What are you currently playing?


At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
Ever since I figured out how to reliably unlock the Tainted characters in Isaac, I've been working my way through the game with them. They're very fun, each having their own gameplay twist to make them unique. I already completed all marks with Tainted Lilith, Isaac and Samson, only 1 left to complete with Apollyon, and I managed to complete 7 out of the 12 completion marks on my very first run with Tainted Azazel. I lucked out and got Hemolacria as my first treasure room item. While it's not an autowin button, it's still an immensely powerful item, and more importantly, overrides Tainted Azazel's gimmick entirely, allowing me to play the game normally.

It's honestly staggering how such a simple game can have so much variety and stay fresh for so long well after 700 hours and nearly 10 years. But it's actually very simple: as you play it more and more, you constantly unlock new things, items, gameplay mechanics etc.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I plan on getting the Steamdeck and saw Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition for only $3. I had standard edition on EA app but I don't want to use Windows emulation so, Steam only when I get the thing. At least till I've beaten most of my Steam library. Well, when you buy it and start it up? It wants to link to an EA/Origin account, which I'd think won't work on Steam only. Ah well. Got my entire $3 back! And played some of the campaign which is still, after 7 years, pretty special. Gotta check out the multi player to see how active it still is.

Reportedly still up:

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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
So I have had to make one of the hardest choices ever in my history of gaming. Do you wanna be a dragon or do you wanna have a dragon as a pet.

So, I've entered the fifth and I think final chapter in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, after a trek down in the demon realm for some reconnaissance and enjoying the sinful existence that a world of demons can promise I'm back in the realm of the humans and everything has gone to shit during my absence but my godlike powers are almost fully awake, which prompted my choice of which path to lock down on. Up to now I was in the chaotic good path of the Azata and my pet dragon grew two size categories and I could ride her to battle, she was also like lvl 28 when normal chars max out at 20 (am 17 currently) and all in all she was amazing. But there is this fucking gold dragon who helped me earlier and he kept talking about having the soul of a dragon, so I decided to go with that cause the call of the responsibility was insanely tempting. And damn if it's not broken, every weapon you hold becomes automatically +5 no matter what it is, you become immune to all elements and mental status conditions, all your stats no matter what they are get brought up to 14 minimum, same thing with skills and you get huge buffs to your highest ones. And of course you can breathe holy flames and next level actually transform into a tier 3 gold dragon. Also you grow wings.

But sadly, my poor dragon pet Aivu, she shrunk! I thought since I had kept some of my very early game angel powers that I would still keep my azata powers up to becoming a golden dragon, but turns out you only keep very few and then you get a whole bunch of new dragon stuff to make up for it, but part of what you lose is the thing that made your dragon stronger than a typical baby 5 year old dragon, so now she has to go back to her dragon realm cause she can't fight at all any more. I am devastated. She left with a promise of meeting again in the dragon and azata world of elysium when she grows up in a couple hundred years and flying together and being a real family. This is the START of the final chapter, why are you giving me endings already game.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Viewtiful Joe

Goofy fun, full of that early 00's Capcom magic. Pretty damn hard tho.
Which version are you playing? The Gamecube or PS2 version? Both have their own unique bonuses, but the PS2 version is based off of later re-release that happened on GC that was Japan only. Plus, the PS2 version has done as an unlockable character and an easier difficulty option call Sweet mode.

Yes, the game is hard. Especially when it's your first time through or not played in a long time. Just wait till you get to Ultra V-rated. Have fun, and let me know if you need any advice.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Which version are you playing? The Gamecube or PS2 version? Both have their own unique bonuses, but the PS2 version is based off of later re-release that happened on GC that was Japan only. Plus, the PS2 version has done as an unlockable character and an easier difficulty option call Sweet mode.

Yes, the game is hard. Especially when it's your first time through or not played in a long time. Just wait till you get to Ultra V-rated. Have fun, and let me know if you need any advice.
Og Gamecube version. Difficulty is manageable. Just gotta keep in mind not to get greedy.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Continuing a bit in my two games

Witcher 3 next gen: reached Skellige, my favorite game map of all time. Basically I'll just be swapping between the two new performance modes and enjoy the pretty scenery while collecting all the treasure around the islands.

