Yeah pretty good, making a quick ranking in my head before reading it I got pretty close to that, replace the FF14 that I don't know with Sabine for motherfucking suplexing a train.
Balthier is really the main character of 12 (quite literally early on in development). Vivi is just a great character by default with a very nice arc. Aerith is impossible not to like, add to the her ultimate demise, in whats still a ballsy move, and its easy to see why she'll always be #1. Prompto is the only character from FF15 that I didn't end the game intensely hating.
Special mention to Rydia from FF4 for growing up fast and FF10 Wakka's hair for always standing up for the right cause.
I wonder how I'd rank them if I had to pull someone from every possible game.
1. Tifa (7) only because I like her better than Aerith and she's there the whole time.
2. Wakka (10) he is honestly the second person I think of when I think of good companion characters
3. Vivi (9) he is the only choice from that game tbh.
4. Glaidolus (15) I like that he would call Noctis out on his princey crybaby crap
5. Fran (12) hot bunny girl, doesn't talk much. This game was bad so whatever
6. Sazh (13) The only real dude in a game that was even worse than 12.
7. Quistis (8) I dunno, she's a hot teacher I guess
8. Sabin (6) for the train thing.
9. Y'shtola (14) hot cat girl, everyone except you is useless in this game