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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
There wasn't much of a safe corner in the original either. You got to be on the constant move. I admit to holding off on the shotgun mostly, until the Bullman shows up. On my first playthrough I used default pistol and shotgun.
No, but the original, and I hate to say it constantly, had better balanced combat and controls. It did so by making enemies less aggressive if they were behind you, but it never felt like attacks just came out of nowhere. Even Salvador would make his close distance known by reving up his chainsaw extra loudly. RE4 Remake has no indicators for when attacks are coming from behind, but enemies still come at you just as aggressively. In bigger areas this is less of an issue, but in tighter ones this can seriously fuck you over even on Standard difficulty.

I've also watched a few people playthrough the game, including Pat and Max, and I saw multple instances where they got attacked while in a canned animation, and even enemies somehow able to throw axes at you while having their back to you. Things like this may happen only 10% of the time, maybe even just 5%, but that's still a percentage where the game decides to screw you over. And on Hardcore and up... Yeah, I ain't touching those difficulties till Capcom patches this shit.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It did so by making enemies less aggressive if they were behind you, but it never felt like attacks just came out of nowhere.
Usually. Both games have that old-school, cheap design, problem where enemies spawn behind you, and you're not gonna know on you're first playthroughs. Unless you got lucky and bothered to turn around. At least with the remake cabin section, I know immedeately go up and knock down the ladders as soon as that cut-scene plays. Saving up on flash bangs and nades help too. I had 5 flashbangs my first time through around that point. As soon as two or more plagas spawned, I threw that shit out.

RE4 Remake has no indicators for when attacks are coming from behind, but enemies still come at you just as aggressively. In bigger areas this is less of an issue, but in tighter ones this can seriously fuck you over even on Standard difficulty.
This a problem with many OTS RE games and action/horror-shooters that use the same camera perspective in general. Even Evil Within 2 has this problem some of the time. The game only bothers with indicators, is if you're with a companion character for the brief moments you are with them. Evil West and Vanquish at least bother to have indicators. Those are more so straight up action, but they only further highlight our points.

I've also watched a few people playthrough the game, including Pat and Max, and I saw multple instances where they got attacked while in a canned animation, and even enemies somehow able to throw axes at you while having their back to you. Things like this may happen only 10% of the time, maybe even just 5%, but that's still a percentage where the game decides to screw you over. And on Hardcore and up... Yeah, I ain't touching those difficulties till Capcom patches this shit.
Hell, I got damaged during a canned ladder animation when fighting Krauser the second time. Which is a rule that should never be broken. I didn't get any pain animations, but my health bar did go down.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Usually. Both games have that old-school, cheap design problems where enemies spawn behind you, and you're not gonna know on you're first playthroughs. Unless you got lucky and bothered to turn around. At leas with the remake cabin section, I know immedeately go up and knock down the ladders as soon as that cut-scene plays. Saving up on flash bangs and nades help too. I had 5 flashbangs my first time through around that point. As soon as two or more plagas spawned, I threw that shit out.
Flashbangs are now similarly deadly for Salvador. My first (and technically second) encounter with the Bela sisters was extremely hectic with them on my ass, but then I remembered when you flash Doc. Salvador you can run up him and stab him in the throat. So two flashbangs and two stabs each later and the Bela sisters were dead before even two ganados could get into the room. Probably didn't even need to hide Ashley.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'm in the middle of Chapter 14 in RE4Remake NG+. I've rebought the Killer 7 Magnum and currently upgrading it. Mainly the power, ammo capacity, and fire rate first. Reload speed I'm not exactly worried about. The gunpowder amount to create magnum is ammo is ridiculous and you only get 3 bullets. I am saving these for the final boss.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Got back into Sekiro: Shadows die Twice after a while in pursuit of getting all the achievements. I'm missing only 5 now: The Dragon's Homecoming and Immortal Severance endings, maxing out all upgrades, maxing out all skills, and the one for getting all the achievements. I think it'll take a while though, because maxing out all the skills requires massive amounts of xp grinding. But whatever, I'll just put on a podcast or something.

