-right who only hated Poe due to her race actually came out to say she was done dirty by being sidelined and it was a bad move not to try and give her more character development in the film.

Rey Parentage being retconned was likely because JJ Abrams planned her to have parentage and well Rian Johnson didn't bother reading the plans and threw out the script outline before reading it and wrote his own thing.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So you genuinely believe that almost all game reviews and commentary are just written for them by the studios?

Sorry dude, but that's some complete rubbish.
They're not, well not always but again I've seen some of the PR releases. I've seen some of the PR stuff and seen it basically regurgitated places.

Happens in both print and youtube and sometimes mainstream news.

I mean I guess the gaming press are totally immune and couldn't possibly have ever done anything like that before

I mean hell I've had offers with money involved before just to push out some company statement junk onto blogs I have.

Except you routinely apply that also to gay characters just being presented in the same way straight characters are.
Except I don't because as I've pointed out very often they're not but despite keep pointing it out and arguing it you apparently think a character saying "I'm a Lesbian" once per episode is the same as having a character show romantic interest in another.

Oh and an FYI Amy was hinted at being Bi in Doctor Who on a few occasions and the show didn't feel the need to have her yell "I'm Bi" It treated it's audience as intelligent enough to pick up on it.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Except that when artists do that, there's always a vocal minority howling about an agenda being shoved down their throats.

Again, this comes down to the fact that there is a lot of bad faith criticism out there and it doesn't deserve to be acknowledged or taken seriously.
Except as has been pointed out it's rare it is treated as normal and even when it is by a show the media round it doesn't treat it as normal.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I think that's a fair point, though it makes me wonder what would happen if Extreme Ghostbusters was made today.

Something about the "SJW agenda" no doubt. :(
No-one would care really because Extreme Ghostbusters was good. Hell Kylie Griffin was embraced by the fanbase so much she got brought into the Ghostbusters comics.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
That's the chicken and the egg. Female characters being sold on showing skin is (or at least for a long time was) normalized, so it's seen as what people want. Yet male characters aren't sold on showing skin, eventhough plenty of people find men showing skin sexy. There's also been a shift in how woman are displayed in games, and it hasn't resulted in a dip in sales. This was mainly just an image that was being sold by lazy publishers.

If this were true, that it happens a lot because people like it, we'd have seen a lot more gay content in Disney movies. Because guess what gay people fucking love?

Uhm, no?

We already did the whole Male characters being sold on showing skin

Hell there's a reason Chris Hemsworth's contract said he has to take his top off in Thor films if required lol.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Long story short, that was due to the Hayes Code. Hollywood attempted self-regulation to lend itself more cultural legitimacy before the government stepped in to regulate the industry. Google the Hayes Code sometime, it's a fascinating if frustrating story.
Ironically one of the things that is seen and bringing that in was a Lesbian kiss and reverse drag act in the film Morocco.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
They're not, well not always but again I've seen some of the PR releases. I've seen some of the PR stuff and seen it basically regurgitated places.

Happens in both print and youtube and sometimes mainstream news.
So in short: it's your assumption in this case. You haven't actually got any evidence it's the case here, but someone had opinions you didn't like so you'll happily attribute it to paid advocacy.

Except I don't because as I've pointed out very often they're not but despite keep pointing it out and arguing it you apparently think a character saying "I'm a Lesbian" once per episode
We've already established that this factually did not happen.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Don't see how that's equivalent, and doesn't Abby have access to a base of sorts in LoU 2, where she's able to train and get nutrition?

If people aren't able to get muscular post-apocalypse, how do the Gears in Gears of War do it?
Well Marcus was in Prison so nothing much to do there but eat and work out seemingly.

As Liana K has gone through (I'll link the vids if you'd like) the physique Abby has is based on a professional who has to have a special controlled diet regime and exercise regime and can only maintain that look at most about 2 weeks in every 8 due to how the cycle works. Oh and her regime isn't Tacos from a base cafe.

Like I mean Dwayne Johnson is on like 6 meals a day to maintain his look.

