Valkyrie Elysium Impressions - Angel May Cry


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Apparently there are a series of games called Valkyrie Profile and they're traditionally turn-based JRPG's. It's one of those game series that just passed me by for whatever reason. The last Profile games came out in an era where I needed to either know a series from previous experience (like Final Fantasy or Resident Evil) or word of mouth needed to bring them to my attention. So I never got into them, and as a result when this game, Valkyrie Elysium, was shown during a Sony State of Play earlier in the year I thought nothing of it.

But as you guys are aware this year has been pretty fucking dry in terms of releases and the few releases we have gotten have not exactly been everything I had hoped for *cough* Saint's Row *cough*.

But hey Valkyrie Elysium came out yesterday and you know something. It's not a JRPG.....actually it's nothing like I expected. It's a pseudo Devil May Cry / RPG game actually. However it's far more basic than any DMC game. The basics are there though, light and heavy attacks, quick select magics, mixing and matching of combos, all of that familiar action game DNA. Combat is also responsive and quick, with lots of targets on screen at once where you can jump between who your attacking on the fly, quick dodge, parry, and even finishers. Some of this you have to unlock by spending the gems you earn from the enemies and breaking shit in the environment.

Basically you are a Valkyrie sent into the world by Odin to purge the world of undead monsters that have taken over due to Ragnarok, which seems to be a theme this year in gaming but whatever. So you go into the world kill shit and occasionally find a tormented human soul you can purge which will cause this person to join you as a summon spell. This is what adds another level of interest into the combat imo.

You see every enemy has an elemental weakness, and your human summons have elements associated to them (fire, earth, wind, lightning, etc etc) when you summon them they will fight by your side for about 90 seconds dealing elemental damage to enemies. When an enemy takes enough damage from an element they don't like it breaks them causing them to be stunned. While stunned you get a ton of free damage on them, but once they break out of the stun they are immune to elemental damage for a short period of time so you can't just spam stun them. This is only important on bosses because your general enemies will die from the stun damage you'll do to them unless you ignore them for some reason. Additionally when you summon your human elemental dudes, they charge your weapons with their element so that you yourself also do that elemental damage with your attacks while they are out. So summoning becomes a nightmare for the enemies if you have a summon that they are weak to.

The Valkyrie also has three upgrade trees which behave a lot like in DMC where you can unlock more health, more mana, more combos, double jump, double evade, super parry, and more. Enemies killed drop gems and gems are used for these upgrades. Gems can also upgrade your weapons which you'll have a small arsenal to choose from and you can have two equipped at any given time. Upgrading weapons unlocks more you see the theme? MORE COMBOS! Upgrade your combos so that your combos will have more combos and then you can do more combos! COMBOS!

So the combat is great. However where this game falls flat is in the level design and production value. Voice acted cutscenes are fairly minimal and the lips don't match any possible language. You venture into levels from a small hub area, and then each level is a simple maze with combat arenas broken up by sections of box breaking and box breaking is important for more gems which of course gives you more COMBOS, so you wanna break boxes. There are a few collectibles too in the form of memory flowers which add a small bit of fluff to the events going on. While on a mission in a level you might encounter spirits which you can talk to for side quests, but these side quests cannot just be done as you do the main quest, instead you have to activate them from your hub and enter the level specifically to do them.

That last part is something I actually really like, because it helps my systematic brain keep track of knocking out quests in a list so I actually like that part. Though I can see how other people would rather just be able to do everything in one trip. So it's personal preference in that regard. Otherwise the game's pretty fun, the bosses are big and challenging, but once you kind of figure out the weakness and the patterns they aren't that big of a deal. It's a cool action game and @BrawlMan might like it if he can stomach paying for a $60 game :D
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Otherwise the game's pretty fun, the bosses are big and challenging, but once you kind of figure out the weakness and the patterns they aren't that big of a deal. It's a cool action game and @BrawlMan might like it if he can stomach paying for a $60 game
I don't mind paying $60 as long as the game is not trying to screw the consumer over. I appreciate the effort, but I'm going to hold out for a good long while. You seem to forget that there is already another Angel May Cry coming out next month. I'll be busy with that when it releases and not playing much else. Then there is Ragnarok, Evil West, and GG Gore.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Is the main character hot?
Blonde woman in armor. You know, a valkyrie. Pretty, yes, but if you're looking for T&A fanservice, that's never been much of a thing in Valkyrie Profile. Judging from screenies and videos, some bare thigh is all that's shown.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Blonde woman in armor. You know, a valkyrie. Pretty, yes, but if you're looking for T&A fanservice, that's never been much of a thing in Valkyrie Profile. Judging from screenies and videos, some bare thigh is all that's shown.

