What old IPs/series do you think or would you like to see a new game in?


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Maybe it doesn't count since the franchise is technically still 'alive', but I sure would like to see a new CRPG Fallout! Will probably never happen though, but I hope Microsoft pulls some strings since they do own Bethesda, inXile and Obsidian and the Fallout IP is going to remain dormant for a longass time while Beth fuddles with Starfield and the next TES. I guess there's 76, which honestly has a pretty interesting setting and fluff and was pretty fun to just explore/quest solo but I'm more or less done with it and I doubt any updates they release will really tide my ass over for 10 years.

There have been some indie attempts at it but its a mixed bag. Encased had potential but ultimately lacks polish and missed the landing. I haven't tried the Atom RPGs, but they lack that retrofuture aspect and don't feel that appealing to me. Wasteland doesn't really offer the same RP-feel with the whole squad of rangers thing they have going, but I did enjoy Wasteland 2/3.

And well, Fallout is just Fallout y'know. I want Fallout specifically. I don't want similar-to-Fallout, I don't want beth-Fallout.

I really would've liked to play a completed version of the original Fallout 3. Maybe it would have sucked, the techdemos honestly did look pretty arse even for the time. But even after all these years I can't help but wonder what could've been. Part of me is still waiting for this game.
I'm playing encased right now, it's seems pretty good at the moment so maybe it got a bit of post release polish? The only two real complain I have is that the game keep forcing you to move forward leaving area unexplored and they kinda jump the shark too early. You can try underrail that's pretty good and similar ish.

My answer would be armored core, but I think its semi confirmed that FROM working on a new one?

So instead, not technically a franchise, but I always loved thread of fate/dewprism, the game ends on a sequel bait but there was never a sequel :(. Maybe zone of the enders 3, a new game was announced and it died. Similarly megam man legend 3.

There's a few old franchise that are getting new game that I'm crossing every finger I have they turn out good like homeworld 3 and system shock 3.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Splinter Cell.

A new Splinter Cell would be a console-seller for me. And if they managed to bring back Michael Ironside to voice Sam Fisher again, I'd buy two consoles and a gaming PC so I could own it on multiple platforms.

The franchise stumbled with Double Agent and Conviction, but returned to stellar form with Blacklist, but I think Ubisoft had already moved on to other cash cows by then, and fans were so put off by the idea of Ironside not voicing the iconic character, that Splinter Cell effectively became the beloved family pet left behind in an empty house after a bitter divorce where the husband and wife drove off in opposite directions.

At this point, I'd settle for a remaster of Chaos Theory, and I'm very anti-remasters; that's how much I want more Splinter Cell. Seriously, I'd suppress my gag reflex and blow whoever I needed to for more Splinter Cell. Well, I wouldn't go that far, but I'd try my best at a convincing hand job.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
The Stigmata Garrison being used to fight rivals instead of doing their job became canon, apparently.
I think it was canon before EFS, but I don't know for sure as all my books were second edition.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Well that's open-ended.

I'll use the benchmark of 5+ years as old, and divide it into the following tiers:


-Advance Wars
-Golden Sun


-Command and Conquer
Advanced Wars does have a remake sitting waiting for release at least. Unfortunately, certain real world events has Nintendo holding it until....who knows. I was looking forward to that honestly because it looks like a good game to pick up and put down as needed. Hopefully we don't have to wait till the Ukraine War is over before we can buy it. So Blame Russia but to a lesser extent Nintendo.

Would love to try Golden Sun. I may eventually resort to just emulating it unless someone decides to issue a remake or port it to something modern.

C&C apparently had a terrible final entry, sadly and the RTS genre feels pretty dead right now, though Homeworld did do a C&C like game and there's a new DUNE RTS out. And ironically C&C was basically a spiritual successor to DUNE 2.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
A new Jet Force Gemini would be great. So sad that game seems to have been lost to history, I loved it.
I have the Rare Replay Collection, how good is this game? I never once played the games, despite owning an N64 at one point.

