Dalisclock plays through the Dragon Age Trilogy and makes a lot of running commentary along the way. Spoilers abound.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Which is weird as pejoratives go because it hinges on the Ferelden love of the Mabari who have constantly proven themselves as the most able breed of dog at basically anything you want a dog to do. I mean fucking hell, Varric only (kinda sorta) beats Hawke’s own Mabari at Diamondback and Wicked Grace because his tail wags when he gets a good hand, implying lesser observant inmates of that little adventurers asylum have in fact lost to the dog.

Damn right we’re Dog Lords, you whinging Marchers and Orlesian fops.
Is this a cutscene or mentioned by Varric? Because I feel like I missed something really cool here


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I'm finished with Chapter 2 and man, that was quite a climax there. I get a mission where the Qunari delegation to the Viscount went missing and was kidnapped by a Templar Fanatic and his group, which ended badly for everyone when he casually started murdering the bound Qunari one by one like a complete asshole. I mean, the Qunari are jerks for the most part but there was no call for that. As a result, it ratcheted up tensions, made worse by a further mission where the VIscounts son decided to join the qun, only to be murdered in the chantry be alpha ***** Patrice who tried to blame it on Hawke. And of course, to make things even better, while it looked like she would be punished for this, an Qunari happened to be there to witness it in the Chantry(I swear anyone can just stroll in with a weapon) and assassinate her right there in the Chantry before *SMOKE BOMB* ing his way out the...side door? Window? I don't know. He vanishing through a doorway and nobody else seems to notice it or try to stop him. It basically becomes a big cascade of shit just going on that ends in disaster.

But before that, I get interrupted by another matter. Earlier in the game there were a couple quests about women going missing in Kirkwall and it turns out it was the result of a deranged serial killer whose identity was never confirmed, though implied it could be a couple different people. I didn't accuse anyone because nothing was concrete and it turns out I was right to hold off because it turned out to be some other guy who wanted to *check notes* murder the women so he could chop them up and Frankenstein them into an image of ihs dead wife who he would then resurrect through Necromancy. Jesus fucking Christ. Oh, and this time he abducted Hawke's mother, Lenandra and it turns out there's nothing that can be done to prevent it or save her life, to my knowledge. The guy is always one step ahead of you no matter what option you choose, which is both annoying and kind of a relief to know I didn't fuck up somewhere along the way and if I'd chosen to do one thing differently she would survive.

With that taken care of, it turns out shit is really going down. A couple of criminals, elves who took the law into their own hands because the city guard apparently wasn't doing shit to protect them(and yeah, that checks out) have converted to the Qun and taken refuge with the Qunari , who are refusing to hand them over for trial. But first, Isabella reveals she has something SUPER IMPORTANT to talk about. Yeah, it turns out her losing her ship and the Qunari being unable to leave were related. They were searching for a sacred book, which Isabella had stolen from Orlais and then the Qunari were chasing her when both ships went down in the same storm, thus stranding the Qunari and losing Isabella her ship at the same time. And to be fair, Isabella has been really fucking coy about just how she lost her ship up until now and even more telling, I once tried to visit the Qunari with Isabella in my team(because half the time I have her in my team when I don't have Varric), she immediately started making excuses that she had to be somewhere else RIGHT NOW because she left her stove on or something and scampers off before we can enter the compound. So that tracks. In retrospect, half the shit that happens in this game is partially Isabella's fault.

But since she's claimed she's just now found the book she was looking for, I agree to help her go find it and then like an idiot give it to her, at which point she Scampers off with it and leaves me to face the Qunari alone. It turns out it probably didn't matter much because the meeting with the Arishok goes south very quickly, with him outright refusing to give up the criminals or even talk about Extradition of any kind. And then he kills some of the city guard because he's annoyed.

This leads to a decently long mission where Kirkwall becomes a battleground as the Qunari basically just rampage and take over the Keep, holding the nobles hostage inside. In the meantime, the Head of the Templars(a lady named Meredith) and the First Enchanter both show up and barely hold off from killing each other to fight the Qunari to fight to the Keep where the Arishok is hanging out with his hostages(who he seems to enjoy killing because he's annoyed, a common theme with him). In fact, the first thing he does when Hawke arrives to toss the Viscounts severed head into the crowd of Nobles. You know, Hostages don't work so well when you kill them willy nilly, ya fucking putz.