Evil West- up to chapter 5 and I got some more abilities like being able to pull people at me.
My favorite thing so far about the controls is that, at least so far, there is no weapon swapping. I have a rifle and shotgun and revolver and they're just all mapped to different buttons so I can just fight and not open up menus or change slots or whatever. That is good- dear action games, do that please and thank you.
Thing I don't like- *sigh* skill trees. This seems like every such game with a pointless skill tree. Just give me the skills I need. This whole "play your way" thing is stupid in a game where no matter what you're essentially playing one way anyway.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Evil West- up to chapter 5 and I got some more abilities like being able to pull people at me.
My favorite thing so far about the controls is that, at least so far, there is no weapon swapping. I have a rifle and shotgun and revolver and they're just all mapped to different buttons so I can just fight and not open up menus or change slots or whatever. That is good- dear action games, do that please and thank you.
Thing I don't like- *sigh* skill trees. This seems like every such game with a pointless skill tree. Just give me the skills I need. This whole "play your way" thing is stupid in a game where no matter what you're essentially playing one way anyway.
DMC 3 (Switch version), DMC 4, DmC 2013, and DMC 5 got you covered, if you're looking for weapon switching without using a menu. You are correct though. More action games need to do this. I don't like the skill tree system as well, and that's something that needs to die from gaming. What's even weirder is that the weapon upgrades you can purchase out of order. It's just that the bigger upgrades are more expensive.

Wanted: Dead is going to have a skill tree system, and I already don't like that. Just make a regular upgrade system.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I keep sort of meaning to play a DMC but then... don't. I think Bayonetta hogged up all my spectacle-fighting brawler energy last year.
I actually did play a DMC many years ago, unfortunately I don't remember which one. I wanna say 3? I threw motorcycles at people or something?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I actually did play a DMC many years ago, unfortunately I don't remember which one. I wanna say 3? I threw motorcycles at people or something?
Dante only uses a motorcycle in a cutscene for DMC3. It breaks immediately afterward. You must have played DMC5. That's the one where you could dual wield and ride a chainsaw motorcycle called Cavalier.
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Viewtiful Joe

Goofy fun, full of that early 00's Capcom magic. Pretty damn hard tho.
Henshin agogo baby!

Man that series needs a sequel or a reboot or something.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Man that series needs a sequel or a reboot or something.
I know W101 is considered a spiritual successor, but if a savvy fan looks at a hidden detail: The game is a still sequel to VJ. Silvia shows up as a recruitable and it stated that she's in college (it is outright stated and implied it's the same girl from the VJ series). It says that in the character profile after recruiting her and looking in the menu.

Otherwise, I agree. I would like a third game to finish the trilogy.


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Still playing Zero Time Dilemma. Still thinking the structure keeps you at arms' length from engaging with the characters. Though today I encountered a series of chambers where I got some backstory of the protagonists so I will recommend playing these as soon as available if you were to pick up this title... which I honestly think should only been done if you played the other games in the series and you found them compelling. In particular Virtue's Last Reward. Anyway, the chambers with backstories are those whose thumbnail prominently features a big yellow button.

Some speculation

I first played through all of Team D's chambers (with Diana, Sigma and Phi) before today trying going down the yellow button chambers and then some of the team Q chambers. Team D left me totally lost but in team Q one of our team members were found dead at a point which made Eric mad and killed Q with rage and a shotgun, unless I revealed who killed his girlfriend. Afterwards I went to a chamber where I could either take or not take a vial of Radical-6 to counteract another disease that I may or may not have been infected by. I chose not to, but the girlfriend snuck a radical-6 vial in her pocket.

So far I have no idea if anyone will turn out to be a bad guy, but the girlfriend's theft of Radical-6 makes me suspicious of her. Eric's rage might have been him acting on Radical-6.