The game's still great. Mastering the deflection mechanic makes the combat soundscape downright beautiful with the satisfying clings and clangs. The addded boss rush mode is a good addition when you just want more of that sweet sweet combat. One thing about it is quite frustrating though: each boss rush ends with a remixed, more difficult version of a previous boss, and if you die once, it's back to the very beginning. Luckily the game provides the ability to fight those bosses individually in the rest menu, giving essentially a practice run. The retarded thing about this is that every time you die on those practice attempts, the game shunts you back into the rest menu from which you pick the boss to fight, making you sit through 2 loading screens just to try again, sometimes making these transitions longer than some (or even most) boss runs. Why the game couldn't just start you back at the beginning of the fight and being able to opt out of it from a menu I don't know.
The all skills was last on my trophy run, and yeah it felt like the longest victory lap. This was the quickest farming route for skill points but it still took a while -



Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Completed the Village section of Resident Evil 4 (remake). Playing on Standard, and still had to use all of my healing items and all but a red sliver of my health to get through. I know that a lot of people here have said they felt oversupplied on Standard, and while I've had moments like that, there's also a lot of times when I've felt like I had nothing to work with because I had to use all of it on a hard section, only for another hard section to immediately drop on me.

Could just be a skill issue, I'm willing to admit that much. I also considered reloading a save to try the fight again, but I didn't bother.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Completed the Village section of Resident Evil 4 (remake). Playing on Standard, and still had to use all of my healing items and all but a red sliver of my health to get through. I know that a lot of people here have said they felt oversupplied on Standard, and while I've had moments like that, there's also a lot of times when I've felt like I had nothing to work with because I had to use all of it on a hard section, only for another hard section to immediately drop on me.

Could just be a skill issue, I'm willing to admit that much. I also considered reloading a save to try the fight again, but I didn't bother.
The first playthrough of a Resident Evil game is always the practice round. Only on your second playthrough can you use actual skill.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Completed the Village section of Resident Evil 4 (remake). Playing on Standard, and still had to use all of my healing items and all but a red sliver of my health to get through. I know that a lot of people here have said they felt oversupplied on Standard, and while I've had moments like that, there's also a lot of times when I've felt like I had nothing to work with because I had to use all of it on a hard section, only for another hard section to immediately drop on me.

Could just be a skill issue, I'm willing to admit that much. I also considered reloading a save to try the fight again, but I didn't bother.
The game might have variable amount of supply given to the player depending on how much they have, ie if you're low on supply the game shower you in them but if you have plenty its very stingy. In those case, if one player thing their doing okay they might sell supply and the game will constantly give them more, giving the impression that they have more than enough supply. While someone else might think they're always short and avoid selling anything, and so the game will give them very little amount of supply.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Completed the Village section of Resident Evil 4 (remake). Playing on Standard, and still had to use all of my healing items and all but a red sliver of my health to get through. I know that a lot of people here have said they felt oversupplied on Standard, and while I've had moments like that, there's also a lot of times when I've felt like I had nothing to work with because I had to use all of it on a hard section, only for another hard section to immediately drop on me.

Could just be a skill issue, I'm willing to admit that much. I also considered reloading a save to try the fight again, but I didn't bother.
The game is good at giving you resources when you need them. You don't really need to worry about over using resources cause you will get more.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
The game is good at giving you resources when you need them. You don't really need to worry about over using resources cause you will get more.
One might wonder what the point of a limited resource system is when the game is always going to cheat it's butt off making sure you always have enough.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
One might wonder what the point of a limited resource system is when the game is always going to cheat it's butt off making sure you always have enough.
This is how OG Resident Evil 4 worked any way. Dead Space uses a similar system, but is way more lenient about it when playing on Easy or Normal compared to OG RE4's Normal mode. Evil Within uses the exact same system as RE4, but even more brutal and punishing to an extent. Evil Within 2 is a bit more lenient with ammo and resources. Even on the harder modes as long as you know to stealth or put most of your upgrades heavily into stealth.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
AC:O update.