Isabella shows up with the book, admits she was about to dash but decided to come back to help and I give the Arishok his stupid book back. He admits he can go home with face now, but instead of taking the W gracefully, he demands Isabella to punish for her theft. Which might be a reasonable demand, except, you know, that whole thing where he refused to hand over Kirkwall criminals that had taken refuge with the Qunari and started a war over it instead. So yeah, he's a bit of a fucking hypocrite here, because apparently he doesn't have to play by the same rules he demands of others. The whole thing is making it really hard for me to have any sympathy for him at all, while I understand the position he's in, he's done nothing to actually make it better or attempt to really work with the city of Kirkwall to get what he wants. And so when the choice is between fighting him or giving up Isabella, yeah, I fight the fucker because he's basically been a giant asshole for the past hour of game time.

The resultant fight ends up being not terribly difficult but mostly because as a force mage, I could basically lock him in place and pelt him with fire over and over until he died while he barely scratched me. And it was kinda awesome to watch big boy get his ass beaten so fucking readily after all the bullying he's done to everyone else recently.

Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate how the Arishok more or less isn't bothering anyone directly for much of the game and it's mostly Kirkwallians(?) who spend a lot of time poking him to finally get him to strike back. He even makes a fair point how awfully the elves are treating in Kirkwall and they probably wouldn't have joined him if they'd been treated fairly. OTOH, the Qunari behavior once it reaches the point that they lose their cool kinda erases any fucking point they may have had and as noted before, it's kind of a dick move to demand Isabella for punishment when he refused to extend the same courtesy hours before for the elves. Especially since there's no hint he plans to punish them now that they're part of the Qun. So you have this interesting juxtaposition that same society that sends people to "Re-education" camps and will presumably kill him if he returns home without his sacred book won't bother to punish a couple people accused of murder because they converted and apparently not in Kirkwalls Jurisdiction anymore(except they were when they committed the crime). There's a lot to unpack there and it's honestly kind of fascinating to think about, but it doesn't change the fact that burning down half the city really kinda nullifies any argument you had before.

As a side note, I ran into a group of grey wardens during the fighting in the streets, who help a little and then fuck off somewhere else because they're needed....somewhere else and refuse to tell me what's up, except that it's not for me to know. Which feels like maybe it's foreshadowing for either the DLC(which I've only done sebastian's so far) or Inquisition, which I'm led to understand ended up absorbing a number of plotlines meant for DA2 and it's DLC but cut for time. Also it's weird to realize that in DA2 I'm on the outside of this because I'm not a Grey Warden here but I spent like 60 hours as one previously.

On a lighter note, I got a little excited when I saw a Quanri enemy called STEN, and then when I killed him and nothing special happened I quickly remembered that Sten is a title/position and not a name so there a lot of Qunari "Stens" out there and it's unlikely the DAO Sten shows up in DA2.

But yeah, just one more act and two DLC(accessed through statues in Hawke's spare room) left to go and then I'm done here. As far as I know, Act 3 is fairly short so i probably don't have too much left, and I've heard the two "Stand alone"-ish DLC are best done in Act 3 because of this.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I think the grey warden are there if your sibling get turned into a warden in act 1, they'll show up with the other warden.

I usually give the Arishock Isabella cause its very reasonable to ask that she be punished and its super annoying that her response to getting targeted by some minor outlaw gang is to pick a fight with the freaking Qunari who will literally go half way across the world to track her/the book and have possibly the strongest military in the world. We regularly deal with stuff more dangerous than the outlaw she's having issue with, why not just ask us to deal with them. Only real issue is you lose her companion mission in act 3 which has a pretty important thing in it.

Him not working with the city isn't that unreasonable since the city isn't exactly well runned. You see with Isabella quest that the guard are super corrupt, there's a ton of criminal, and they target the Qunari multiple time. And the real power in the city is the chantry, who apparently are totally cool with manufacturing excuse to start a race war for petty gain. It's really not clear what the city could have done to help him anyway
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I think the grey warden are there if your sibling get turned into a warden in act 1, they'll show up with the other warden.

