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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I've been replaying Halo 3 and holy crap does the High Charity level want to make Halo's Library look like a cakewalk. At least the Library didn't have fast-moving mutating Flood forms and living turrets that can hang from the ceiling and plink away at you while your lumbering green ass plods towards cover.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I've been replaying Halo 3 and holy crap does the High Charity level want to make Halo's Library look like a cakewalk. At least the Library didn't have fast-moving mutating Flood forms and living turrets that can hang from the ceiling and plink away at you while your lumbering green ass plods towards cover.
I don't remember that being that bad, but Halo 3 was the first Halo I fully beat on legendary, not just beating the last level on it. Plus, I've beaten the Halo games so many times that I'm the worse person to talk to when it comes to difficulty.
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Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
And the boss of Chapter 12 of Resident Evil 4 Remake has made me want to stop playing. Visually, it's a really interesting take on the original boss; actually fighting it sucks, because its attacks make no sense, it frequently pulls out insta-kills in places where you can't dodge them, it has more health than a goddamn train, and it occasionally drops a healing item behind you just so that it can finish you off with an attack that has no audio cue while you're distracted by the green herbs. I'm so fed up, I don't know whether I'm actually going to try again later or just say I had a good run but the USA would probably be better off as a Los Illuminados stronghold than it is now.
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Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
...then I got it on the very next try, so I guess I was just being salty for no reason because it was the only boss so far that's killed me more than once.

End of the Castle, on to the Island. Doesn't look like a lot of chapters, but if it's anything like the original, they'll all be fairly long and punishing chapters, so that's gonna be something to look forward to.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
And the boss of Chapter 12 of Resident Evil 4 Remake has made me want to stop playing. Visually, it's a really interesting take on the original boss; actually fighting it sucks, because its attacks make no sense, it frequently pulls out insta-kills in places where you can't dodge them, it has more health than a goddamn train, and it occasionally drops a healing item behind you just so that it can finish you off with an attack that has no audio cue while you're distracted by the green herbs. I'm so fed up, I don't know whether I'm actually going to try again later or just say I had a good run but the USA would probably be better off as a Los Illuminados stronghold than it is now.
Frustrating my first time through too. The game expects you to have at least some of your guns at max power. Wants you know how Salazar works, he gets easier. I was able to no death him on my 2nd and 3rd run. For the third, a rocket can one shot him just like old times!
...then I got it on the very next try, so I guess I was just being salty for no reason because it was the only boss so far that's killed me more than once.
I died against him 5 times, and I think the game went easy on me during my first run. Because during my fifth try, he did not take nearly as long. Plus, I was playing the PS4 version, and the frame rate went shit for a little bit. Surprisingly, it runs mostly smooth now when fighting him.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
I died against him 5 times, and I think the game went easy on me during my first run. Because during my fifth try, he did not take nearly as long.
Pretty sure the remake has dynamic difficulty like the original game did. Though, since my end-of-chapter summary didn't contain any of my deaths to that boss, I think when I did it on the runback, I didn't benefit from the reduced difficulty after four deaths.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Got the last of the remaining achievements in Sekiro, with the only ones still missing being the all skills and all achievements ones. And I'm probably not going to finish them. Grinding for achievements' sake is something I just don't have the constitution for, because I can feel my finite, precious life just ebbing away during the mindless repetition. But it gets worse, because it's not even mindless repetition: the best farming spot in the game has a random element (enemy AI), meaning that your results and time won't even be consistent across attempts, and you have to keep a tight focus on the timing. There are so, so many more productive uses of my time than that.
Which farming spot are you thinking of?
My go-to was in the tower right before where you fight Genichiro and Owl- you can just walk around stabbing those guys in the blue robe and later also in the purple shirt. That is also a good way to farm the divine confetti you need to fight the headless.
Of course I'm not saying to actually grind/farm achievements, I agree it's silly, though I did it. I just had this stupid insistence of getting platinum on all FromSoftwares like a lunatic.

