Top female Twitch streamer Amouranth stream turns dark as an apparent abusive husband comes to light


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I mean most of the defense is against the blatant victim blaming, anti-women, anti-sw rhetoric which is popping up.

So less going to bat over an internet personality and more going to bat over values and attitudes in.....the current events section. Whodathought.

I don't think anyone here is victim blaming. Seems like projection to me. What's happening here is Team A is trying to have some kind of debate about the morality of live streaming tragedy with a like, subscribe and donate icon and Team B is calling them the patriarchy. Thats all I see. Seems like two ships passing in the night with Amouranth traveling rent free in both.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
you really didn't want to be a part of it. At the very least you would close your current porn-filled account and make a new one with a fresh start. Or hell purge the content off the page currently and sort of reset and rebrand yourself. Wouldn't that make sense?
Yes, but it's her judgement call to make. Not ours. You or I have never lived a day in her shoes and didn't know what went on her day-to-day life until now. Whatever choices she makes is on her, and none of us have to right to say otherwise, nor give her unrealistic expectations. This my nice way of saying we stay out of her business and let the woman recover however she chooses. Show some damn support, not constant and unneeded criticism.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
A number of the takes here repeatedly boil down to "Shes rich, whats the problem?" If that isnt victim blaming idk what is.
I paid off my mortgage this year, so, really, I deserve it if I get mugged on my way to the shop. After all, some people are about to experience (really quite bad) rate hikes, which my being mugged is the solution to.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
I mean, that applies to everyone, not just the accusers, it applies to the accused too. And if you make a claim you bear the burden of proof, not the person you accused. Cause even if you are telling the truth, if we don't do it this way there will be others who will not be as truthful and exploit the system to get innocents imprisoned. And this even applies to the person who victimised you, they now get to claim you abused them, and we would have to believe them based on this standard.
There's a difference between reserving judgement and assuming the accuser is lying and making comments about her character to justify why you assume she must be lying.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
There's a difference between reserving judgement and assuming the accuser is lying and making comments about her character to justify why you assume she must be lying.
No we assume every accuser for everything is lying unless they prove they're not, that's literally how justice works. Otherwise you'd get people get accused of wild and crazy acts as a way of defaming them and most people won't have the resources to fight in court and clear their name so they'll have to live with their reputations being ruined unjustly.

Just think of it this way, you have the alleged abuse victim accusing her boyfriend of harming her, and you have the boyfriend accusing his girlfriend of allegedly slandering him. Who is the victim here? Who do we believe? You can't believe both because that is a contradiction. Is it whomever reported their allegations to the cops first? Do we want a system where someone punches you and as you are reeling they call in and report you punched them and now they have to be believed?

People use the term "credible accusations", meaning that there was some form of assessment of credibility that took place before the accuser was deemed believable...and that's really all I'm saying here. The moment you use any form of reasoning to decide and don't just automatically believe someone's utterances, you're also doing the same.

In the nicest possible way, you are a simpleton. We can be critical of a system that enables a person to earn large amounts of money without believing people existing within that system the way the system wants them to deserve to live in abusive relationships or be otherwise abused. It's actually fine that a person earns a lot of money, as long as we take most of it back through taxation. That we don't do enough of that is irrelevant to the discussion and absolutely not within the power of the individual the discussion concerns in any case.

That you think you are left-wing is a little joke that the rest of us get together and chuckle about while we're trialling new berets.
To me being left wing is not my hobby, it is something I do so I can keep having a hobby through protecting free expression and the arts, and promoting open-mindedness. So yeah you won't find me cosplaying as a Bolshevik, and I think that's the more healthy way of dealing with politics. The moment it ceases being a means to an end and becomes an end in and of itself you've lost sight of its intended purpose and have become an ideologue.

Also, I think instead of relying on taxation which requires a middleman to handle the redistribution, setting a maximum wage where there can only be of at most a x10 difference between the pay of the top executive and the lowest worker in a workplace would be more effective because the CEOs who will seek to give themselves a raise will have to pay their workers more to do so, so it cuts out the middleman and gives people more money directly.

Also nobody really ever works 10x as hard as someone else anyways so their reward being more than that is obscene.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
The moment you use any form of reasoning to decide and don't just automatically believe someone's utterances
Don't forget that everyone immediately calls you a piece of shit too.

