Give or take a bit..And statistically 0% of them have been treated as murder.
"If only you could see the shades of grey and understand it's not all heroes and villains. Anyway, here's why DAs should be allowed to punish people for literal thoughtcrime."where a woman miscarries after falling down the stairs, and then explicitly tells the medical professionals treating her that she didn't want the baby because her husband was leaving to her, perhaps there's reason there to think maybe she deliberately gave her own offspring a violent death.
What if I told you that no person wants to throw themselves down a flight of stairs as a deliberate means of terminating their own pregnancy. I mean, that's probably true right? People die falling down the stairs, it's not a safe thing to do.
Do you feel reassured by that?
See, it doesn't matter whether you imagine people want to cause harm. It matters what legal measures exist to prevent harm. You know this and understand it perfectly in regards to the only lives you value, you just expect everyone else to automatically trust and believe that pro-lifes are good people who would only act if there was some genuine reason. The problem is, that's not true. It's clearly and blatantly not true. There are countless examples of it not being true, which you are willing to tolerate.
That tells me everything I need to know about the value of your pretend morality.
So, again, since you haven't answered the question.. where do the infections come from?Obviously I didn't mean the fetus spontaneously generates a virus or bacteria.
Because, while it is very kind of you to provide a source pointing out the extremely obvious and well known fact that uterine infections can cause fetal death (as well as complications in pregnancy) but not that stillbirth can cause uterine infections prior to delivery, I kind of expected you to argue your own case here.
Again, let's summarize the logic to conclude.
A woman is brought into hospital in labour. She is bleeding uncontrollably from her uterus and has multiple infections known to be common causes of fetal death. She is not offered any form of emergency treatment and is not even given a blood transfusion until hours later, at which point she is severely anaemic. She delivers a stillborn baby.
The hospital staff, who did not provide any other form of emergency treatment, later perform a drug test on the mother without her consent and find traces of methamphetamine. Methamphetamine use is associated with adverse effects during pregnancy, but is not a particularly common cause of stillbirth. It is hypothetically possible that this woman's child would have lived had she not used methamphetamine, but the chances are impossible to determine with any accuracy and extremely small at best.
If an honest person, a person who genuinely believed in the concept of fetal personhood, were to approach this situation with a view to determining who is likely to be criminally liable, the answer is extremely obvious. As it is, the answer is still extremely obvious, but only because noone in their right mind expects honesty of these people. We all see through you, no matter whether you lie to yourself.
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