Resident Evil 4 (REmake)


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I find myself somewhat less than excited for this remake. RE2 was kinda cool because that game was crazy old Like just a different era of gaming where as Resident evil 4 so closely matched modern gaming sensibilities that it's essentially been a model going forward. At the same time RE4 also moved away from the core horror elements and was more of an action game, one we've seen 100s of since. RE4, to me, has always been "fine". I never found it particularly memorable in regards to the story or horror elements. I played it, it was fine.

I think a little bit of my difficulty with getting hyped about this game, is that I question why the same resources couldn't be used to simply make a new game. All these retreads have been coming out of the last couple years and I've left thinking "well I already played it."


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
think a little bit of my difficulty with getting hyped about this game, is that I question why the same resources couldn't be used to simply make a new game.
Resident Evil 8. That game itself is technically an RE4 remake, except it's in first person (an optional third person that came out as an update for free later on). Capcom did try to outsource to a different developer, but it didn't work, so they went ahead and just did it in house. Once again, they didn't even want to do a remake but people kept asking and demanding for it. Not to mention the consumers brought it on themselves. Everybody kept buying copies of it, no matter the platform. Are you for original still makes money. I look forward to the remake, because it has many quality of life improvements way over the original. No insta-death qte's. Leon canal run and shoot at the same time just like an RE2 REMAKE. He can dodge and evade. He can crouch into cover like Sebastian does. He can stomp on enemies like Isaac and Sebastian can. Though that part is nothing new and that was something Sheva and Chris can do when RE5 (via contextual input). All the characters had some type of stomp. LEON CAN PARRY STUFF WITH HIS KNIFE NOW!

I don't have much love for the original re4, it feels it gets over praised in many cases. The game I consider fine, but it's one I rarely ever go back to for a lot of reasons. Give me Evil Within 2, remakes of RE2 and 3, Shadows of the Damned, and Dead Space 1 and 2, any day of the week over RE4.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Get ready for Raingate -
More than likely, Capcom has already listened to complaints, and will be on their way to fix it. I don't like the rain effects either, but it shouldn't take themthat long to fix it. A similar issue occurred, sound and music wise, with DMC5. They had to redo Dante's theme with a new singer, because the original guy sounds horrible, the vocalist acting like a jackass, and later turned out he was trying to do things with teenage girls he shouldn't. I'm not going to bother watching the video though.
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