The good thing about Sekiro achievements is it seems possible to do it without too much grinding if you also play through the game NG++ +and get all 4 endings honestly instead of save-spamming. I went with save-spamming and grinding and it was less-insane than those freaking faction medals in Dark Souls 3 lemme tell ye...

But anyway in Sekiro I think the "proper" yet efficient path to platinum is:
NG: Purification ending. Because this requires the return visit to Hirata estate, it allows you defeat all mini-bosses to fully upgrade the prayer bead necklace, and also do the second Owl fight. On this run you also defeat (cheese!) Demon of Hatred, the giant carp, and get 6 lapus lazuli IIRC.
NG+: Shura Ending. With a fully upgraded prayer bead necklace you can pretty much blow through most of the game and get to Owl really fast and here fight the last unique boss which is, IMO, the hardest in the game so better not wait until NG's add difficulty.
NG++: Immortal Severence ending (the "default good" one). Here it's just about leveling up your character and getting the rest of the lapus lazul to fully upgrade the prosthetic.
NG+++: Return Ending. Here would be any remaining grinding for character leveling and you get to end with the best ending and doing that jump-kill of the snake which is so cool.

In retrospect I kind of wish I did this but when I platinumed I wasn't quite as obsessed with the game- I think Elden Ring made me appreciate it more.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Got the last of the remaining achievements in Sekiro, with the only ones still missing being the all skills and all achievements ones. And I'm probably not going to finish them. Grinding for achievements' sake is something I just don't have the constitution for, because I can feel my finite, precious life just ebbing away during the mindless repetition. But it gets worse, because it's not even mindless repetition: the best farming spot in the game has a random element (enemy AI), meaning that your results and time won't even be consistent across attempts, and you have to keep a tight focus on the timing. There are so, so many more productive uses of my time than that.
If it’s the antechamber ogre there’s a sweet spot for aggro’ing everyone with the whistle to get consistent points. Still takes a few hours to get the last few skills but yeah, everyone has their limits for that grinding bs.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Which farming spot are you thinking of?
My go-to was in the tower right before where you fight Genichiro and Owl- you can just walk around stabbing those guys in the blue robe and later also in the purple shirt. That is also a good way to farm the divine confetti you need to fight the headless.
Of course I'm not saying to actually grind/farm achievements, I agree it's silly, though I did it. I just had this stupid insistence of getting platinum on all FromSoftwares like a lunatic.

The good thing about Sekiro achievements is it seems possible to do it without too much grinding if you also play through the game NG++ +and get all 4 endings honestly instead of save-spamming. I went with save-spamming and grinding and it was less-insane than those freaking faction medals in Dark Souls 3 lemme tell ye...

But anyway in Sekiro I think the "proper" yet efficient path to platinum is:
NG: Purification ending. Because this requires the return visit to Hirata estate, it allows you defeat all mini-bosses to fully upgrade the prayer bead necklace, and also do the second Owl fight. On this run you also defeat (cheese!) Demon of Hatred, the giant carp, and get 6 lapus lazuli IIRC.
NG+: Shura Ending. With a fully upgraded prayer bead necklace you can pretty much blow through most of the game and get to Owl really fast and here fight the last unique boss which is, IMO, the hardest in the game so better not wait until NG's add difficulty.
NG++: Immortal Severence ending (the "default good" one). Here it's just about leveling up your character and getting the rest of the lapus lazul to fully upgrade the prosthetic.
NG+++: Return Ending. Here would be any remaining grinding for character leveling and you get to end with the best ending and doing that jump-kill of the snake which is so cool.

In retrospect I kind of wish I did this but when I platinumed I wasn't quite as obsessed with the game- I think Elden Ring made me appreciate it more.
I always save scum endings, unless other trophies required NG+(s) anyways. It would’ve taken me at least five times as long to get Sekiro and Bloodborne Platinums otherwise. After doing Demon’s Souls (original) the long way, without the Thomas dupe glitch, and then Dark Souls it was kind of a relief. Never bothered with the Dark Souls sequels. The only ones I was missing were the redundant spell/miracle/etc. anyways.