However if Amouranth's husband came forward and said she was abusing him, nobody would believe him without proof. Meanwhile any woman can point a finger and if you question her you're victim blaming, or you're sexist, or a bigot, or incel, or whatever.

Amouranth imo has done nothing but be shady about all of this.

1. She went live in the "middle" of an abusive call, where she wasn't visibly worried or upset until after the camera was on.
2. Her husband threatened to leave her with "only" 1 million dollars, where why wouldn't he just take everything if he could?
3. The next day she streamed and was showered with bits, cheers, subs, and donations, then bounced when it money was at it's peak.
4. Got mad that her former camera guy was sharing this information on twitter, and encouraging people to get the cops to do wellfare checks on her.
5. Then came back later or the day after, with everything resolved. Which seems strangely quick for someone who supposed suffered for years and years only for what some internet attention to encourage her to break away. On top of world record speed of getting her social accounts and bank accounts back.
6. Now is going to go on a "break". Probably until all the attention dies down.

Meanwhile we will have to see if she takes any actions against the content she was "forced" to make, like her OF. Something tells me she wont, which I wouldn't blame her for not flaming the big time money ticket, however it would serve as a daily reminder of her abuse and abuser.

I am suspicious because she has pulled shady stunts in the past before, as well as bending the rules on her platforms as much as she possibly can. Which I simply don't believe was masterminded by someone else behind the scenes. It all seems too convenient and too easily resolved.

If I'm wrong. I'll eat crow, that's fine. I don't care, I will only be happy she'll free now.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
And also meanwhile, any woman who celebrates or exploits her sexuality is automatically assumed to be evil and therefore deserving of any bad things that happen.
Sexual stigma is a by-product problem of a culture that still retains a basis in religion. Even though most anti-sex religious people are huge hypocrites about that shit anyway.

And this is always the case. Nobody shamed Adriana Chechik when she broke her back at Twitchcon.

I think a lot of it has to do with how the girl's past behavior has painted her. When you do shady shit, then something bad happens to you, it's only nature that people will care less about it (especially if it's not life threatening). So you have to consider the reputation of a person, and weigh the nature of those responses.

Look at someone like DSP, a e-begger who scams his audience to the tune of 120k a year. If he got banned of youtube tomorrow, nobody would cry about it.

But if a twitch streamer scams her audience into thinking she'll date them if they give her money, that's the fault of the stupid guys who think she's serious.

You see the double standard there. Both people take advantage of an audience that might not know any better. But the bitterness is more on DSP because he's technically a man right?
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
No we assume every accuser for everything is lying unless they prove they're not, that's literally how justice works.
That's not how "innocent until proven guilty" works. The courts do not assume bad faith on the part of the plaintiff.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
That's not how "innocent until proven guilty" works. The courts do not assume bad faith on the part of the plaintiff.
They also don't assume guilt. They gather the parties, and they gather evidence to sort out the truth as much as possible. In criminal proceedings it is then up to a jury, in civil typically it's just the judge who settles matters.


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
Nobody shamed Adriana Chechik?

Weird, literally every discussion or mention of the incident referred to her as a twitch creator at twitchcon. And at least half of the comments were veiled, to open, assertions that she wasnt a twitch creator, she was a whore.

Like a decent portion of the interactions ignored the news entirely to focus on 'correcting' referring to her as a twitch creator. Even though she is a twitch creator, and contextually that was the most relevant title for her at twitchcon.

But sure, 'no one shamed her'.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
No we assume every accuser for everything is lying unless they prove they're not, that's literally how justice works. Otherwise you'd get people get accused of wild and crazy acts as a way of defaming them and most people won't have the resources to fight in court and clear their name so they'll have to live with their reputations being ruined unjustly.
So you believe the accuser is guilty until proven innocent? Thanks for saying it out loud.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Are you the guy that used to talk about his mum's boobs like all the time?
Wasn't that Paragon Fury? He's the one I immediately associate with talking about breasts an inordinate amount.

Paragon Fury said:
I'm not kidding either; gross as it is to have to consider, yes, my Mom and Aunts were hot (ugh, its weird and awkward to even have to type that).
Ah, I miss him.

You probably owe Dreiko an apology.
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