As far as I can tell: none. Ukraine is still a member of these bodies. Well, can't say for sure about "ESC" as I do not know the body said acronym is supposed to refer to.
You should stop believing all the anti Western bullshit you can find on the internet.
Apparently, the BBC is "anti Western bullshit I can find on the internet".
Верховная Рада Украины утвердила положение о временном отступлении от отдельных международных обязательств на территории Донбасса, предусмотренных международными соглашениями о защите прав человека.
Armed forces commit acts of barbarity, and therefore the country from which those armed forces come has no right to self-defence or self-determination, and the lives of civilians in those countries are forfeit. Is that the line you're taking, then?
The line I'm taking is the US and NATO should under no circumstances or pretense be
supporting forces that commit atrocities, or
committing them, and by doing so have forfeited any claim to waging a just war -- or any moral or ethical high ground.
But had the US and NATO done that from the beginning, there would never have been a war, as the US and NATO would never have astroturfed a neo-Nazi protest movement to overturn a free and fair election the outcome of which they simply didn't like, in an attempt to "Arab spring" former Warsaw Pact states.
If we're talking about severity or frequency, by-the-by, the answer to those questions would overwhelmingly be the Russian armed forces and the Nazi paramilitaries they employ.
And now we got a fallacy of relative privation on the field!
One, by the way, with a particularly poignant historical parallel. What precisely happened the last time European and North American countries collectively decided those Nazi chaps were a decent enough sort, and certainly finer to stand behind in the inevitable scrap against the orientalist Russian hordes?
Certainly the Russians were worse than the Nazis then as they are now, after all. How'd that work out in the long run, again?
America's funding of Ukrainian forces in Donbas is fucking minuscule in comparison with Russian funding. And the forces Russia is funding are the insurgency, which you seem to keep forgetting. That does actually count for something.
I'd like to see a citation for that, which
didn't come from the US Department of State or a right-wing think tank. Because the US is
better at laundering money than the Russians, doesn't mean the Russians
outspend the US.
This may irritate you, but Ukraine voted for its government. It wasn't a perfect election by any means, but it was far fairer than any vote Russia has ever run anywhere, and there's no serious doubt that the winning party had a greater mandate than the other candidates.
Which one? The 2010 election which was internationally accepted as free and fair by states, state organizations, and NGO's as observed by a record number of election observers -- the one where the "Russian stooge" won, and the US engaged in aforementioned astroturfing? The 2014 one, where the Ukrainian government disenfranchised Donbas and wouldn't allow observers from Russia or CIS?
Or we are just pretending once again Ukraine just spontaneously manifested from the luminiferous aether -- but somehow had been subject to a decade of Russian conspiratorial proxy-shadow-war -- in February, 2022?
The equivocation is completely pathetic. Only one side has invaded a sovereign state here. Only one side has annexed another country's territory in an imperial land-grab of a size not seen for 80 years. Only one side has been wracking up war crimes on a scale that dwarfs every other participant. Russia.
Pity that same outrage is evident in the case of the country inhabited by white, Christian, neo-Nazis Europeans, and not for example, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Khazakhstan, or Armenia.
One could add Syria to that list, of course, but not that we'd want to. It is, after all, the instance in which the US was arming, training, and funding ISIS and
al-Goddamn-Qaeda of all fuckin' people, who went on to moronically fight
each other instead of Assad or loyalist forces. You know, because Russia Bad.
Likewise, I'd be totally remiss if I didn't mention the
last time the US baited Russia into invading a third-party state by arming, training, and funding a bunch of extremist lunatics. With the specific stated goal of provoking Russia into unsustainably spending capital, materiel, and people as a form of economic warfare (which wasn't that the point
you just made?).
Afghanistan? because
that worked out well in the long run, and totally didn't come back to bite the West in the ass later.
However, these things are not connected into an overarching and self-evident moral truth.
Nope, just good old fashioned
realpolitik. Make of it what you will.
I recently encountered the term "American diabolism", and it's actually a pretty perfect description. The fact that US influence on the world is largely self-serving and often has catastrophic impacts on the people affected does not mean that "America bad" is the single, central moral axis around which the entire universe revolves. That is some spiritual warfare shit, and it's not surprising because a significant proportion of the US left seems to have been infiltrated by conservative evangelicals.
And now we're in the "shit the US government and its intelligence community openly admits it's done and has declassified documents it hosts on its own webpages, is conspiracy theory" phase of the debate. Because apparently, leftists are secretly conservative evangelicals, who are notoriously anti-imperialist and not nationalist in the least.
NED invests heavily in Ukrainian media not because it has been told to do so by George Soros and the evil CIA globalist shadow government but because that is its organizational remit. Various NATO countries are engaged in training Ukrainian units not as part of some secret global Nazi agenda, but as part of agreed packages of military support in Ukraine (and because it makes absolutely no sense to send equipment without providing training in its use). NATO equipment has ended up in the hands of units accused of war crimes not because NATO loves war crimes, but because there is no mechanism to compartmentalize military aid.
Hey remember that time the US intelligence community was illegally skimming off the top of illegal weapons sales to Iran, to illegally fund and arm Nicaraguan right-wing death squads? How 'bout that time NATO troops and contractors under the umbrella of UNPROFOR were operating a global sex trafficking ring out of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Yugoslav Wars?
Hanlon's razor is significantly blunted in the face of the decades' of documented proof of Western malice, with regards to the political fates of second and third world countries and their peoples. Just sayin'.
No force on earth is powerful enough to persuade that many people to cooperate in a plan that, in many cases, will directly harm them.
So how's that situation going with the MAGA Republicans, again?
I'm pretty sure, for many Ukrainians, it is about Ukrainian independence, or are they in on it too?
I'm sure it is, but nobody in a position to call shots or run audibles on this play gives a shit about them.
Disavowing collective guilt and invoking the Nuremberg defense is
totally the optics you want to present in a conversation about Nazis and their level of influence in a foreign government.
Well fucking done.