I would have added Gungrave to the list, but its sequel got announced back in 2019. From what I heard, production is going smoothly, but I have a feeling that this game won't be out until next year, despite aiming for a 2022 release as their goal.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
I have the Rare Replay Collection, how good is this game? I never once played a despite owning an N64 at one point.

I would have added Gungrave to the list, but it's sequel got announced back in 2019. From what I heard, production is going smoothly, but I have a feeling that this game won't be out until next year, despite aiming for a 2022 release, as their goal.
I really enjoyed it. I can't say how well the controls hold up, but its basically Star Wars. You're protecting and rescuing Ewoks from a race of laser rifle carrying giant ants. And the Dog turns into a tank. And I remember it having a pretty great soundtrack
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Ooh, and another Ghost Recon in the vein of Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2.

Basically, I just want to ability to wipe my gaming memory, and re-live the 2000s and early 2010s.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Basically, I just want to ability to wipe my gaming memory, and re-live the 2000s and early
You can already do that with backwards compatibility on the Xbox One and Series X. Not to mention all the "remasters" that came out recently in the late 2010s and now.

I don't blame you. I would would jump for an Advanced Warfighter 3, if it came out. The only time in little problem being that it's Ubisoft. Don't try to blind yourself in nostalgia too much. Sometimes it's better to kill the past and move forward.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
You can already do that with backwards compatibility on the Xbox One and Series X. Not to mention all the "remasters" that came out recently in the late 2010s and now.

I don't blame you I would would jump for an Advanced Warfighter 3, if it came out. The only time in little problem being that it's Ubisoft. Don't try to blind yourself in nostalgia too much. Sometimes it's better to kill the past and move forward.
I've still got my Xbox 360, and can replay any of the games I loved at a moments notice, but I'm talking about recapturing the magic of gaming when it didn't require it capture my wallet in return. I could boot up Ghost Recon in a couple of minutes, but I think the servers have long since shut down, and most of my friends probably wouldn't be interested in playing it with me anyway.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
still got my Xbox 360, and can replay any of the games I loved at a moments notice,

but I'm talking about recapturing the magic of gaming when it didn't require it capture my wallet in return.
That's a lot harder. Sometimes easier depending on what you're looking for and what it is. I got plenty of games, or games that I'm looking forward to that avoids this problem. Like I mentioned before, I already might commit me to where I'm just avoiding a majority of AAA all together. Few exceptions aside.

I could boot up Ghost Recon in a couple of minutes, but I think the servers have long since shut down, and most of my friends probably wouldn't be interested in playing it with me anyway.
I know the multiplayer in these games were good, but I never cared much for them. All I care about is a single player. I suggest you get reacquainted with that again. I don't blame you though.
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Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Jade Empire. Fantasy imperial China was a rich setting for an action RPG; with a story that’s equal parts Kung Fu Hustle, Chinese Ghost Story and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It was my first ever BioWare game and I love it.

I’d also accept a remaster - this is a game from OG Xbox days - that means I can just play the original in higher definition.
Oh, this, so much this. One of my favourite Bioware games, hands down. A KotOR remake is around the corner, so we can hope... I think... -.-

OT: A new entry in the Deus Ex series would be nice (if six years may be construed as 'old'), but I'll definitely settle for a remake/remaster of the original game.
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Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Let's go OLD with this!

Suikoden needs another entry. Suikoden V was probably the best in the series and they ended it there. It's nice they ended the IP on a high note but I'd rather have some mediocre games that make me get bored of the series than end feeling like I didn't get enough.

Breath of Fire. The last thing anyone got was a Japanese only mobile game for the series in 2016, before that we got Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter which was a decent game at best and had pretty much zero to do with the rest of the series.