The first thing that happens in the game is that each team gets to vote on which of the other teams they want to have eliminated, two votes for a team leads to their termination. Through a dog message carrier the teams managed to vote so that each team got one vote thereby not killing anyone. I'm currently thinking that at one point I will have to go back and vote the precise opposite way for all teams, and this will unlock... something.
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Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
Finished up with Gotham Knights and overall not bad does come close to the Arkham Games and Gotham can feel very sparse and yet again Batman games just can't vehicle to save their lives. The combat can be off at times but still fun and when your characters upgrade and your build is right its perfection. I am glad they chose the pivot GaaS nonsense before it dropped and Avengers continue to be the standard of how not the do your super hero rpg beat em up.

Sonic Frontiers is combo of frustration and love I am treating like a human being and it made going so fast so soothing and relaxing some how. First boss was frustration but when I figured out parry the rest of the game should be smooth.

Dungeons Defenders Awakened is the DD sequal I needed when DD2 went F2P but not....god I hate the landscape some times. But overall its the my official DD2 and the grind calls to me.

And for some reason replay Shadow of War and another example of a good WB game that is fixed when not bogged down by an in game marketplace. Also if you can play Shadow of War the nemesis system is the best story maker in gaming in the the past years and damn Monolith for patenting it.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Still playing Zero Time Dilemma. Still thinking the structure keeps you at arms' length from engaging with the characters. Though today I encountered a series of chambers where I got some backstory of the protagonists so I will recommend playing these as soon as available if you were to pick up this title... which I honestly think should only been done if you played the other games in the series and you found them compelling. In particular Virtue's Last Reward. Anyway, the chambers with backstories are those whose thumbnail prominently features a big yellow button.

Some speculation

I first played through all of Team D's chambers (with Diana, Sigma and Phi) before today trying going down the yellow button chambers and then some of the team Q chambers. Team D left me totally lost but in team Q one of our team members were found dead at a point which made Eric mad and killed Q with rage and a shotgun, unless I revealed who killed his girlfriend. Afterwards I went to a chamber where I could either take or not take a vial of Radical-6 to counteract another disease that I may or may not have been infected by. I chose not to, but the girlfriend snuck a radical-6 vial in her pocket.

So far I have no idea if anyone will turn out to be a bad guy, but the girlfriend's theft of Radical-6 makes me suspicious of her. Eric's rage might have been him acting on Radical-6.

The first thing that happens in the game is that each team gets to vote on which of the other teams they want to have eliminated, two votes for a team leads to their termination. Through a dog message carrier the teams managed to vote so that each team got one vote thereby not killing anyone. I'm currently thinking that at one point I will have to go back and vote the precise opposite way for all teams, and this will unlock... something.
I'm also re-watching a let's play of the game, because it's been a while since I've seen it. Man, I forgot how funny the bleeding animations are. I never don't laugh when someone gets stabbed and then the camera pans and a geyser of blood shoots across the screen. I think they are trying to be dramatic, but the comedic timing is excellent.

Have you seen the alternate flow chart view? I only ask because it seems a little non-obvious to find and I don't think the guy I'm watching would have noticed it if someone didn't point it out. It's useful for finding the alternate paths you need to take.
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Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Have you seen the alternate flow chart view? I only ask because it seems a little non-obvious to find and I don't think the guy I'm watching would have noticed it if someone didn't point it out. It's useful for finding the alternate paths you need to take.
If you are talking about the "Switch" button that turns the flowchart from a series of circles into a series of thumbnails then yes, I have seen it. Although I fail to see what use it had over the circle based flowchart.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Picked up Battlefleet Gothic again to play the Necron campaign. They are pretty damn powerful but pretty vulnerable to Space marines and Tyranids since they don't have shields to mess with boarding actions, so a large group of nids or marines will just dump a ton of troops into your ships. I'm also at the point where there are so many sectors I need too keep an eye on I can have a lot of enemy actions against my systems that their turns can take forever since I don't trust the ai too handle battles yet.

Also playing Skul: The hero slayer. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I am, probably helps that its pretty damn hard so I'm not self sabotaging myself by playing badly to extend the experience.