Hogwarts Legacy - Whimsical Wizardry


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Third, canonically, a lot of the issues ARE solved, or at least ameliorated. Hermione becomes Minister of Magic, she helps pass legislation for house elves, she works with Kingsley Shacklebolt to make the law more fair, by the time of Cursed Child (more on that later), the remaining Death Eaters are being captured, things are generally doing better.
And yet Ron gets away with a bit of "Oh, you!" when he mentioned he charmed a driving instructor to pass him on a driving test that he failed. Maybe wanna keep that under wraps, Ms. Minister of Magic :ROFLMAO:


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
And yet Ron gets away with a bit of "Oh, you!" when he mentioned he charmed a driving instructor to pass him on a driving test that he failed. Maybe wanna keep that under wraps, Ms. Minister of Magic :ROFLMAO:
I mean in cannon they basically memory charm muggles all the time out of necessity lol

Even so I think the idea is Hermione doesn't know he did it


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
IMHO, it's not that any issue is obliged to be solved, it that's there's a problem if the issues aren't solved when there's an unambiguous happy ending. Which, at the end of the 7th book, there was.
Except the happy ending suggests that the issues have been solved.

Not explicitly, but the facts are that the epilogue takes place 19 years after Voldemort's defeat, is presented in a happy, if slightly melencholic light in some areas, and the last line is literally "all was well." I've never been overly fond of the epilogue, but the intent is clear - things are rosy for the Wizarding World.

And yet Ron gets away with a bit of "Oh, you!" when he mentioned he charmed a driving instructor to pass him on a driving test that he failed. Maybe wanna keep that under wraps, Ms. Minister of Magic :ROFLMAO:
Not sure how that's a refutation of the above point.

Also, Hermione doesn't know. Ron confesses it to Harry, not Hermione.

I mean in cannon they basically memory charm muggles all the time out of necessity lol

Even so I think the idea is Hermione doesn't know he did it
See above.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Except the happy ending suggests that the issues have been solved.

Not explicitly, but the facts are that the epilogue takes place 19 years after Voldemort's defeat, is presented in a happy, if slightly melencholic light in some areas, and the last line is literally "all was well." I've never been overly fond of the epilogue, but the intent is clear - things are rosy for the Wizarding World.
Sure, but that looks to me like the issues didn't actually need to be solved.

I mean, if they just stopped talking about Voldemort halfway through book 7 and the victory was getting rights for house elves, you'd not assume that Voldemort was defeated off screen, would you?
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Second, you're right in a technical sense that the issues aren't fixed within the books themselves, but this is a red herring. Apart from a few exceptions, Harry is the only POV character, and he has no power to change how the world works, he's too busy saving the world from being replaced by something much worse. Aside from the epilogue, the story ends less than 24 hours after Voldemort's defeat, so even if you agree with the line of argument that any issue in a fictional setting is obliged to be solved, the story is written in such a way that prevents it from happening.
"Saving the world" should have come with fixing or working to fix those issues and it didn't happen. Like, shonen fighting anime for children manages to pull this stuff off on a regular basis.

When kids/YA books bring up these sorts of problems, saving the day usually involves taking major steps to solving those problems. The non-human discrimination, the rift between goblins and wizards, the whole slavery thing, etc. Harry Potter was such a special boy he solved the problem without having to fix any of the underlying issues.

Oh, and spoiler alert: Hogwarts Legacy is a prequel. There's really only one way it can end
Third, canonically, a lot of the issues ARE solved, or at least ameliorated. Hermione becomes Minister of Magic, she helps pass legislation for house elves, she works with Kingsley Shacklebolt to make the law more fair, by the time of Cursed Child (more on that later), the remaining Death Eaters are being captured, things are generally doing better.
Very slowly, after the story, super incrementally, and only because somebody wanted to write a sequel story. If Cursed Child didn't exist, Harry Potter wouldn't've addressed literally any of the systemic problems that lead to that singular line about the statue being bad. Hell, they kept Nazi House *and* the sorting hat that shuffles all the ambitious racists together
Queer: " Queer is an umbrella term for people who are not heterosexual or cisgender."