I usually give the Arishock Isabella cause its very reasonable to ask that she be punished and its super annoying that her response to getting targeted by some minor outlaw gang is to pick a fight with the freaking Qunari who will literally go half way across the world to track her/the book and have possibly the strongest military in the world. We regularly deal with stuff more dangerous than the outlaw she's having issue with, why not just ask us to deal with them. Only real issue is you lose her companion mission in act 3 which has a pretty important thing in it.

Him not working with the city isn't that unreasonable since the city isn't exactly well runned. You see with Isabella quest that the guard are super corrupt, there's a ton of criminal, and they target the Qunari multiple time. And the real power in the city is the chantry, who apparently are totally cool with manufacturing excuse to start a race war for petty gain. It's really not clear what the city could have done to help him anyway
I missed out on Carver as a Grey Warden because I didn't bring him along on the Deep Roads expedition, so he ended up becoming a Templar instead and then I pretty much never saw him except like one cutscene near the end of Act 2. Partially because I didn't particularly like Carver but also because I'm not a huge fan of Two handed Warriors in this game(I don't take Fenris anywhere either, partially because of this). I've gotten pretty comfortable with the party balance of MageHawke, Aveline for Tanking and then either Anders/Merrill for my other Mage or Varric/Isabela for my Rogue/DPS and that composition has worked out really well for like 90% of the game so far. Carver/Fenris don't really fit and I haven't really found much use for Sebastian at all outside his dedicated quest.

I think part of the reason I didn't give up Isabella is because my Hawke is dating Isabella, but again, that's a hell of an ask AFTER you start burning the city down. I know it's briefly mentioned before everything goes to hell, but just afterwards the Qunari go on the warpath, at which point I'm not so inclined to help them anymore. As far as I know there's no way to satisfy the Arishok in Act 2 so that he doesn't start tearing shit up. I know you can presumably get the book from Isabella and give to to the Qunari but apparently doesn't prevent anything.

Yeah, the whole thing is a fucking mess, really. The chantry were invovled in poking him(Patrice in particular) and a lot of people wanted this to happen. I don't have any love for them either. The Viscount clearly didn't know what to do, Aveline had her hands full just trying to keep the city together on a good day and the Chantry wasn't doing anything to help at all when they weren't actively antagonizing the Qunari. The Arishok for his part......how do I put this....for someone wanting to get the hell out of Kirkwall for like 4 years he didn't seem like he was doing much to actually find the one thing he needed to be able to leave. You get some hints in Act 2 he can't leave until he finds something but I didn't seem much to suggest they were putting a ton of effort into looking for the damn thing, because mostly they're hanging out in their little enclave by the docks and you barely see them outside of that enclave(the ones at the wounded coast apparently don't count because they've abandoned the qun or something like that).

I do really appreciate that the Arishok is developed enough to be a lot more then "I am a bad guy! Ha Ha Ha!" but rather there's conflicting issues at play here and he really doesn't become the villain until the end of Act 2 when he decides he's just gonna tear up half the city(as corrupt and shitty as it is). I really just hoped that if he got his fucking book he'd leave and if he hadn't asked for Isabella I was really to let him walk to get him the fuck out of there but he insisted and well, a fight we had.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I missed out on Carver as a Grey Warden because I didn't bring him along on the Deep Roads expedition, so he ended up becoming a Templar instead and then I pretty much never saw him except like one cutscene near the end of Act 2. Partially because I didn't particularly like Carver but also because I'm not a huge fan of Two handed Warriors in this game(I don't take Fenris anywhere either, partially because of this). I've gotten pretty comfortable with the party balance of MageHawke, Aveline for Tanking and then either Anders/Merrill for my other Mage or Varric/Isabela for my Rogue/DPS and that composition has worked out really well for like 90% of the game so far. Carver/Fenris don't really fit and I haven't really found much use for Sebastian at all outside his dedicated quest.