Ironically enough, Elden Ring was by far the easiest FROM game Platinum IMO. Never had to grind and Malenia was no match for Corpse Piler. Only thing is, just playing the game and seeing everything is what took longer, but I wasn’t doing that for trophies so I didn’t mind.

As a caveat, I still plan to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro the legit way, just for fun. Yup, I googled the cliff cheese the first time and have no shame in it!


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Playing Salt and Sanctuary (after recently completing the sequel, Salt and Sacrifice). Lots of people opined that the first game was significantly better than its sequel.

In some ways it's better. The single interconnected world is better than the individual separated areas (a-la Demon's Souls) that were in #2. And the atmosphere is undeniably more unique and engrossing.

...But bloody hell it's janky. Hitboxes are iffy to begin with. When you die, it can spawn a hostile bat creature that holds your salt (equivalent of souls), and which can poison you... and if you die in a boss fight, yep, that poisonous bat asshole can spawn in the boss arena. Even worse, occasionally other enemies will follow you into the boss arena. I was fighting the Tree of Men boss today, and an enemy swordsman with a teleporty attack repeatedly followed me from outside into the boss arena.

Sometimes he was stopped by the invisible walls of the boss arena, which shows its clearly not meant to be allowed. But quite a few times he wasn't.

Then there's bullshit like attacks coming from off-screen. The Mad Alchemist boss (which is utter RNG bullshit anyway) throws potions which can then spawn fireballs that redirect back at you. So you gotta dodge the original throw, and the fireballs afterwards. Fine. Except... more than once he threw the potions off-screen when I was at the side of the arena. Causing fireballs to then spawn with no way for me to see their trajectory or even whether they were coming at all.

And poisonous cytoplasms are the worst fucking enemies. A jump attack that latches onto you and poisons you with a single hit. And it's unblockable. And they can do it twice in a row with zero cooldown, so even if you manage to dodge the first one, it literally takes you longer to recover from the successful dodge than it does for the cytoplasm to just do it again.

Bloody hell. The sequel has lost some of the charm and disctinctiveness, that's true. But it's also just so much smoother. And that's saying a lot, because the sequel is still pretty janky.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
So final fantasy stranger of paradise finally came out to steam, how was that game? I seem to remember the reaction being "ehhh its okay as far as soul like goes".


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Aaaaah AC AC AC AC. Why do you have to keep shitting on all these fine games and environments with your overly stupid, moronic, tiresome, embarrassing animus assassin templar scifi conspiracy trash ?

It is not very good. Ditch that.
The Map Makers are where all the talent went at Ubi lately.

People have animus towards the Animus? Who'd have thought?!

So final fantasy stranger of paradise finally came out to steam, how was that game? I seem to remember the reaction being "ehhh its okay as far as soul like goes".
I remember it kinda came and went. Like all the levels are chosen from a menu and have no connection to each other beyond that. The plot sounds interesting in CONCEPT but not so much in execution, to my understanding.

I was interested in it at the time but then just let it slide because it sounded disappointing and I've already got way too many games to play. I could probably just watch the cutscenes on youtube to get the plot if I'm ever really curious.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
So final fantasy stranger of paradise finally came out to steam, how was that game? I seem to remember the reaction being "ehhh its okay as far as soul like goes".
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
I beat Bloodborne. I liked the game quite a bit, though there could be a bit less chalice dungeon. I did have fun even with them, though. Some of them are pretty challenging and I had fun spending an hour here and there on a tricky boss, but I've killed Blood Starved Beast 4 times now (once twice in a row because I had him in two separate dungeons I was working on at the same time), and I don't feel like I need to do it again. Those bell ringing maidens are the worst though, just ridiculous. I just lost 200k blood echoes because I came to a room with 2 of them constantly summoning spiders alongside two of the big wolves. I managed to kill the maidens, which used to immediately kill all of the summoned creatures but apparently doesn't anymore in Lower Loran, and then made a mistake and got stuck in the middle of about 10 spiders which killed me in 2 seconds. It's just BS. They shouldn't be able to summon spiders if you aren't even in the bloody room. And the spiders shouldn't beeline to wherever you are in the dungeon and constantly harass you. Anyway, after about 20 minutes of attempts I managed to kill everything in the room and got a couple blood vials and some bullets for my trouble, wow.