1) Got rid of the starting equipment. Kassandra looks less out of place.

2) The game you between Sparta and Athens in the Macedonian war. It's heading towards a yojumbo/fistful of dollars situation of sorts? A bit uncomfortable if the player has already strong opinions about the participants of that conflict (would ubi also make an AC game where you'd play both sides of the US civil war?).

3) Greece has shrunk since last time. Checked online, the map is a 1/36 reduction of the real thing. It really feels wrong, when you're familiar with these distances and cross them in minutes. More annoyingly, it makes for very crowded seas, and swiss-lake-sized gulfs. I need seas. I need vastness. I need open spaces.

4) The sea is so gorgeous. Maybe I should play the buccaneer one some day.

5) Oh the "as you know" dialogues. The game assumes you know nothing about Greek mythology, but doesn't dare being upfront about thus assumptions. So everything is shoehorned I'm the dialogues. They can't mention the name of Odysseus without adding "the one who, as you know, did this and that". In a bsck and forth dialogue it quickly gets tiresome.

6) Skill tree abilities are a bit too magical for me. Yes mythology is full of magic, but I prefer it on the "low fantasy" side. The ability of making bodies instantly vanish upon assassination breaks a bit the atmosphere, for me (I already didn't like NOLF's dissolving powder). I may mitigate this in practice by avoiding some unlocks or some uses.

7) Completely concealed from sight if grass up to the knee, but totally visible through a pile of crates. Noted.

8) Still don't get the point, in such games, to spend 5 min customizing your gear with gems and engravings and whatnot if you find new better gear every 30 seconds...
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
One might wonder what the point of a limited resource system is when the game is always going to cheat it's butt off making sure you always have enough.
Resident Evil games have been doing similar since like 2 or 3. The items you can find are some what random or decided based on what you have done and how many resources you have. Its so you don't feel comfortable using your most powerful weapons but have enough resources to make it through. Its why that last hit of health tends to be able to take a pretty big hit, while most of your health bar can be reduced by 1 or 2 attacks.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Trauma Center Second Opinion

Emulated but using real wiimote. I'm actually kinda coming around on Wii motion controls. Sure, it's frustrating when they don't work properly, but when they do, it's imo a refreshing way to play. The implementation here is pretty good, and I'm having fun so far. I do wonder when the alien superviruses are going to show up.
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Reactions: BrawlMan


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
AC:O update.

8) Still don't get the point, in such games, to spend 5 min customizing your gear with gems and engravings and whatnot if you find new better gear every 30 seconds...
That aspect kinda killed the game for me, I was looking forward to hitting level cap cause then I'd finally stop receiving new gear and could instead focus on customizing the one I had. Only to find out, once I hit the cap, that the cap was actually increase with the DLC, even if you don't own the DLC... I wish there was a mod that would just cap the level, but its ubosoft, so no...


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
That aspect kinda killed the game for me, I was looking forward to hitting level cap cause then I'd finally stop receiving new gear and could instead focus on customizing the one I had. Only to find out, once I hit the cap, that the cap was actually increase with the DLC, even if you don't own the DLC... I wish there was a mod that would just cap the level, but its ubosoft, so no...
Ah, I went the opposite route. I completely ignore customization, so it feels fine.

The closest thing to kill the game, for me, is scale. The fact that the gulf of corinth is a narrow river with a permanent trafic jam of ships blocking your way. That world is just uselessly crammed - uselessly because it wouldn't have demanded much resource to just space things out, adding a bit more empty landscape (and empty sea space) between stuff. As it is, it almost feels easier to travel by land than playing bumper cars at sea.

That being said, one thing that I appreciate is that they filled the world with antique statues with a welcome disregard for historical reality : all the statues are completely bleached, completely white, as we know them. We're being spared the (certainly horrendous) paint that covered them back then.

(Also, while they really love to insert the one popular greek expletive they know in every sentence, I'm happy they've spared us some others, less politically correct ones.)

