Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Welcome to Woke world this week where according to former writer for Polygon Ben Kuchera

Vox media is covering for and refusing to investigate alleged sexual abuse of minors.

Oh and apparently Vox media management are anti-vaxxers secretly



Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
China can get a cranky as it wants. Everyone should recognize Taiwan.
Yes, overthrow the current occupiers of Taiwan and return it to its less than 3% indigenous population. End the legacy of Spanish, Dutch, and Qing dynasty imperialism! That's what you meant, right?

If we treat the issue like the loudest members of this forum want to treat Ukraine with respect to the Donbass Republics, then the People's Republic of China has an absolute right to bombard and invade the island of Taiwan and eliminate all resistance. After all, Taiwan is a part of China just as its de facto government asserts. It was a part of China before the United States was a thing. It was colonized by Europeans before that. And it exists in its current form today in large part because the United States interpreted "China" as the Kuomintang, which meant that the People's Republic of China was not a party to the negotiations that transferred Taiwan from Japan back to "China". The other reason is that China prioritized helping Korea repel invasion by the United States and its comprador government over ending the civil war with the Kuomintang. The self-styled Republic of China, successor of the Kuomintang, has maintained a military force only via massive military aid from the United States; we can therefore conclude that it is a US puppet, which of course means that it has no right to defend itself from the rightful government of China.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Yes, overthrow the current occupiers of Taiwan and return it to its less than 3% indigenous population. End the legacy of Spanish, Dutch, and Qing dynasty imperialism! That's what you meant, right?

If we treat the issue like the loudest members of this forum want to treat Ukraine with respect to the Donbass Republics, then the People's Republic of China has an absolute right to bombard and invade the island of Taiwan and eliminate all resistance. After all, Taiwan is a part of China just as its de facto government asserts. It was a part of China before the United States was a thing. It was colonized by Europeans before that. And it exists in its current form today in large part because the United States interpreted "China" as the Kuomintang, which meant that the People's Republic of China was not a party to the negotiations that transferred Taiwan from Japan back to "China". The other reason is that China prioritized helping Korea repel invasion by the United States and its comprador government over ending the civil war with the Kuomintang. The self-styled Republic of China, successor of the Kuomintang, has maintained a military force only via massive military aid from the United States; we can therefore conclude that it is a US puppet, which of course means that it has no right to defend itself from the rightful government of China.
Except for the fact that the PRC has never governed Taiwan. So invasion would be expansion of their hegemony over territory they have never controlled, rather than defence of territory they already did.
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Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
Except for the fact that the PRC has never governed Taiwan. So invasion would be expansion of their hegemony over territory they have never controlled, rather than defence of territory they already did.
By that metric their entire existence is "expansion of their hegemony" because they didn't control parts of China and then they did, which also applies to literally every other government on earth that has any territory whatsoever. Also by that metric, parts of (arguably even the entirety of) Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts were never properly controlled by the Euromaidan coup government, so the Nazi regiments were indeed engaged in offensive war against entirely distinct countries, the territory of which the new Ukrainian regime had no legitimate claim over-- if indeed they had any legitimate claim over anywhere given the unconstitutional nature of Yanukovych's ouster. The lack of Ukrainian claim by your working-backwards-from-desired-conclusion reasoning is even clearer in the case of Crimea. At least, those are the conclusions which you must draw if you treat the matter like you treat Taiwan.

Either overthrowing a government and then inhabiting its territory means you have a claim over the previous government's territory or it doesn't. Which is it, vaunted arbiter of consistency?

The major difference between the Donbass Republics and Taiwan is that Taiwan agrees that it is part of China and indeed asserts a territorial claim over all of China (and even beyond China, including almost all of Mongolia iirc). And secondarily, the government of mainland China and apparent winner of the civil war (which still has not technically ended) has not been actively waging war against Taiwan for the last eight years (or indeed the last several decades). But they also never signed a peace agreement with the Kuomintang during its years of military dictatorship or with the nominally democratic regime that appeared after it. So the United States has been arming Chinese rebels that the government of China has not seen fit to crush.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
By that metric their entire existence is "expansion of their hegemony" because they didn't control parts of China and then they did, which also applies to literally every other government on earth that has any territory whatsoever.
Yes, most modern countries came about their territory In distinctly unethical ways. I'm quite surprised this is news to you. It's quite well known. We generally don't approve of continuing that approach, because it was godawful.

Also by that metric, parts of (arguably even the entirety of) Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts were never properly controlled by the Euromaidan coup government, so the Nazi regiments were indeed engaged in offensive war against entirely distinct countries, the territory of which the new Ukrainian regime had no legitimate claim over--
The territories occupied by the insurgents and disguised Russian troops have never been governed by Poroshenko or Zelensky, that's true-- because the ability to vote in Ukrainian elections has been denied them by the occupying paramilitary forces.