Anyway, the game has a great style and I always enjoyed getting to a new area and seeing all the grotesque new scenery. I do wonder why there are so many statues in the world. Just absolutely everywhere. Even after beating the game I'm not sure what most of it was about, but that's part of the atmosphere and it works. I actually did find an NPC I missed that would have given me a bit of direction. Gilbert. By the time I made the connection between the red lamps and people I could talk to I was well past central Yharnam. I did tend to be a little overleveled for the main game because of the chalice dungeons. I eventually just stopped leveling when I hit 65 and just spent hundreds of thousands of souls at a time maxing out blood vials and quicksilver bullets, because the later chalice dungeons give out ludicrous numbers of souls. Like I can clear a level and net over 100k. I also just cached in all my cold blood that I've been saving since I started doing chalice dungeons and got 350k souls, just like that. Now I'm level 88.

The combat is also a lot more responsive than Dark Souls. The dodging in particular is way better, which is good because of how important it is due to the removal of blocking.

One complaint not related to chalice dungeons is the game should restock all your items from your stockpile when you respawn. There really is no reason to make me go the stockpile and take out more molotovs or bone ash or whatever, just do it the same as blood vials whenever I respawn. Another is the fight with the Host of the Nightmare really sucked. It wasn't a hard fight, but I just kept messing it up because that one attack could sometimes kill me in one hit. The bad part was sometimes he'd run straight to the fight arena right away and it'd be fine, but other times he'd just run in circles for like 5 minutes!

Still have a few chalice dungeons to finish up; halfway through both Lower Loran and Defiled Pthumeru, and have done the ritual but haven't started the Isz chalice. I'm glad I didn't leave them all for the end because It would have been a massive slog to do it all at once. I'm debating on whether to go through NG+ and get the other ending with the optional boss. I know there's 3 endings, but I'm not playing the game 3 times right now.
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Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
I've been replaying Halo 3 and holy crap does the High Charity level want to make Halo's Library look like a cakewalk. At least the Library didn't have fast-moving mutating Flood forms and living turrets that can hang from the ceiling and plink away at you while your lumbering green ass plods towards cover.
I believe the level is called "Cortana". That was a bit of a bastard on Legendary, and I ended up learning a few things.

Plasma Rifles are weirdly strong against the Flood in Halo 3, despite how Halo 1 had kinda taught us that bullets are better vs flood. Dual wielded plasma rifles make short work of the Pure Ranged forms. You can plink at them with a covenant carbine all day and they will not die. But plasma rifles? Ez. Granted the plasma rifles aren't that great at long range.

A Brute Shot with 0 ammo can still be used to bludgeon and dismember flood like a sword, only the melee won't run out of ammo.

Something I didn't learn until very late, but Flood can be 'head shotted'. If you manage to hit the infection form, it will die(also applies to Halo 2). Though typically in a lot of these levels, there's so many infection forms scuttling about that they are very likely to get reanimated. I think you can actually headshot the ranged forms but it's not an easy shot.

Still easier than Truth and Reconciliation...


