Nah, I still give it to the early to mid 2000s, when the whole medium switched to digital. No decade is perfect, and there will always be trends, but each trend is built of off each other. As much as I like anime from the 80s, they weren't perfect either and had plenty of trends that got dated or became run of the mill. Crazy hair colors were already there. Maybe not that angular, but still there. Remember, when every Tom, Dick, and Harry was trying to copy either Fist of the Northstar or Akira? Some post-apocalyptic anime not doing much to stand out, other than gore and being as shocking as possible. Or a lot of the sci-fi anime taking influence from Alien and some times The Thing, but most sucking at it.The 1990s had the biggest drop for anime character designs. All the problems of the '00s (and yes, it was an ugly period) are built on the problems of the '90s. That was when they started getting the really weird sharp angles, minimized features and crazy hair.
You forget that during the 70s, 80s, 90s, and some the 2000s, the industry was in the Wild West. Everything varied in quality. Sure I am not big in to homogenization, but not everything was better as a free-for-all everyone shoot each other okay-corral. Sturgeon's Law still applies. For every art house director, or visionary with passion, there was plenty of bad shlock, hacks, pretentious wannabes, and bandwagon jumpers. Your hot take is nothing more than delusion blinded by an art style you don't like.
Now YMMV, and all that jazz, not every 90s anime went angular. Also, I like the character designs in Outlaw Star. They're unique and the show has plenty of cool/good looking character designs. Not to your tastes, but seeing all of these characters makes me smile.
It's not true that old anime was better - kukuruyo
Not long ago, me and a friend did a panel at a geek convention in which we defied the idea held apparently by most old anime viewers that anime in the past was better than now. Our idea was to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
I know I was. Considering Disney had no plan and was flying by the seat of their pants, I can't blame her. I care more for Star Wars Visions than any of the spin-offs people keep harping on about. I care for the Last Jedi, but that's about it. I was always a casual SW fan, and Disney constant fuck ups, lack of commitment to any idea, and constantly trying to please idiotic fans and the Chinese government whims made me less affectionate for the ST as a near whole.I can't help but think that she was really turned off by TROS. I should pick her brain about it once I have some time. Yeah this is an incredibly small sample size, but considering that Disney has put out all the stops to make Star Wars NOT about the Sequel trilogy, I see today's kids more or less forgetting about the sequels.
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