Considering that 99% of the population is cisgender, and that the highest estimates of LGBT are around 20% (usually it averages out between 5-10%), um, no, the majority of the human race isn't queer.
I literally never said that most of the human race is queer and I'm curious how you think I did. When I said we, I meant LGBTQ+whatever folks. Those of us that aren't heterosexual and/or cisgender based on current western societal values. Obsessing over "well L and G and B aren't really like T and isn't B just attention seeking straights or Ls and Gs who want to be special" and other assorted nonsense really only works online.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
"Saving the world" should have come with fixing or working to fix those issues and it didn't happen. Like, shonen fighting anime for children manages to pull this stuff off on a regular basis.

When kids/YA books bring up these sorts of problems, saving the day usually involves taking major steps to solving those problems. The non-human discrimination, the rift between goblins and wizards, the whole slavery thing, etc. Harry Potter was such a special boy he solved the problem without having to fix any of the underlying issues.
IMHO, it actually would have been better if it explicitly wasn't fixed, and the characters know it's wrong and grumble and try to do little things, but realise that they can't really change it. Yeah, things are awful for lots of people, and there'll be other evil wizards, but we personally survived that one and are ok, and that's about all we can hope for.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
"Saving the world" should have come with fixing or working to fix those issues and it didn't happen. Like, shonen fighting anime for children manages to pull this stuff off on a regular basis.
And since its shonen, it takes a realistically long and drawn out time to do it too.

Anyway back to the game itself, its priced better than Forspoken was - albeit only by $15 - and looks like it has much more to offer; its a rich world we're largely familiar with but we've got plenty of gap, almost up to 200 years, so the game can have its own stakes and not get bogged down in foreshadowing and cameo bingo. I'm hoping the high memory use both games showed was just bad optimisation/memory leak and can be patched. I'm still not paying top dollar for it because frankly I can't justify these prices any more. But I can see myself playing this.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
IMHO, it actually would have been better if it explicitly wasn't fixed, and the characters know it's wrong and grumble and try to do little things, but realise that they can't really change it. Yeah, things are awful for lots of people, and there'll be other evil wizards, but we personally survived that one and are ok, and that's about all we can hope for.
Bit of a downer, but infinitely better than "All is well".

I think Animorphs pulled that, amongst *a lot* of other fucked up shit. Seriously, you'd need a Cronenberg to film *that* fun book series for kids. Fantastic stuff, more kids should read it, and it's officially available for free
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
And since its shonen, it takes a realistically long and drawn out time to do it too.
I mean, they get much shorter if you truncate the fights. Given the size those books got...
Anyway back to the game itself, its priced better than Forspoken was - albeit only by $15 - and looks like it has much more to offer; its a rich world we're largely familiar with but we've got plenty of gap, almost up to 200 years, so the game can have its own stakes and not get bogged down in foreshadowing and cameo bingo. I'm hoping the high memory use both games showed was just bad optimisation/memory leak and can be patched. I'm still not paying top dollar for it because frankly I can't justify these prices any more. But I can see myself playing this.
Might be the denuvo. They keep using that crap for some reason
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Sure, but that looks to me like the issues didn't actually need to be solved.
Except to reach that conclusion, you'd have to ignore everything up to said conclusion.

I mean, if they just stopped talking about Voldemort halfway through book 7 and the victory was getting rights for house elves, you'd not assume that Voldemort was defeated off screen, would you?
No, but that would be terrible writing.

Voldemort is an existential threat, was introduced as a threat from ch. 1 of book 1, and his shadow hung over the entire series. House elves weren't even introduced until the second book, and came in and out of prominence. This would basically require going back to the beginning.

"Saving the world" should have come with fixing or working to fix those issues and it didn't happen. Like, shonen fighting anime for children manages to pull this stuff off on a regular basis.

When kids/YA books bring up these sorts of problems, saving the day usually involves taking major steps to solving those problems. The non-human discrimination, the rift between goblins and wizards, the whole slavery thing, etc. Harry Potter was such a special boy he solved the problem without having to fix any of the underlying issues.
I can't comment on shonen, but I can comment on JF/YA. And I completely disagree.

First, I can cite plenty of works where problems exist within a setting, and those problems aren't solved by the end of the main sequence. Off the top of my head, these include A Series of Unfortunate Events, Artemis Fowl, arguably The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, and Ready Player One. I can likewise cite works in this age range where all the major problems are solved, but there's no rule in JF/YA that states this has to happen. Heck, there's no rule in any genre that says that this has to happen.