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Trauma Center Second Opinion

Emulated but using real wiimote. I'm actually kinda coming around on Wii motion controls. Sure, it's frustrating when they don't work properly, but when they do, it's imo a refreshing way to play. The implementation here is pretty good, and I'm having fun so far. I do wonder when the alien superviruses are going to show up.
Trauma Center is such a little gem of a series. I know there's various reasons why we won't get another one (partly cause the games lived or died on their motion controls or touch screen gameplay), but man... I wish we'd get a revival of the series. Though, the last game did feel like it took the series to its logical conclusion.

You wouldn't think a game like this would work so well, but, it really does. The crazy storytelling and events that happen take it a step beyond a basic operating series. I remember Second Opinion making me so tense when I was younger that my fingers got cold.
Been a fan of the series since way back around its release. I'd love to know what you think of the game by the end!


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
AC:O update.

1) Got rid of the starting equipment. Kassandra looks less out of place.

2) The game you between Sparta and Athens in the Macedonian war. It's heading towards a yojumbo/fistful of dollars situation of sorts? A bit uncomfortable if the player has already strong opinions about the participants of that conflict (would ubi also make an AC game where you'd play both sides of the US civil war?).

3) Greece has shrunk since last time. Checked online, the map is a 1/36 reduction of the real thing. It really feels wrong, when you're familiar with these distances and cross them in minutes. More annoyingly, it makes for very crowded seas, and swiss-lake-sized gulfs. I need seas. I need vastness. I need open spaces.

4) The sea is so gorgeous. Maybe I should play the buccaneer one some day.

5) Oh the "as you know" dialogues. The game assumes you know nothing about Greek mythology, but doesn't dare being upfront about thus assumptions. So everything is shoehorned I'm the dialogues. They can't mention the name of Odysseus without adding "the one who, as you know, did this and that". In a bsck and forth dialogue it quickly gets tiresome.

6) Skill tree abilities are a bit too magical for me. Yes mythology is full of magic, but I prefer it on the "low fantasy" side. The ability of making bodies instantly vanish upon assassination breaks a bit the atmosphere, for me (I already didn't like NOLF's dissolving powder). I may mitigate this in practice by avoiding some unlocks or some uses.

7) Completely concealed from sight if grass up to the knee, but totally visible through a pile of crates. Noted.

8) Still don't get the point, in such games, to spend 5 min customizing your gear with gems and engravings and whatnot if you find new better gear every 30 seconds...
What I really hated was the mercs spawn the moment you raise an alarm and they almost instantly know where you are at all times. Like I was once sneaking around a fort and suddenly a Merc shows up and starts patrolling nearby despite the fact I haven't raised the alarm in this fort yet. It's like I have a hidden tracker hidden up my ass all the mercs have access to.

This might make sense in MGSV but in ancient greece of all places?


Elite Member
Nov 16, 2022
Devil May Cry 3 SE on a Switch!

It was hard to find a fault with this game before, but now that we can freely swap between styles and equipment like in the later titles, it's nigh impossible.
Still the highlight of the series for me, though I got very strong feelings for DMC V as well!


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
What I really hated was the mercs spawn the moment you raise an alarm and they almost instantly know where you are at all times. Like I was once sneaking around a fort and suddenly a Merc shows up and starts patrolling nearby despite the fact I haven't raised the alarm in this fort yet. It's like I have a hidden tracker hidden up my ass all the mercs have access to.

This might make sense in MGSV but in ancient greece of all places?
Agree, the merc system in that game is bad. At least in Origins if I messed up a stealth, sometimes I could recover by killing a couple dudes. In Odyssey, the mercs appear and ruin everything, and killing one brings in more, and the combat is already so spongy that it's no fun. The result is that the most efficient way to infiltrate a fort is to just run in, take what you need, and get out. This works for stealing things or assassinating someone, but does not for rescuing someone. In that case you have to murder like 50 dudes in a fort and it takes forever, and mercenaries show up and you gotta spend an hour killing everything or starting over.