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Finished Resident Evil 4 Remake. Definitely worth playing, and I don't regret buying it at full price either, even paying about 3x as much as I did for the original. Great mechanics, great pacing, pretty good story, looking forward to playing it again sometime. But for now I'm gonna pick up something else, soon as I can decide what to go for.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Still have a few chalice dungeons to finish up; halfway through both Lower Loran and Defiled Pthumeru, and have done the ritual but haven't started the Isz chalice. I'm glad I didn't leave them all for the end because It would have been a massive slog to do it all at once. I'm debating on whether to go through NG+ and get the other ending with the optional boss. I know there's 3 endings, but I'm not playing the game 3 times right now.
You can save scum to get all three endings if you want, that's what I did. As long as you get 3 umbilical cords first.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Plasma Rifles are weirdly strong against the Flood in Halo 3, despite how Halo 1 had kinda taught us that bullets are better vs flood. Dual wielded plasma rifles make short work of the Pure Ranged forms. You can plink at them with a covenant carbine all day and they will not die. But plasma rifles? Ez. Granted the plasma rifles aren't that great at long range.
Yeah, I learned that right quick. Which was really weird because otherwise the Carbine is at least a decent weapon. It's also annoying how ammo-limited the Shotgun and Mauler are.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I beat Bloodborne. I liked the game quite a bit, though there could be a bit less chalice dungeon. I did have fun even with them, though. Some of them are pretty challenging and I had fun spending an hour here and there on a tricky boss, but I've killed Blood Starved Beast 4 times now (once twice in a row because I had him in two separate dungeons I was working on at the same time), and I don't feel like I need to do it again. Those bell ringing maidens are the worst though, just ridiculous. I just lost 200k blood echoes because I came to a room with 2 of them constantly summoning spiders alongside two of the big wolves. I managed to kill the maidens, which used to immediately kill all of the summoned creatures but apparently doesn't anymore in Lower Loran, and then made a mistake and got stuck in the middle of about 10 spiders which killed me in 2 seconds. It's just BS. They shouldn't be able to summon spiders if you aren't even in the bloody room. And the spiders shouldn't beeline to wherever you are in the dungeon and constantly harass you. Anyway, after about 20 minutes of attempts I managed to kill everything in the room and got a couple blood vials and some bullets for my trouble, wow.

Anyway, the game has a great style and I always enjoyed getting to a new area and seeing all the grotesque new scenery. I do wonder why there are so many statues in the world. Just absolutely everywhere. Even after beating the game I'm not sure what most of it was about, but that's part of the atmosphere and it works. I actually did find an NPC I missed that would have given me a bit of direction. Gilbert. By the time I made the connection between the red lamps and people I could talk to I was well past central Yharnam. I did tend to be a little overleveled for the main game because of the chalice dungeons. I eventually just stopped leveling when I hit 65 and just spent hundreds of thousands of souls at a time maxing out blood vials and quicksilver bullets, because the later chalice dungeons give out ludicrous numbers of souls. Like I can clear a level and net over 100k. I also just cached in all my cold blood that I've been saving since I started doing chalice dungeons and got 350k souls, just like that. Now I'm level 88.

The combat is also a lot more responsive than Dark Souls. The dodging in particular is way better, which is good because of how important it is due to the removal of blocking.

One complaint not related to chalice dungeons is the game should restock all your items from your stockpile when you respawn. There really is no reason to make me go the stockpile and take out more molotovs or bone ash or whatever, just do it the same as blood vials whenever I respawn. Another is the fight with the Host of the Nightmare really sucked. It wasn't a hard fight, but I just kept messing it up because that one attack could sometimes kill me in one hit. The bad part was sometimes he'd run straight to the fight arena right away and it'd be fine, but other times he'd just run in circles for like 5 minutes!

Still have a few chalice dungeons to finish up; halfway through both Lower Loran and Defiled Pthumeru, and have done the ritual but haven't started the Isz chalice. I'm glad I didn't leave them all for the end because It would have been a massive slog to do it all at once. I'm debating on whether to go through NG+ and get the other ending with the optional boss. I know there's 3 endings, but I'm not playing the game 3 times right now.
You really don't have to do chalice dungeon, I think I did just one and never bothered with more.