PlayStation offers exclusive, casual-friendly games. Do not underestimate the appeal of playing as Spiderman. Gamer critics may mock Horizon but plenty of folks love it. God of War is a big freaking deal. And now FF16 is coming out for it.
Another but not insignificant element is that as an actual product, the PS5 looks and feels like more of a boutique luxury "special" item. I have seen jokes on TV show where "he bought the kids a PS5," specifically using PS5 not XBox Series X (where 15 years ago they would say "bought his kids an XBox."). Remember what we all agreed- Sony is, after all, an electronics company. Sure we also make fun of how it looks but the PS5 is, as an actual thing, a bigger deal.
And then there's the reason folks I know bought one- their friends are on PlayStation network. I know dudes that bought it to play NBA2K. That is anecdotal sure but it's what I got.