Update stuff:
Alright, piece of advice - if you ever end up playing against me somehow, know that if I pick Sentinels, I'm as good as finished. I "get" the other three factions, and have generally adjusted my playstyle around each of them, but I just can't get the hang of the Sentinels. I know what I'm meant to do - focus on mobility, rely on spellcaster buffs - but just can't seem to get the hang of it.
Have me play as anything else, and there's at least a reasonable chance of me winning.
So I installed Burning Crusade Classic, which has left me in a rut. Part of me wants to take advantage of the buffed levelling that's going on, on the other, playing TBC doesn't really help with the Warcraft story I'm writing, since the timeframes are wrong, no blood elves or draenei are around, etc. I'm still working out on how best to balance things around, since right now, my main focus is on levelling to get abilities, which makes it easier to write combat scenes. But anyway, speaking on TBC itself...I don't know if it's just me, or it's the game, or if the buffed levelling is having an effect, but everything seems so much faster. Every starting experience in WoW Classic was slow, designed to open you up, whereas for both draenei and blood elves it's hit the ground running. This is reflected contextually (draenei have just crashed, blood elves need to stabilize their magic crystals or something), and mechanically (the no. of quests available to you all at once).
So I've completed the Spirt Elpys dungeon, and am still comfortably a few levels ahead of what the game seems to expect me to be. Anyway, random thoughts:
-Zeke's an absolute beast, now that I've gotten the hang of him (or at least found a playstyle that I'm comfortable with). Morag, though, I don't get. She's not as tanky as Tora, she's not as good at dealing damage as Rex or Zeke, so what's the point of her from a gameplay standpoint? I ask, because I've seen a retrospective that claimed that as soon as you get Morag, Tora's useless, so maybe I'm a weirdo, but...
-The Phantoms...well, that they look like Dark Link aside, I think this is a nifty point. I admittedly had to look up how to beat them, but there's also the cutscene. Y'know, "THAT" cutscene. Truth be told, I like it, but I think people have really run with the idea of Rex "friendzoning" Nia. I mean, it's kind of cute as to how oblivious he is, but it's a mistake to put Nia in the same ballpark as Melia. Nia seems perfectly fine with the 'rejection,' and this is an uplifting moment for Nia, whereas poor Melia not only fails to get the guy, but loses pretty much everything over the course of XC1. I guess the difference is that in XC2, the writers wanted Nia to have some moments of happiness, whereas they looked at Melia, asked how they could make life as miserable as possible for her, and answered "yes."
-There's also the other thing that I think this is one of the best cutscenes in terms of choreography. No fancy acrobatics, just actual swordsplay that's good on its own, plus reinforces how Blades function (the shields). Also, while Nia's true form is a mite sexualized, it's still much better than everything else we've seen. The kimono-esque dress gives her a sense of grace and regality, whereas characters like Pyra are more in the realm of "how much skin can we show without having to make this game R rated?"
Oh, and speaking of XC2...
I didn't go for 2 because I felt like it didn't have as good of a start as the original one did, and while I own X I've never actually gotten around to playing it.
Xenoblade 2 has got to be one of the worst cases I've seen of a game putting its worst foot forward. I'm up to ch. 7 now, and my view's improved, but the early chapters..good lord.
I guess the thing that irritates me about XC2 more than anything is that it while it's not "bad," it's coming off XC1, and inferior in pretty much every way. Maybe it's better in music, or at least equal to it, and maybe I could say the same about the combat system, but, well, yeah. There's numerous games with "2" in the title that are significant improvements over their predecessors, but XC2 isn't among them.