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~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
Yeah. I don't like online games for several reasons (they too often imply interaction with online players, and they too often depend on servers that can pull the plug at any time while I like buying games I can still play ten years later), but I've watched a bit of Meet Your Maker and it's the only time I found the concept actually quite appealing.

But also dangerously so, as it can be a tremendous time sink (for stuff that can vanish forever overnight) and can become a DLC trap pretty easily. Not to mention that izs creative aspect can be ruined by players exploiting the system or copy-pasting online recipes...

I've seldom been that close to buying a multiplayer-oriented game. It still isn't very close.
Quite true. Is probably the best tactic Devs have for these games to release as 'free' bonuses to subscribers of the online stuff: no extra cost for access, plus a steady dependable influx of new players just checking out the new shit they got. I don't currently feel like I lost anything by playing this as of speaky typing too. But as always...an offline mode should be provided in any of this genre. No-one likes a product they know won't work in a couple of years - generously speaking.

Though, oh dear, I find myself now sliding into the uncomfortable position of justifying the online gameplay loop. For there's this unique trick it pulls where each time you get caught dying repeatedly in a difficult level, you're also slyly taking notes of the other player's sneaky tactics so you can alter your own murder castle strategies, infiltration habits and guessing what others are guessing in both sides of gameplay.

He's apparently still alive though poor guy had a stroke about a decade ago so mostly does Voice Work now.
Ah shit, didn't know about that. As long as he's content and sorted, plus he does have a truly magnificent quality of voice we do not have enough of. This may be cursed but...has anybody tried those AI voice bots for him? Am not sure how AI would approach those fruity intonations in any convincing way tbf.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Got my first ending on Nier Automata. I massacred the village of peaceful machines and the game went "haha, very funny, now play seriously" and reloaded me before I killed any of them.

So far the game is ok. I didn't expect there to be so much material collection in the game, or fishing. But then I didn't actually know anything about it going in other than there are multiple endings and there was a bit where some things that look like toy robots pantomime sex. Playing in Japanese with subtitles is ok most of the time, but every once in a while someone will say something during combat and I miss a little bit of dialogue.

The combat is ok, I guess so far. I haven't died yet in 6 hours on normal, so it's not very difficult. I'm not saying I'm any good at it, because I'm not, but you can hold hundreds of restorative items and pause the game to use them, so it's kind of hard to die.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Got my first ending on Nier Automata. I massacred the village of peaceful machines and the game went "haha, very funny, now play seriously" and reloaded me before I killed any of them.

So far the game is ok. I didn't expect there to be so much material collection in the game, or fishing. But then I didn't actually know anything about it going in other than there are multiple endings and there was a bit where some things that look like toy robots pantomime sex. Playing in Japanese with subtitles is ok most of the time, but every once in a while someone will say something during combat and I miss a little bit of dialogue.

The combat is ok, I guess so far. I haven't died yet in 6 hours on normal, so it's not very difficult. I'm not saying I'm any good at it, because I'm not, but you can hold hundreds of restorative items and pause the game to use them, so it's kind of hard to die.
Its not a hard game, unless you play it on hard then its brutal since you can only take a few hits before death... till you can get your build going then its just normal. There are multiple endings and I won't say more, except save after you get an ending and load it.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
So, 9 hours in and I have to say: Nier Automata kind of sucks. Should I not be doing side quests? Because they all suck. Most of them consist of running across the map talking/killing/picking up a thing and then running back across the map again to turn in the quest for a bunch of crap I don't care about. Like one out of a billion things necessary to upgrade some piece of gear. I spent like half an hour whittling down this robo martial artist's massive level 40 health bar as I am at level 12 and it was mind numbing. I'm not doing the next stage of that quest where he's presumably at level 50, no way.

I have died once now because I ended up in an area where level 38 dudes kept respawning, I spent a while killing the little ones, and then focused on this big dude, thinking that maybe once I killed him they'd stop respawning and I could collect the items leave, but then one of the frickin' suicide bombers got me and I died and had to run way across the map again to collect my items.