Second, Harry's in no position to fix these issues. He's only special by virtue of chance, there's no inherent ability he possesses that others don't, he's a jack of all trades in his skillset, the entire series runs its course before he's even a legal adult, he barely scrapes through in the end in defeating Voldemort, which is something that only happens because of the amount of support he was given. Harry isn't "the special," he's special only due to circumstance, which is presented as a tragedy. Your entire thesis would involve redoing the entire series from scratch.

Third, it doesn't change the fact that the above mentioned issues were solved canonically, or at least ameliorated.

Very slowly, after the story, super incrementally, and only because somebody wanted to write a sequel story. If Cursed Child didn't exist, Harry Potter wouldn't've addressed literally any of the systemic problems that lead to that singular line about the statue being bad. Hell, they kept Nazi House *and* the sorting hat that shuffles all the ambitious racists together.
You're conflating sources. Cursed Child doesn't touch on these things, because that isn't the story Cursed Child is telling. The stuff that happens over the time period in question was fleshed out via Pottormore, and there's no evidence that the worldbuilding and anciliary material was to prepare for Cursed Child.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
It's because we're all queer. Not actually that complicated. Trying to split that into different letters just made it easier to pull the shit y'all are trying now.

Outside of the internet and academics, this shit isn't nearly a cut and dry as people pretend. The radfems really dropped the ball when they started pulling the Political Lesbian shit
This raises a different question, or I guess the same question under a different angle.

What the hell do "radfems" have to do with any of this? Like, I don't know how "queer" it is to be trans since in my mind if you're a man now you'd naturally be into chicks and hence be straight, but it's not my place to define it since I'm not in that group and I don't get it, so cool, but how the hell is a political movement for equality also queer too?

And again I am left with the only explanation being that the thing feminists feel oppressed by is the same thing all the various queers are oppressed by according to marxist analysis, so they come together due to that.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Bit of a downer, but infinitely better than "All is well".

I think Animorphs pulled that, amongst *a lot* of other fucked up shit. Seriously, you'd need a Cronenberg to film *that* fun book series for kids. Fantastic stuff, more kids should read it, and it's officially available for free

They did. It was a piss poor job but they totally filmed it. Or one season of it at least.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
This raises a different question, or I guess the same question under a different angle.

What the hell do "radfems" have to do with any of this? Like, I don't know how "queer" it is to be trans since in my mind if you're a man now you'd naturally be into chicks and hence be straight, but it's not my place to define it since I'm not in that group and I don't get it, so cool, but how the hell is a political movement for equality also queer too?

And again I am left with the only explanation being that the thing feminists feel oppressed by is the same thing all the various queers are oppressed by according to marxist analysis, so they come together due to that.
Eh, for whatever reason, hating trans people (and sex workers) is over-represented amongst Radical Feminists compared to feminists in general. But it's not a requirement to be a radfem, though the TERFs and SWERFs probably like claiming it is. I don't know what the proportion of TERFs is to radfems in general, or feminists in general is, and if it is significant compared to other groups and how many of their subfactions hate trans people.

As well all know, the most important part of any group devoted to equality is making damn sure other groups don't get it.

They did. It was a piss poor job but they totally filmed it. Or one season of it at least.
I particularly remember that episode where one of them doubts his worth, and a magic guy turns up to show what things would be like without him, and that struck meas being tired in cliched when I was a teenager in the 90s.

I also like when the alien possessed people are trying to blast open a door, they were seemingly unable to fire their weapons while standing still, and had to keep jumping sideways.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Second, Harry's in no position to fix these issues. He's only special by virtue of chance, there's no inherent ability he possesses that others don't, he's a jack of all trades in his skillset, the entire series runs its course before he's even a legal adult, he barely scrapes through in the end in defeating Voldemort, which is something that only happens because of the amount of support he was given. Harry isn't "the special," he's special only due to circumstance, which is presented as a tragedy. Your entire thesis would involve redoing the entire series from scratch.
Yeah? And? Sorry for figuring that when somebody says "the bad guys gain massive power from X, a flaw in our unequal society", solving X should be the way to solve the problem
Third, it doesn't change the fact that the above mentioned issues were solved canonically, or at least ameliorated.