So it's a producer's personal twitter?
One of the main writers and creators actually too.

This seems like the equivalent of The Force is Female. It's a statement from Kathleen Kennedy, but one made independently from LucasFilm.
That she did in official press photos.
In front of a specially made banner.
With the Logo for JJ Abrams production company on it
At a pre arranged PR event where she was there to represent Lucas Films.

Come on we live in an age where people can be fired for independently talking negative about their work on social media and at a PR event Kathleen Kennedy's comments are meant to be taken as hers and hers alone not her as head of Lucas Film?

I agree, but that's more in the realm of bad writing than anything else. And most of the articles on this thread aren't examples of that.
Except when they start on about toxic fans or awful bigots objecting to stuff. Or the ever popular "Some people are just too stupid to understand why it's so good / needed".

Maybe, maybe not, it's academic. The vitriol of the comments was disproportionate to the comments themselves. And are people really so fragile that they Larson saying that is what triggers them, as opposed to actual, directed harassment of other people?
Well people tend not to be too happy when they're told "Well fuck off I don't want to hear from you as I don't think you have anything worthwhile to say." Kind of a symptom of the culture was and perception of Larson kind of fall in line with an unfortunate narrative that was seemingly being pushed for a while the "Shut up it's not for you anymore it's ours now" narrative.

It's a verified fact that Tran was hounded off social media, and I personally took part in reverting edits on Wookiepedia that used "*****" as a word to describe her.

It's not some conspiracy for racists and sexists to be racist and sexist. Not even when the rumour started that all of it was a false flag by Disney.
Oh you mean like #NotmyAerial.

I hate to bring this up again but even in the past Moviebob acknowledged Hollywood has companies (and I wouldn't be shocked if Disney has an in house version) who specialise in selling themselves as "Controlling fan reaction and narrative online once a film is released.

It a worryingly common thing happening. Just look at the number of reported "Hate crime" events were a worrying number of prominent ones have turned out to be fake. I mean Jussie Smollett anyone?

Who's "they?" Because as I already explained, "the Force is Female" didn't come from Disney.
At what point do we claim it can be regarded as from Disney though if the head of Lucas film was happily wearing the shirt for it in official PR photos?

I mean yeh it didn't come from Walt Disney but only because they've not figured out how to bring him back to life once he's out of cryogenic containment lol

Also, as to your actual examples:

-Terminator: More like "a" future is female. I'll throw you a bone and point out that yes, Dark Fate does bring up the difference between Dani being the leader of the Resistance, vs. Sarah being the mother of the male leader of the Resistance. However, if people are so fragile about female Resistance leaders, where was the outrage in T3, when it was revealed that John died, and Kate basically became de facto leader? Where was the outrage in SCC, when after John travels to the future, he finds that the Resistance formed anyway? Where was the outrage in the comics, where in one storyline, timeline shifts result in Jane Connor being born instead? I can give you my personal thoughts on each of these things, but they're nothing to do with my manhood. I'm not so precious that if a female becomes leader of a role that was previously male's, I have a meltdown.
Because the implication was John was there and he and his wife were a team.

As much as I hate to be the one pointing this stuff out but part of the perceived attack on femininity is the idea motherhood is bad. It's a stupid messed up thing to try and explain but well Anita Sarkeesian best showcases this will her thesis on why Bella Swan is bad but Buffy is good and portrayals of women in media where as negative portrayals of women it was mostly traits deemed feminine while positive female leads qualities were mostly masculine ones.

To go back to some-one pretty good on the subject Liana K she created the character of "Princess Sparkle Muffin" for some of her content and upcoming game to exemplify so called feminine traits as being positive ones a hero can have.

As some pointed out before with Terminator 2 Sarah Connors still has moments of being allowed to be feminine. More so in the dream sequence where her hair is longer than in the asylum when she is with Kyle Reese.

With SCC there was no outrage as we never did learn who became the leader and we did know from T3 that John Connor had some generals too who the Terminators were picking off so the assumption would have been one of them took the mantle of leader.