I think part of the reason I didn't give up Isabella is because my Hawke is dating Isabella, but again, that's a hell of an ask AFTER you start burning the city down. I know it's briefly mentioned before everything goes to hell, but just afterwards the Qunari go on the warpath, at which point I'm not so inclined to help them anymore. As far as I know there's no way to satisfy the Arishok in Act 2 so that he doesn't start tearing shit up. I know you can presumably get the book from Isabella and give to to the Qunari but apparently doesn't prevent anything.

Yeah, the whole thing is a fucking mess, really. The chantry were invovled in poking him(Patrice in particular) and a lot of people wanted this to happen. I don't have any love for them either. The Viscount clearly didn't know what to do, Aveline had her hands full just trying to keep the city together on a good day and the Chantry wasn't doing anything to help at all when they weren't actively antagonizing the Qunari. The Arishok for his part......how do I put this....for someone wanting to get the hell out of Kirkwall for like 4 years he didn't seem like he was doing much to actually find the one thing he needed to be able to leave. You get some hints in Act 2 he can't leave until he finds something but I didn't seem much to suggest they were putting a ton of effort into looking for the damn thing, because mostly they're hanging out in their little enclave by the docks and you barely see them outside of that enclave(the ones at the wounded coast apparently don't count because they've abandoned the qun or something like that).

I do really appreciate that the Arishok is developed enough to be a lot more then "I am a bad guy! Ha Ha Ha!" but rather there's conflicting issues at play here and he really doesn't become the villain until the end of Act 2 when he decides he's just gonna tear up half the city(as corrupt and shitty as it is). I really just hoped that if he got his fucking book he'd leave and if he hadn't asked for Isabella I was really to let him walk to get him the fuck out of there but he insisted and well, a fight we had.
The whole thing with the Arishok not just doing the intelligent thing and explaining he’s tracking a sacred time that was stolen from them is one of the many ways the game points out deficiencies with the Qun. The Arishok is a general in command of an expeditionary force sent to retrieve the Tome of Koslun, and that’s it. Even though he’s clearly intelligent and has all the information he needs to negotiate with the Viscount, he won’t. Because his role is not that of a diplomat so he won’t take a breathtakingly easy option to solve his problem.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I'm finished with Chapter 2 and man, that was quite a climax there. I get a mission where the Qunari delegation to the Viscount went missing and was kidnapped by a Templar Fanatic and his group, which ended badly for everyone when he casually started murdering the bound Qunari one by one like a complete asshole. I mean, the Qunari are jerks for the most part but there was no call for that. As a result, it ratcheted up tensions, made worse by a further mission where the VIscounts son decided to join the qun, only to be murdered in the chantry be alpha ***** Patrice who tried to blame it on Hawke. And of course, to make things even better, while it looked like she would be punished for this, an Qunari happened to be there to witness it in the Chantry(I swear anyone can just stroll in with a weapon) and assassinate her right there in the Chantry before *SMOKE BOMB* ing his way out the...side door? Window? I don't know. He vanishing through a doorway and nobody else seems to notice it or try to stop him. It basically becomes a big cascade of shit just going on that ends in disaster.

But before that, I get interrupted by another matter. Earlier in the game there were a couple quests about women going missing in Kirkwall and it turns out it was the result of a deranged serial killer whose identity was never confirmed, though implied it could be a couple different people. I didn't accuse anyone because nothing was concrete and it turns out I was right to hold off because it turned out to be some other guy who wanted to *check notes* murder the women so he could chop them up and Frankenstein them into an image of ihs dead wife who he would then resurrect through Necromancy. Jesus fucking Christ. Oh, and this time he abducted Hawke's mother, Lenandra and it turns out there's nothing that can be done to prevent it or save her life, to my knowledge. The guy is always one step ahead of you no matter what option you choose, which is both annoying and kind of a relief to know I didn't fuck up somewhere along the way and if I'd chosen to do one thing differently she would survive.

