Hard west, weird west, evil west. How are we suppose to keep track of all these? It's like when they release outer wild and outer world at the same time.
Anyway, just going to ask about game that I,m thinking, see if anybody played them and could recommend or turn down.
40K avionic? Looks like some sort of tactics flying game?
Total war meet mount and blade? Sounds good but the review aren't that great
Never played a stronghold game before
Love me some for 4x, but review are meh
Looks fun, but the character design kinda creep me out tbh...
Persona knock off?
Didn't play the first one, review are meh
Dollar store Zelda?
King's bounty always stroke me as a worse HoMM
Legend returns! King’s Bounty II is the long-awaited sequel to the legendary King’s Bounty video games franchise, one of the most iconic representatives of the turn-based RPG genre.
That one looks really good, will buy unless someone tell me not to
Same for this, advanced war like
Never tried this, apparently its a franchise?
Indie bioshock, with mixed review
looks cozy
Visually looks good, but worried it'll be more of a walking simulator
Critic were very mix at release, but might have improved a lot after?
Another pretty sure I'm buying it
Love me some metroidvania
... but there's so many of them
Looks awesome, but heavy discount + early access...
Anyway that's more than enough for now