-Star Wars: Oh, NOW you care about Finn being sidelined. Funny how people took one look at Finn in The Force Awakened trailer and went berserk that there was a black stormtrooper. But again, The Force is Female IS NOT A DISNEY STATEMENT. It's a statement Kathleen Kennedy made on her own time. And if we are talking about Finn, Finn was never in a position of leadership. If the Force is female, why is Poe leading the Resistance in Episode IX? Why is Lando leading the galaxy in the same episode? Why is Ben leading the First Order, and Palpy the Final Order? Because if we're talking about leadership, men are still the ones calling the shots in Star Wars. Now, personally, I don't think that's an issue, any more than Mon Motha/Leia/Holdo leading the Rebellion/Resistance was an issue, but if we're playing this stupid game, then at least play it properly.
Yeh because by they point they expected bad. Also yeh people cared because they really didn't do anything with Finn and essentially prove fans wrong that he was a well written well thought out character with a satisfying arc. Also as we didn't know how far ahead the timeline had gone people still thought Stormtroopers were likely still made up a majority of clones

Ghostbusters 2016: Yes, girls CAN be ghostbusters, despite the arguments of some that as females, they shouldn't have the strength to use proton packs. This shouldn't even be an issue. Remember Kylie? Remember when Janine used the pack in at least one episode? No-one complained then. But when we have a team of ghostbusters in a different continuity (which is at least the third Ghostbusters continuity), oh, THAT'S when people get angry. "Yes, ghostbusters can be female, but we can't have too many of them."
Yes, problem is girls had already been Ghostbusters and any-one pointing this out was met with "You just hate women you sexist bigot women can be ghostbusters" and mostly not listened to. I pointed out a ton of times about Kyle Griffin but no the narrative carried on that these were "The first female Ghostbusters" or whatever. Also people saw it as a reboot but seemingly treading the same ground trying to do a reboot and replace. The whole "It's an alternative universe" wasn't actually out out there for quite a while Ghostbusters 2016 was Ghostbusters going forward that was it. No alternative universe versions existing. Just the 2016 continuity going forwards. Hell there was a cartoon series planned called Ghostbusters: Slime Patrol or something that got canned and planned other tie in stuff.

If I sound angry, it's because I am, because these ideas are so asinine, and writing them, I'm struck as to how easily you could flip them over and claim that the same IPs are sexist against women, and I wouldn't agree with that either. If Ghostbusters 2016 is sexist against men, why isn't Ghostbusters Vanilla sexist against women? If Star Wars Ep. 7-9 are seixst against men, why aren't the original and prequel trilogies sexist against women? The answer is that they aren't, but that's the game crazies play.
Except those things are claimed. That was in part the claimed reason for the changes because as you say Ghostbusters original was called sexist against women and exclusionary. Same with Doctor Who, I mean do I need to bring up the song?
I will anyway.



Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So in short: it's your assumption in this case. You haven't actually got any evidence it's the case here, but someone had opinions you didn't like so you'll happily attribute it to paid advocacy.
Nor do I have evidence it won't raid fish tomorrow.

I have precedent on my side that it won't so I'm not going to be carrying round a titanium reinforced umbrella on the off chance it does.

Established precedence exists for a reason and if you're going to argue it's not applicable and you never use it then I have to suggest your life is a very strange one as you have to investigate everything every time you go to do something just incase it's changed for no logical reason just pure entropy random chance because while highly improbable the numbers don't say it's entirely impossible.

Sorry just laughing at the idea of you walking round with a Geiger counter incase there's been nuclear fallout overnight and you need to check before venturing outdoors.

We've already established that this factually did not happen.
No you've claimed it.

Reality is this thread has established how wrong your claim was from you claiming 7/12 is a minority of episodes not a majority. Arguing characters aren't made one note focussing on that characteristic while being unable to show how they're different.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Nor do I have evidence it won't raid fish tomorrow.