With that taken care of, it turns out shit is really going down. A couple of criminals, elves who took the law into their own hands because the city guard apparently wasn't doing shit to protect them(and yeah, that checks out) have converted to the Qun and taken refuge with the Qunari , who are refusing to hand them over for trial. But first, Isabella reveals she has something SUPER IMPORTANT to talk about. Yeah, it turns out her losing her ship and the Qunari being unable to leave were related. They were searching for a sacred book, which Isabella had stolen from Orlais and then the Qunari were chasing her when both ships went down in the same storm, thus stranding the Qunari and losing Isabella her ship at the same time. And to be fair, Isabella has been really fucking coy about just how she lost her ship up until now and even more telling, I once tried to visit the Qunari with Isabella in my team(because half the time I have her in my team when I don't have Varric), she immediately started making excuses that she had to be somewhere else RIGHT NOW because she left her stove on or something and scampers off before we can enter the compound. So that tracks. In retrospect, half the shit that happens in this game is partially Isabella's fault.

But since she's claimed she's just now found the book she was looking for, I agree to help her go find it and then like an idiot give it to her, at which point she Scampers off with it and leaves me to face the Qunari alone. It turns out it probably didn't matter much because the meeting with the Arishok goes south very quickly, with him outright refusing to give up the criminals or even talk about Extradition of any kind. And then he kills some of the city guard because he's annoyed.

This leads to a decently long mission where Kirkwall becomes a battleground as the Qunari basically just rampage and take over the Keep, holding the nobles hostage inside. In the meantime, the Head of the Templars(a lady named Meredith) and the First Enchanter both show up and barely hold off from killing each other to fight the Qunari to fight to the Keep where the Arishok is hanging out with his hostages(who he seems to enjoy killing because he's annoyed, a common theme with him). In fact, the first thing he does when Hawke arrives to toss the Viscounts severed head into the crowd of Nobles. You know, Hostages don't work so well when you kill them willy nilly, ya fucking putz.

Isabella shows up with the book, admits she was about to dash but decided to come back to help and I give the Arishok his stupid book back. He admits he can go home with face now, but instead of taking the W gracefully, he demands Isabella to punish for her theft. Which might be a reasonable demand, except, you know, that whole thing where he refused to hand over Kirkwall criminals that had taken refuge with the Qunari and started a war over it instead. So yeah, he's a bit of a fucking hypocrite here, because apparently he doesn't have to play by the same rules he demands of others. The whole thing is making it really hard for me to have any sympathy for him at all, while I understand the position he's in, he's done nothing to actually make it better or attempt to really work with the city of Kirkwall to get what he wants. And so when the choice is between fighting him or giving up Isabella, yeah, I fight the fucker because he's basically been a giant asshole for the past hour of game time.

The resultant fight ends up being not terribly difficult but mostly because as a force mage, I could basically lock him in place and pelt him with fire over and over until he died while he barely scratched me. And it was kinda awesome to watch big boy get his ass beaten so fucking readily after all the bullying he's done to everyone else recently.

Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate how the Arishok more or less isn't bothering anyone directly for much of the game and it's mostly Kirkwallians(?) who spend a lot of time poking him to finally get him to strike back. He even makes a fair point how awfully the elves are treating in Kirkwall and they probably wouldn't have joined him if they'd been treated fairly. OTOH, the Qunari behavior once it reaches the point that they lose their cool kinda erases any fucking point they may have had and as noted before, it's kind of a dick move to demand Isabella for punishment when he refused to extend the same courtesy hours before for the elves. Especially since there's no hint he plans to punish them now that they're part of the Qun. So you have this interesting juxtaposition that same society that sends people to "Re-education" camps and will presumably kill him if he returns home without his sacred book won't bother to punish a couple people accused of murder because they converted and apparently not in Kirkwalls Jurisdiction anymore(except they were when they committed the crime). There's a lot to unpack there and it's honestly kind of fascinating to think about, but it doesn't change the fact that burning down half the city really kinda nullifies any argument you had before.

As a side note, I ran into a group of grey wardens during the fighting in the streets, who help a little and then fuck off somewhere else because they're needed....somewhere else and refuse to tell me what's up, except that it's not for me to know. Which feels like maybe it's foreshadowing for either the DLC(which I've only done sebastian's so far) or Inquisition, which I'm led to understand ended up absorbing a number of plotlines meant for DA2 and it's DLC but cut for time. Also it's weird to realize that in DA2 I'm on the outside of this because I'm not a Grey Warden here but I spent like 60 hours as one previously.

