I'm playing encased right now, it's seems pretty good at the moment so maybe it got a bit of post release polish? The only two real complain I have is that the game keep forcing you to move forward leaving area unexplored and they kinda jump the shark too early. You can try underrail that's pretty good and similar ish.Maybe it doesn't count since the franchise is technically still 'alive', but I sure would like to see a new CRPG Fallout! Will probably never happen though, but I hope Microsoft pulls some strings since they do own Bethesda, inXile and Obsidian and the Fallout IP is going to remain dormant for a longass time while Beth fuddles with Starfield and the next TES. I guess there's 76, which honestly has a pretty interesting setting and fluff and was pretty fun to just explore/quest solo but I'm more or less done with it and I doubt any updates they release will really tide my ass over for 10 years.
There have been some indie attempts at it but its a mixed bag. Encased had potential but ultimately lacks polish and missed the landing. I haven't tried the Atom RPGs, but they lack that retrofuture aspect and don't feel that appealing to me. Wasteland doesn't really offer the same RP-feel with the whole squad of rangers thing they have going, but I did enjoy Wasteland 2/3.
And well, Fallout is just Fallout y'know. I want Fallout specifically. I don't want similar-to-Fallout, I don't want beth-Fallout.
I really would've liked to play a completed version of the original Fallout 3. Maybe it would have sucked, the techdemos honestly did look pretty arse even for the time. But even after all these years I can't help but wonder what could've been. Part of me is still waiting for this game.
My answer would be armored core, but I think its semi confirmed that FROM working on a new one?
So instead, not technically a franchise, but I always loved thread of fate/dewprism, the game ends on a sequel bait but there was never a sequel
There's a few old franchise that are getting new game that I'm crossing every finger I have they turn out good like homeworld 3 and system shock 3.