You're conflating sources. Cursed Child doesn't touch on these things, because that isn't the story Cursed Child is telling. The stuff that happens over the time period in question was fleshed out via Pottormore, and there's no evidence that the worldbuilding and anciliary material was to prepare for Cursed Child.
Great. Still makes for a bad story. And because Prequel, we know those problems are going to persist after this story regardless of events, so...
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Yeah? And? Sorry for figuring that when somebody says "the bad guys gain massive power from X, a flaw in our unequal society", solving X should be the way to solve the problem
You realize that X in this analogy is magic, right?

Great. Still makes for a bad story.
I agree Cursed Child is a bad story, but you're citing factors that the story doesn't deal with.

And because Prequel, we know those problems are going to persist after this story regardless of events, so...
I assume you're referring to Hogwarts Legacy. If so...yes? And? That's generally true of every prequel ever made, in the sense that the prequel is dictated by what came before.

I'm not sure what your point is.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Eh, for whatever reason, hating trans people (and sex workers) is over-represented amongst Radical Feminists compared to feminists in general. But it's not a requirement to be a radfem, though the TERFs and SWERFs probably like claiming it is. I don't know what the proportion of TERFs is to radfems in general, or feminists in general is, and if it is significant compared to other groups and how many of their subfactions hate trans people.

As well all know, the most important part of any group devoted to equality is making damn sure other groups don't get it.
That just sounds like they hate anything men do or like, so because men enjoy prostitution and some men are fulfilled by becoming women they are reflexively against it. It's basically a hate group, but because the target of hatred isn't a protected category they get away with it.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
You realize that X in this analogy is magic, right?
Again, the books aren't even subtle about it. To quote Dumbledore in book 5 (paraphrased), "The fountain told a lie. We wizards have treated other magical creatures poorly for too long, and now we're paying the price of it."
Like, this shit's simple: the centaurs don't like the wizards because the wizards are racist as shit, so Harry and gang promise to help them with that in exchange for help. The goblins don't like the wizards because the wizards are racist as shit and constantly steal the goblin's stuff, so Harry and co give some of their shit back. House elves get retconed to not genetically crave slavery, maybe there's a blood curse Harry and the crew can break to solve that. Werewolves need potions to not endanger people, so Harry gets the Weasley bro to brew up a batch and promise more on the way, etc. (That last one's really funny because not even post story Hermione can do that for their AIDs allegory. Wizard world keeps sucking)
I agree Cursed Child is a bad story, but you're citing factors that the story doesn't deal with.

I assume you're referring to Hogwarts Legacy. If so...yes? And? That's generally true of every prequel ever made, in the sense that the prequel is dictated by what came before.

I'm not sure what your point is.
Zero Harry Potter stories deal with these issues. This Harry Potter won't deal with these issues. It's a Fun Fact that has no bearing anywhere on anything and is a post hoc excuse for a bad story. Rowling makes a lot of post hoc excuses for bad storytelling.
The obvious favorite is "before muggles invented toilets, wizards just shit themselves where they stood and then magicked the crap away", but my personal favorite was "Opps, I introduced time travel, so in the next fight all the time machines are going to get knocked off the single shelf every one is on and every single time machine will break and they can't make more". Like, she could've said something like "time turners can't reverse the unforgivable killing curse" like a normal person, but we got a *much* funnier explanation. I wonder if Avalanche is gonna follow in Rowling's footsteps and have dlc to try and paper over plot holes in extremely funny ways.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
That just sounds like they hate anything men do or like, so because men enjoy prostitution and some men are fulfilled by becoming women they are reflexively against it. It's basically a hate group, but because the target of hatred isn't a protected category they get away with it.
I think (and I'm not claiming any expert knowledge) that it's more they've decided that those things are outside of acceptable womanhood.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Zero Harry Potter stories deal with these issues. It's a Fun Fact that has no bearing anywhere on anything and is a post hoc excuse for a bad story.

Rowling makes a lot of post hoc excuses for bad storytelling.
The majority of the stories deal with these issues. The concept of blood purity alone is foreshadowed in the first book, and outright exposed in the second.

And you still haven't explained what The Rise of Skywalker has to do with anything.