On a lighter note, I got a little excited when I saw a Quanri enemy called STEN, and then when I killed him and nothing special happened I quickly remembered that Sten is a title/position and not a name so there a lot of Qunari "Stens" out there and it's unlikely the DAO Sten shows up in DA2.

But yeah, just one more act and two DLC(accessed through statues in Hawke's spare room) left to go and then I'm done here. As far as I know, Act 3 is fairly short so i probably don't have too much left, and I've heard the two "Stand alone"-ish DLC are best done in Act 3 because of this.
A lady named Meredith. I remember the first time I played DAII and being really impressed with her introduction. Shoving a sword through the guts of a Qunari Sarebaas and giving her rank and name. Jean Gilpin is to be commended for just how good a job she does with the emotional beats of Meredith’s scenes. I have a lot of love for the character.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
The whole thing with the Arishok not just doing the intelligent thing and explaining he’s tracking a sacred time that was stolen from them is one of the many ways the game points out deficiencies with the Qun. The Arishok is a general in command of an expeditionary force sent to retrieve the Tome of Koslun, and that’s it. Even though he’s clearly intelligent and has all the information he needs to negotiate with the Viscount, he won’t. Because his role is not that of a diplomat so he won’t take a breathtakingly easy option to solve his problem.
Pretty much. The qun is a cool interesting ideology/philosophy but it has a massive drawback of crippling overspecialization for everyone. Sure you may be great at archery but when your bow breaks you're left staring at a knife you have no clue how to use because it's not your place to know knives. That's the knife guy's job.

And sure, there's a good case to be made it's better to be really good at one thing then to suck at five, it's also nice to be able to do more then one thing at all.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Pretty much. The qun is a cool ideology/philosophy but it has a massive drawback of crippling overspecialization for everyone. Sure you may be great at archery but when your bow breaks you're left staring at a knife you have no clue how to use because it's not your place to know knives. That's the knife guy's job.

And sure, there's a good case to be made it's better to be really good at one thing then to suck at five, it's also nice to be able to do more then one thing at all.
You know, instead of a holy book, had Isabela stolen the formula for black powder (Gaatlok) from the Qunari then his desire to keep schtum would actually have made sense since black powder is THE military secret that gives the Qunari an edge against the Imperium. I mean he would hardly be at fault for not blabbing out “Some ***** dun stole our formula for gunpowder. But keep it on the QT, Kay?” to a rival head of state who’s office doubles as a colander it leaks so badly.

But a holy book? At worst he risks Patrice and her ilk buying or stealing it to burn it. Not that that wouldn’t be a big deal - desecration if holy relics is serious business in the setting - but it’s a less risky admission.

But again, the Qun demands.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I missed out on Carver as a Grey Warden because I didn't bring him along on the Deep Roads expedition, so he ended up becoming a Templar instead and then I pretty much never saw him except like one cutscene near the end of Act 2. Partially because I didn't particularly like Carver but also because I'm not a huge fan of Two handed Warriors in this game(I don't take Fenris anywhere either, partially because of this). I've gotten pretty comfortable with the party balance of MageHawke, Aveline for Tanking and then either Anders/Merrill for my other Mage or Varric/Isabela for my Rogue/DPS and that composition has worked out really well for like 90% of the game so far. Carver/Fenris don't really fit and I haven't really found much use for Sebastian at all outside his dedicated quest.

I think part of the reason I didn't give up Isabella is because my Hawke is dating Isabella, but again, that's a hell of an ask AFTER you start burning the city down. I know it's briefly mentioned before everything goes to hell, but just afterwards the Qunari go on the warpath, at which point I'm not so inclined to help them anymore. As far as I know there's no way to satisfy the Arishok in Act 2 so that he doesn't start tearing shit up. I know you can presumably get the book from Isabella and give to to the Qunari but apparently doesn't prevent anything.