Chrono Trigger/Cross. Nintendo has just been releasing lackluster re-releases of the first game over and over. I want a new entry of the series or at least a remake that changes the graphics to 3D or something! I hate remasters because they rarely add much of anything except maybe some graphical touch ups and if I wanted to play the originals again I probably have them lying around somewhere and could probably play it on an emulator that would do just as well.

In fact, just take a bunch of old 2D games and make 3D remakes of them that otherwise don't change much of anything and I'd be happy. That would at least provide enough to make it worth getting again, eventually.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Let's go OLD with this!

Suikoden needs another entry. Suikoden V was probably the best in the series and they ended it there. It's nice they ended the IP on a high note but I'd rather have some mediocre games that make me get bored of the series than end feeling like I didn't get enough.

Breath of Fire. The last thing anyone got was a Japanese only mobile game for the series in 2016, before that we got Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter which was a decent game at best and had pretty much zero to do with the rest of the series.

Chrono Trigger/Cross. Nintendo has just been releasing lackluster re-releases of the first game over and over. I want a new entry of the series or at least a remake that changes the graphics to 3D or something! I hate remasters because they rarely add much of anything except maybe some graphical touch ups and if I wanted to play the originals again I probably have them lying around somewhere and could probably play it on an emulator that would do just as well.

In fact, just take a bunch of old 2D games and make 3D remakes of them that otherwise don't change much of anything and I'd be happy. That would at least provide enough to make it worth getting again, eventually.
We are getting a spiritual successor to Suikoden. Which is being made by some of the original Suikoden team.

Wait, V is better then 2? Cause 2 was amazing.

I would love to see another Breath of Fire, I always loved those games.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Oh, this, so much this. One of my favourite Bioware games, hands down. A KotOR remake is around the corner, so we can hope... I think... -.-

OT: A new entry in the Deus Ex series would be nice (if six years may be construed as 'old'), but I'll definitely settle for a remake/remaster of the original game.
Oh man, Jade Empire was fascinating and fun and even if Open Palm/Closed Fist was more or less Light Side/Dark Side in execution, it was still something amazing. I want more Fantasy Steampunk China, dammnit!
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Suikoden V is pretty much the pinnacle of the series yes. It does kind of run out of steam near the end of the game though.
Hmm, wish I played it then. I still don't see how it could be better then 2, but the last one I played was... Hmm, I'm not sure if it was 3 or 4, I don't think I beat 3. It was good but something distracted me.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Hmm, wish I played it then. I still don't see how it could be better then 2, but the last one I played was... Hmm, I'm not sure if it was 3 or 4, I don't think I beat 3. It was good but something distracted me.
Ehhhhh it depend on how high your tolerance for anime stuff is, like the main character has a sister constantly going "Onichannnnnn" and stuff. There's also some weird story beat, like you play as the prince in a queendom where the queen essentially nuke one of their own town to stop a rebellion, and yet she's treated as a good person and the game never really address that. At the same time its kinda overwritten, with conversation dragging.

Its pretty good, but imo 2 and 3 were better


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Hmm, wish I played it then. I still don't see how it could be better then 2, but the last one I played was... Hmm, I'm not sure if it was 3 or 4, I don't think I beat 3. It was good but something distracted me.
Suikoden 4 is kinda... slow paced and a lot more grindy than most of the series. I still haven't actually played 3 yet. Suikoden V's story IMO is pretty good and the Stars of Destiny in general get more characterization than in the other games provided you talk to them at the base regularly.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
There's also some weird story beat, like you play as the prince in a queendom where the queen essentially nuke one of their own town to stop a rebellion, and yet she's treated as a good person and the game never really address that.
They do address that and quite frequently in the early parts of the game. The game itself opens with the prince going through the devastated town and definitely puts the royal family down for their role in it. It's made clear quickly that the Queen isn't really at fault for it and that she is a good person but she's being driven mad by her Rune and yet can't get rid of it because of the machinations of the villains in the story.