I have precedent on my side that it won't so I'm not going to be carrying round a titanium reinforced umbrella on the off chance it does.

Established precedence exists for a reason and if you're going to argue it's not applicable and you never use it then I have to suggest your life is a very strange one as you have to investigate everything every time you go to do something just incase it's changed for no logical reason just pure entropy random chance because while highly improbable the numbers don't say it's entirely impossible.

Sorry just laughing at the idea of you walking round with a Geiger counter incase there's been nuclear fallout overnight and you need to check before venturing outdoors.
But you don't have established precedent. You're just assuming that, too. The idea that the majority of games press is pre-scripted by the studios is baseless nonsense.

Reality is this thread has established how wrong your claim was from you claiming 7/12 is a minority of episodes not a majority. Arguing characters aren't made one note focussing on that characteristic while being unable to show how they're different.
None of this happened.

The show didn't focus on that one characteristic exclusively. It didn't even bring it up most of the time. You just get pushed over the line any time a gay character is on screen and then blame the show, even if they're depicted just the same as straight characters are.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
But you don't have established precedent. You're just assuming that, too. The idea that the majority of games press is pre-scripted by the studios is baseless nonsense.
Points to the SEO stuff I linked to.

I mean come on the whole "This is what a future gamer will look like" sponsored by a gambling company was literally a pre-written piece made to generate SEO for said company. How do I know? I looked into it and the stuff was publicly on the companies website.

Some sites will happily put out whatever press stuff in the hopes of getting the company to buy ads with them and keep access.

Review guides these days come with suggested lists of points the company would like reviewers to touch on if possible.

Cyberpunk 2077 refused to let people play the other console versions and would only let reviewers use B roll not their own captures. How do we know? SkillUp blew the whistle on it.

Is it all media all the time? No. Is it happening a fair but? Yes because those who play ball get kept around. I know we're on The Escapist and we're here because it's different here because it doesn't care so much about access like other sites.

None of this happened.

The show didn't focus on that one characteristic exclusively. It didn't even bring it up most of the time. You just get pushed over the line any time a gay character is on screen and then blame the show, even if they're depicted just the same as straight characters are.
You were literally unable to describe her personality despite being challenged to do so 3 times lol. How can you argue it didn't when it was brought in in more than 50% of the episodes she was in and became a core plot point in at least 2 more but she never once got to have a hobby or talk about what she's interested in?


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
You were literally unable to describe her personality despite being challenged to do so 3 times lol.
Are you suffering from short-term memory loss?

You kept demanding I define her personality. I said it was pointless, because regardless of what I said, you'd just downplay anything that wasn't "gay" and exaggerate anything that was. Eventually I caved and gave you a description of her personality which had nothing to do with sexuality. And in response you just... whined that none of what I said counted because you didn't think it was prominent enough. I did exactly what you asked, and you just ignored it, rendering the entire exercise pointless-- exactly as I predicted, because you're so insanely predictable.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Are you suffering from short-term memory loss?

You kept demanding I define her personality. I said it was pointless, because regardless of what I said, you'd just downplay anything that wasn't "gay" and exaggerate anything that was. Eventually I caved and gave you a description of her personality which had nothing to do with sexuality. And in response you just... whined that none of what I said counted because you didn't think it was prominent enough. I did exactly what you asked, and you just ignored it, rendering the entire exercise pointless-- exactly as I predicted, because you're so insanely predictable.
I generally don't bother remember the nonsense of sophistry being employed.
You as I recall had no rebuttal to that other than to whine that I wouldn't accept a few generic non specific character traits you attributed to Bill.
Also again you yourself actually brought up the stat about 7 in 12 episodes being ones she mentions it specifically then tried to argue that's a minority of the episodes lol.

You believe I'm predictable yet I knew you'd bring up generic items and I can see you have no argument left so would resort to sophistry anyway.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Also again you yourself actually brought up the stat about 7 in 12 episodes being ones she mentions it specifically then tried to argue that's a minority of the episodes lol.
Literally didn't happen. Christ this is tiresome.