Yeah, the whole thing is a fucking mess, really. The chantry were invovled in poking him(Patrice in particular) and a lot of people wanted this to happen. I don't have any love for them either. The Viscount clearly didn't know what to do, Aveline had her hands full just trying to keep the city together on a good day and the Chantry wasn't doing anything to help at all when they weren't actively antagonizing the Qunari. The Arishok for his part......how do I put this....for someone wanting to get the hell out of Kirkwall for like 4 years he didn't seem like he was doing much to actually find the one thing he needed to be able to leave. You get some hints in Act 2 he can't leave until he finds something but I didn't seem much to suggest they were putting a ton of effort into looking for the damn thing, because mostly they're hanging out in their little enclave by the docks and you barely see them outside of that enclave(the ones at the wounded coast apparently don't count because they've abandoned the qun or something like that).

I do really appreciate that the Arishok is developed enough to be a lot more then "I am a bad guy! Ha Ha Ha!" but rather there's conflicting issues at play here and he really doesn't become the villain until the end of Act 2 when he decides he's just gonna tear up half the city(as corrupt and shitty as it is). I really just hoped that if he got his fucking book he'd leave and if he hadn't asked for Isabella I was really to let him walk to get him the fuck out of there but he insisted and well, a fight we had.
If you give him Isabella he just walk away with every Qunari, don't even need to fight him. I think its understandable for him to go on the war path since its just after the chantry start killing Qunari, from his point of view he can either go on the offensive or wait to be slaughtered. There's not much of a separation of church and state, so it seems reasonable to consider the attack by the chantry to be an act of war by the city government.

They do set out to try and recover their book, iirc act 2 start with the Arishok asking you to look for a missing patrol, presumably they're out gathering information on the book.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
If you give him Isabella he just walk away with every Qunari, don't even need to fight him. I think its understandable for him to go on the war path since its just after the chantry start killing Qunari, from his point of view he can either go on the offensive or wait to be slaughtered. There's not much of a separation of church and state, so it seems reasonable to consider the attack by the chantry to be an act of war by the city government.

They do set out to try and recover their book, iirc act 2 start with the Arishok asking you to look for a missing patrol, presumably they're out gathering information on the book.
If you give him Isabella, he'll walk away....after he's already burned down half the city and refused to give over the criminals the guard wanted. Again, he had a very good point before declaring war on kirkwall, but after which point he's lucky any of his men are allowed to leave without facing imprisonment or execution for their crimes, which I'm sure Meredith would have done if she'd been the one on the scene when it happened.

It'd be different if you could get him to agree to go before the war sequence at the end of act 2 and I seriously would have considered it at that point. At the point he made that offer, he'd already kidnapped and murdered half the city leadership and killed god knows how many others in the process, so at this point we're talking about: The Qunari leaving and/or paying reparations. Reparations probably aren't going to happen but him leaving was certainly on the table.

Hell, the Arishok could have literally walked away regardless the moment he got the damn book. He says so himself but he then insists he needs Hawke to turn over isabella and at that point, I'm "Fuck no, you've got what you want and you've caused enough damage already". I was more then ready to let him go with the damn book but hell, he insisted on a fight and he got a cherry tap for his trouble.

The missing patrol is pretty much the only evidence I saw so far of the Qunari doing anything to find said book, which I noted earlier. Aside from that, the Arishoks inability to act in any capacity beyond War Leader is on full display here.

And the hypocracy also irks me some.

Aveline: Give over the criminals taking refuge with you
Arishok: No. Bite me. *Attacks Kirkwall*

Arishock: Give over the Criminal you have with you.
Hawke: Fuck off. Not gonna happen.
Arishock: *Attacks*

The Arishok has no right to expect me to hand over isabella now if he couldn't be bothered to hand over the criminals earlier. If it's Might makes Right, then well, that's why he's dead now.

But yeah, thinking about the whole situation, as others have mentioned above, part of the problem is the Arishok is leading a military unit that happens to be encamped in the city of Kirkwall. The problem is it appears they don't seem to have really done much to work out with the city of kirkwall their actual relationship is. Kirkwall(or rather, the Viscount) has been content to let them sit in their little compound at the docks because they haven't been doing much more then sitting there passively and everyone was kind of under the impression they were there until a ship came to pick them up. Nobody except the Qunari realized that that ship wasn't coming until the book was found and the Qunari didn't bother to tell anyone that until shit was already getting bad, so when they didn't leave and a ship never arrived it of course started wearing on everyone.

