So I'm nearing the end of my subscription (about 2 weeks left) - I never thought I'd say this when I started playing, but I'm going to miss it.
Or at least some of it. Even now, the formula of an MMO isn't really my thing (go from X to Y, go to Z, kill A monsters, return to Y, get reward, go to B and do another thing that may lead you onto quest C, or not, and so on), and really, it's the emergent stuff that makes it worthwhile - running around, meeting players, teaming up with those other players to do whatever, so on and so forth. It also helps that because I can now focus on one single character, my human warrior's up to level 30, which means that I'm no longer at the lower end of the pecking order. And it didn't require killing boars while listening to 'Live to Win' to reach that number.
So, yeah. Don't have much to say that I haven't already. Despite my more positive thoughts, my ranking of this hasn't shifted in any list I've applied it to. Maybe a MMO list, but since I've played maybe 3 MMOs ever, that isn't saying much.
Without a doubt, Heroes is still the weakest Fire Emblem game I've ever played. However, having reached Book III, my judgement of it has become much more positive. This shouldn't come as a shock to anyone as I mentioned similar positive thoughts on Book II, but the writing of Book III is still on par with that of Book II, so good job there.
I notice that Heroes is still plumbing Norse mythology - Book I was Askr vs. Embla, Book II was Nifelheim vs. Muspelheim, Book III is Hel invading Askr, which makes me wonder what happens when the developers run out of Norse realms to steal, sorry, "inspire" them. Snark aside, the writing's better here in that there's at least a sense of stakes, though come to think of it, Book II was probably better overall. Book II has a clear threat (Muspel) that destroyed Nifelheim, that now seeks to destroy Askr, so cue McGuffin hunt to find the means to defeat the baddie. Simple, but effective. Book III, on the other hand, has Hel invadng Askr because...reasons. Yes, I'm sure those reasons will be revealed, and there's been some good stuff (e.g. Alphonse's relationship with his father, and his father giving his life to save him in the end), but nothing spectacular. It's more that when your overall story starts out crap (Book I), and remains crap (Book I), and when your story stops being crap (Book II), things can seem a lot better.
Also, I'll give some credit to Eir's unit design, since I haven't seen a unit like her in an FE game before. Basically, she hits the enemy hard, but every time she attacks the enemy, she loses some HP at the end of the round. So either you use a healer, or you use her sparingly, or you go all out. It would be interesting to see this mechanic in a more fleshed-out FE game, but for now, I'll give credit where it's due.