They have been governed by previous Ukrainian governments, until 2014. Taiwan had not been under Chinese rule since 1895.

if indeed they had any legitimate claim over anywhere given the unconstitutional nature of Yanukovych's ouster.
Yanukovych was a Russian puppet, with advisors touting the line that Ukraine must be destroyed.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
If we treat the issue like the loudest members of this forum want to treat Ukraine with respect to the Donbass Republics, then the People's Republic of China has an absolute right to bombard and invade the island of Taiwan and eliminate all resistance.
Only if one concludes that the Donbas republics are, as they claim, legitimate representatives of the people of Donetsk and Luhansk. One might note that they were taken over by militias with little evidence of mass popular support, and there has been no adequately conducted election to verify their democratic mandate (unlike Ukraine itself, which has an election held to a decent standard).

Taiwan assuredly does have an established government with clear democratic mandate to make the feelings of its people clear.

The rest you're waffling on about is the same old contorted, ideological sophistry that serves no other purpose than to justify any opponent of Western capitalism, even if that opponent are manifestly worse with regard to almost any value you otherwise claim to believe in.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Welcome to Woke world this week where according to former writer for Polygon Ben Kuchera

Vox media is covering for and refusing to investigate alleged sexual abuse of minors.

Oh and apparently Vox media management are anti-vaxxers secretly

1. Welcome to the world of Capitalism is what I think you meant to say
2. What's this got to do with woke? Did anyone call themselves woke here?
3. NY has a case of polio and many treatment plants are showing up with polio in faecal matter in the area. Which is to say, I dont know who told you that anti-vaxxer were just right wing, but its wrong. And no one has claimed that
4. Is there anything to the allegation of abuse, like who did the abusing? Because it sounds like he's reported it but I can't understand why he's reporting it to two companies. I got to him talking about Prey so I dont know how anyone has enough information from the tweets above
5. So, just from previous experience of how you react to these situations, I should automatically be defending the abuser because 'they're on my side of politics' and saying 'there's no evidence of abuse' etc, etc. Would you like me to engage this function?
6. It sound like its abuse of HIS minors by VOX somehow. Not random minors.
7. Normally, its people who abuse kids not corporations but what would I know. Maybe VOX set up a childcare where they don't do background checks on staff


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
1. Welcome to the world of Capitalism is what I think you meant to say
2. What's this got to do with woke? Did anyone call themselves woke here?
3. NY has a case of polio and many treatment plants are showing up with polio in faecal matter in the area. Which is to say, I dont know who told you that anti-vaxxer were just right wing, but its wrong. And no one has claimed that
4. Is there anything to the allegation of abuse, like who did the abusing? Because it sounds like he's reported it but I can't understand why he's reporting it to two companies. I got to him talking about Prey so I dont know how anyone has enough information from the tweets above
5. So, just from previous experience of how you react to these situations, I should automatically be defending the abuser because 'they're on my side of politics' and saying 'there's no evidence of abuse' etc, etc. Would you like me to engage this function?
6. It sound like its abuse of HIS minors by VOX somehow. Not random minors.
7. Normally, its people who abuse kids not corporations but what would I know. Maybe VOX set up a childcare where they don't do background checks on staff
2) Are we really at the point of arguing Vox media network the network, who own sites like the verge; which tried to claim people critical of their PC building video were just racists and not calling out a massive company who put out a video that had error that if followed by some-one building their first PC would likely damage or seriously reduce said new PC's lifespan, are not seen as woke?

Polygon a site that was readily joked about for being woke or presenting itself as such.....

3) I didn't say they were only right wing, just kinda funny the hypocrisy because apparently the Vox Media public face has always been pro vaxx and publishing pieces saying how deluded antivaxxers are and how social media platforms needed to ban then all

4) Polygon is owned by Vox Media.

5) Do what you like, you're welcome to join in the Schadenfreude of watching one of the big corporations that's been making every move it could to look publicly woke is now alleged to be harbouring and covering up far worse problems than the issues they lay blame at the feet of poor unenlightened unwoke people for. Laugh as the façade crumbles and sit back watching the fires going "told you so, told you the actual monsters were already in the building and were there all along but you wouldn't listen to us"

6) Does it matter whose they are? I'd say the main issue is the allegation of them being sexually abused and the refusal to investigate it at all

7) People and in this case apparently those actions being covered for and the person seemingly protected from repercussion thus likely able to just carry on with some other kids due to the corporation in question...... what was it the saying was "There is no neutral on a moving train" and "If you're not part of the solution you're therefore part of the problem" and the even popular "Silence is violence".


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Woke World where once again people are having their health put at risk because people don't understand how medical science and prescriptions actually work

(Luckily Instagram has apparently removed her post already hence the screenshot)

and to explain (not that I hopefully should need to):

1) No questions asked prescription only medication on request especially for the kinds that can cause irreversible changes are not a good idea to start with.
2) Prescriptions are tailored to a person based on bloodwork and other factors that can impact dosage so taking other peoples meds can mean getting an overdose or underdose which can also cause their own added issues.
3) Longer term prescription medication tend to be monitored with regular bloodwork to make sure they're working and their levels in the blood are kept at the right levels without this and with point 2 as this is random does from random people then people will be having their levels bouncing all over the place potentially doing more harm and causing more side effects.
4) It mentions youths who I'm sorry, really I've taught some before, I'd be extremely worried about people who don't know any better or don't fully think this through going with it and ending up badly harmed.
5) Generally with prescriptions you're meant to take the full course unless otherwise stated so why are people able to even donate spares when there shouldn't really be enough to even facilitate this?
In before I get accused of Transphobia for not wanting teenagers to take potentially harmful hormone level medications with no oversight or monitoring by healthcare professionals


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
if indeed they had any legitimate claim over anywhere given the unconstitutional nature of Yanukovych's ouster.
Your sympathy for Yanukovych has always been confusing. He was a deeply corrupt, anti democratic authoritarian who's openly allowed himself to be paraded around as a Russian puppet ruler.