It also doesn't help that when the Arishok starts saying he'll let people take refuge with the Qunari because they converted to the Qun, hes basically acting like it's an Embassy and a sovereign bit of territory within Kirkwall, except that nobody ever really agreed to this and everyone had more or less been overlooking the fact they're basically a small army squatting in a Kirkwall compound, so there's no actual legal jurisdiction here. The Qunari can't really claim diplomatic immunity because the Arishok isn't an Ambassador, doesn't act like one and again, there's no legal agreement between kirkwall and the Qunari considering such things as criminals and fugitives and nothing had forced the issue until things were already pretty tense.

And to be fair, this the fault of BOTH sides because the Qunari never really bothered to talk to kirkwall and set up some kind of agreement other then they get to squat in the compound until their ship comes to get them, and Kirkwall never really forced the issue because the Qunari wasn't doing much more then squatting and nobody wanted to risk a violent confrontation. I think it's mentioned that the VIscount tried talking to the Qunari and they refused to say anything, which puts him in an awkward position of not wanting to make things even worse and just hoping the Qunari would leave on their own....which of course didn't happen before both sides started resorting to violence.

And all I can think is "Man, if the Arishok had just written home and requested a Diplomat, maybe we could have avoided all of this". I'm not saying it would have worked, but honestly it probably couldn't have been any worse then what ended up happening.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Act 3 so far is me checking on everyone after the 3 year time skip, which has been fun. Aveline is Married, Isabella apparently has been living at the bar, Merril is obsessed with her evil mirror, Varric is telling more stories, Fenris is still squatting in that damn mansion. Did a couple of side quests, one of which was a weird little one involving uncle gamlen and a gem of some sort, which ultimately ended up being about Gamlen's daughter he never knew about. So that was interesting.

There's also some fanservice coming fast and furious. In the course of 30 minutes, I was given a quest to find Nathaniel Howe from Awakening who went into the deep roads looking for the ancient thiag from Act 1, told by some Spanish Antivan fellows about an Elvish Assassin they're trying to hunt down(and boy if that doesn't sound like Zevran) and given a quest to help Sebastien which had me meeting with an agent of the Divine, who it turns out was Liliana. So that's like three Origins/Awakening references in as many minutes and yeah, I'm here for it.

Also, the Sebasition quest outright states that the problems in Kirkwall are getting a lot of attention from everywhere else, including the Pope Divine and that shit is getting serious here, so seriously the Divine sent her personal Hitwoman to deal with it and there's talk of a Crusade Exalted March on Kirkwall. it's really good setup going on here, which only bugs me because apparently it was part of the Exiled Prince DLC, but it fits in with the main plot so well I'm trying to imagine playing DA2 without that setup there. Also annoyance at Bioware making critical plot quests DLC, something they're really bad at here and in ME. And God I hope that's not continued in the new games.

Even if I wasn't already aware that the Templar Vs Mage thing was gonna be the big plot arc in Act 3, it's already fairly telegraphed and having a sect of blood mages running around that has the Chantry ready to purge the place proper gives you a real sense for how tense the situation is getting.

Also, I keep hoping Fenris is gonna get another quest to finish off his personal storyline because while he's not my favorite character, I do want to see his personal arc resolved in some way
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Partially because I didn't particularly like Carver
Does anybody like Carver, really? From what I remember he is just constantly whinging at you because he's jealous how much cooler and more capable you are than him.

Also did you ever come across any of those missing object sidequests where Hawke finds a random object and returns them to their owner for money? Those are so weird.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Does anybody like Carver, really? From what I remember he is just constantly whinging at you because he's jealous how much cooler and more capable you are than him.
Carver markedly improves if you have him become a Grey Warden. Because it means he gets to go and be his own man without his older brother/sister RIGHT THERE to show him up when he succeeds or fails at something. He still fails at things, but its among peers who want and NEED him to grow and be better.

Conversely, Bethany turns into a cold hearted ***** if you turn her into a Warden, but if she goes to the Circle then she flourishes. Because she can now apply her intellect openly - Malcolm was as we discover, a fuckin' good mage - and allows her to earn a position of respect and admiration among her contemporaries and she can be her best self.