Mods on nexus will fix that.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
No she KILLS angels. Not the same.
Baby you know it. Hence why she had the title first. Those angels cry a pain. Unless the main character from VP is about to be crying a lot. Bayo is still holding that alternative nickname. Now to be fair to you, in the third game, the homunculi are going to be the main focus.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
But as you guys are aware this year has been pretty fucking dry in terms of releases and the few releases we have gotten have not exactly been everything I had hoped for *cough* Saint's Row *cough*.
If you're talking about the AAA side, yes. Indie & AA have been nothing, but good games or constant hits. I will give some of the AAA this: it looks like an okay amount of them are actually getting their act together for the latter half of this year.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I kind of liked the demo, there were a few things that annoyed me like the ninja run that the Valkyrie did that doesn't seem to suit the character. And the tutorial is about as exciting as watching paint dry. But other than that, it was pretty fun when the game started properly. I might pick this up when it gets a bit cheaper.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
If you're talking about the AAA side, yes. Indie & AA have been nothing, but good games or constant hits. I will give some of the AAA this: it looks like an okay amount of them are actually getting their act together for the latter half of this year.
While this is a Square game, I think this must have been done by one of their smaller studios because it feels very AA-budget in production value. It definitely isn't a blockbuster game, but it does feel like one of those AA-games where you be like, "You know what? This is alright." Not gonna blow anyone away, but anyone who does play it will probably enjoy and have a good time with it.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
The only things I remember about the original Valkyrie Profile game (aside from the weird name) are the combat and the fairly good voice acting. And from what I remember of the combat, if I was going to pick an old JRPG series to stick in a DMC clone, VP isn't the worst choice.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
While this is a Square game, I think this must have been done by one of their smaller studios because it feels very AA-budget in production value. It definitely isn't a blockbuster game, but it does feel like one of those AA-games where you be like, "You know what? This is alright." Not gonna blow anyone away, but anyone who does play it will probably enjoy and have a good time with it.
So the franchise was made by tri ace, of the star ocean "fame". But there's also a star ocean game coming out soon so I'm not quite sure if its the same studio doing both, seem unlikely.

I'm glad square is going back to making mid size game which I think is what most of their output in the SNES-PS1 era was.

The selling point of the original valkyiria profile was that you had 4 character with you when you attack and each was assigned a face button on the playstation controller. When you attack an enemy you would pick which character would attack by pressing the button corresponding to them. You could just smash all the button at once, but most character had complex attack that could juggle enemy and so you'd miss some attack by just going all out. Instead it was more about making the right team so you could pull out great combo (making the DMC style combat system a good fit). The sequel on the PS2 (lenneth?) expanded on the system by making the enemy have multiple location on their body having weakness of sort. So say an enemy had wing, well if your attack hit the wing enough they would break, this could change the enemy attack pattern (say disable an attack) but it also affected what the enemy would drop after the battle (which was needed for crafting/upgrading). So in addition to making a good team, you also wanted to be able to juggle the enemy in a way that your attack would hit the right spot.

Overall its pretty unique system which helped the game stand out but also meaned that it asked a lot from the player compared to other JRPG and probably didn't help its popularity. Story wise they're very bleak games, actually pretty similar to soul game in a ambience.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017

Destructoid didn't dig the game...and I am beginning to wonder if I'm starting to enjoy more shitty games than good ones? TLOU2 is supposed to be 10/10 but I would barely give that a 6. ER is supposed to be a 10/10, but I'd give it a 7.

What is happening to me?! Im scared.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
What is happening to me?! Im scared.
What's there to be scared of? Destructoid just became another typical game journalists' site. Their score doesn't mean jack shit. As I said before, there was a reason Sterling left the site back in the early 2010s. The last time I ever heard agreed with them on anything was back in 2014. A little after that, Destructoid became the thing the site was against (or so they claimed).

Your experience and the consumers are all that matters. If the game is good, then all it means they found a bad player and hired somebody not good at their job. If anything, this article is reminding me the days of when I got sick of Game Informer and IGN. The latter I always something against to begin with though. God Hand was just the last straw.
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Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010

Destructoid didn't dig the game...and I am beginning to wonder if I'm starting to enjoy more shitty games than good ones? TLOU2 is supposed to be 10/10 but I would barely give that a 6. ER is supposed to be a 10/10, but I'd give it a 7.

What is happening to me?! Im scared.
Hey like what you like, there is no shame in liking a "bad" game. I mean, I quite liked The Order 1886.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Looks at thread...

Peh, you just wanted to put off FF13 you coward. :p