Why begrudge Ukraine for removing a president who was both a horrible leader and who's loyalty to Moscow bordered on, if not outright was treason
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Your sympathy for Yanukovych has always been confusing. He was a deeply corrupt, anti democratic authoritarian who's openly allowed himself to be paraded around as a Russian puppet ruler.

Why begrudge Ukraine for removing a president who was both a horrible leader and who's loyalty to Moscow bordered on, if not outright was treason
Because he was removed by pro-Western Ukrainians, and that means Yanukovych is necessarily the victim of Western imperialism.

The intrinsic mindset of these sorts of leftists is that there is only one imperialism, and that is Western capitalism. Therefore, any act that moves a country towards Western capitalism is imperialism and oppression, and anything that counteracts or opposes that is good. People cannot choose Western capitalism, they can only be tricked into it or have it forced on them. Therefore, a popular revolution in support of a more Western capitalist model is necessarily a conspiracy, CIA plot, Nazis, oligarchs, etc. If a democracy chooses Western capitalism, it only proves that it is not a "real", free, fair, democracy (and that includes the USA, France, etc. as well which are afforded no greater democratic legitimacy than China).

Yanukovych is therefore the good guy. Yes, some mild comments of oppobrium about his regrettable corruption (etc.) and oppression can be noted for form's sake, but these are the smallest of roadbumps on the way to recognising he was a hero leading the Ukrainian people against hegemonic Western capitalist imperialism.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Welcome to Woke World where Moviebob is still bitter about The Snydercut getting released and is now mad because the Snydercut people aren't working as a little army for "His side" to try and push to get the cancelled Batgirl film released even though also they're really just a load of bots because some variety article with very very poor research methodology told him so.



Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Welcome to Woke World where Moviebob is still bitter about The Snydercut getting released and is now mad because the Snydercut people aren't working as a little army for "His side" to try and push to get the cancelled Batgirl film released even though also they're really just a load of bots because some variety article with very very poor research methodology told him so.
Just to clarify, are you for or against Batgirl getting cancelled?

I mean, it was basically a completed project with tons of marketing already out in the wild for it. Cancelling it for a tax write-off seems weak as shit, and those guys stanning for a TV exec because they think he did it to fight "woke" are... well, a bunch of tits.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Just to clarify, are you for or against Batgirl getting cancelled?
Mostly not caring.
Sucks for those who worked on it their work will not get seen by audiences.
Film didn't present anything for me to get excited about not least the alleged involvement of a certain sex pest.
Honestly considering how bad it apparently was and a certain crowd loudly championing it to "Own the awful people" I'm somewhat glad it's dead so we don't have to go through the whole bullshit media cycle with it like many other films and relieved I just have to listen to the mostly impotent whining of people who saw this as some grand battle in some culture war rather than you know a film that could be good or bad and likely not actually been some grand moment the culture because so much of this stuff being pushed as grand cultural moments is all empty hype that hilariously the crowd yelling most of about being against big corporations and them being the enemy keep falling for hook line and sinker.

I mean, it was basically a completed project with tons of marketing already out in the wild for it. Cancelling it for a tax write-off seems weak as shit, and those guys stanning for a TV exec because they think he did it to fight "woke" are... well, a bunch of tits.
I'm kind of glad simply for the return to the awful status quo he's bringing of executives doing stuff for often very little reason other than some nonsense ideas they'd come up with about the direction things should take. (See the changes the The Real Ghostbusters cartoon)


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
There it is.
There's the reality of people seemingly getting behind this just to make it political not due to any actual love of the character.

The reality I'm happy to see it burn rather than just to see the same stupid fight play out again and the same scorched earth left behind anyway when the fandom equivalent of a locust horde get board and move on to something else they see as a way to push their ideas and goal?


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
There's the reality of people seemingly getting behind this just to make it political not due to any actual love of the character.

The reality I'm happy to see it burn rather than just to see the same stupid fight play out again and the same scorched earth left behind anyway when the fandom equivalent of a locust horde get board and move on to something else they see as a way to push their ideas and goal?
There's the reality of people setting themselves against it solely for political reasons rather than any "love of the character", as you very explicitly have done here. You're very clear you want to "see it burn"... not for any creative reason, but solely because you think other people you politically hate might like it.

Truly, it's about the most petty, cruel-spirited position anyone could take. Other people might want it, so "let it burn".
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