They way people talk about this game I thought it was gonna be something really special, but this is just standard JRPG garbage.

No gravity defying skirt or black void here.

Apparently there's even a trophy for looking up her skirt 10 times (and no, I didn't get it. I just saw it when looking for the above example images).
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Honestly, it sets up a lot of really cool ideas and then jettisons most of them in favor of a pretty standard revenge story.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009

No gravity defying skirt or black void here.

Apparently there's even a trophy for looking up her skirt 10 times (and no, I didn't get it. I just saw it when looking for the above example images).
I don't know about you, but I actually like butts that look like butts, not weird balloons.

And yeah, Nier: Automata is one of those games that's intensely convinced of the importance of its subject matter. So convinced it has you play through virtually the same game three times, only to say 'whoa nihilism'. It's like TLoU2, but with maid outfits.

Also, I've ranted about this before, but why do they have maid outfits? They're combat droids. Why are they wearing blindfolds? This is supposed to be science fiction, right? So what's the practical application or explaination behind this? Why is the letterboxing during cutscenes translucent? If you can see through it it voids the aspect ratio, so why even have the letterboxing there?


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
So, 9 hours in and I have to say: Nier Automata kind of sucks. Should I not be doing side quests? Because they all suck. Most of them consist of running across the map talking/killing/picking up a thing and then running back across the map again to turn in the quest for a bunch of crap I don't care about. Like one out of a billion things necessary to upgrade some piece of gear. I spent like half an hour whittling down this robo martial artist's massive level 40 health bar as I am at level 12 and it was mind numbing. I'm not doing the next stage of that quest where he's presumably at level 50, no way.

I have died once now because I ended up in an area where level 38 dudes kept respawning, I spent a while killing the little ones, and then focused on this big dude, thinking that maybe once I killed him they'd stop respawning and I could collect the items leave, but then one of the frickin' suicide bombers got me and I died and had to run way across the map again to collect my items.

They way people talk about this game I thought it was gonna be something really special, but this is just standard JRPG garbage.

No gravity defying skirt or black void here.

Apparently there's even a trophy for looking up her skirt 10 times (and no, I didn't get it. I just saw it when looking for the above example images).
I'm doing my part, I tell everyone that automata is really not that special of a game, that if you listen to the soundtrack you get like 75% of the value of the game. People never believe me though...


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I'm doing my part, I tell everyone that automata is really not that special of a game, that if you listen to the soundtrack you get like 75% of the value of the game. People never believe me though...
Cause you are wrong. But its ok, I forgive.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Should I not be doing side quests? Because they all suck. Most of them consist of running across the map talking/killing/picking up a thing and then running back across the map again to turn in the quest for a bunch of crap I don't care abou
I did a few here and there, but I stuck to the main story for the most part. Most of the side quests are pulling this from a story standpoint, because they either in anti-climactically, or the ending to them ends up not being great in the long run. That said, the main story lines in their respective endings are alternative endings are way better. I will say that my main problem with Yoko Taro, he does these weird gameplay design decisions or change of stuff at a different angle just to be artsy. There's also some really bad checkpointing I do not agree with, even from a story perspective. You'll know when you get there. I will say that it's a one and done game once you get all the endings and the true final ending. Once I got the final ending, I felt no reason to play the game again. I got all three Bayonetta games and Astral Chain. There is not much reason for me to go back to Nier Automata. That soundtrack? Beautiful!
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Makes it easier for me to give the game a pass, if its main draw is dat ass. Saves a hell of a lot of time.
The ass is necessarily not the point, and people like to meme it up too much. It's usually from those who barely know about the game or are only there for the shallowest reasons. Not to get too deep into this (heavy spoilers), but the reason why 2B and many other of the female soldiers dressed like this, is because they think that's what sexy means to humanity. Even though humanity is long gone at this point. It's the androids misunderstanding of the idea of sexiness.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
They way people talk about this game I thought it was gonna be something really special, but this is just standard JRPG garbage.
For me, the Nier Automata was just so incredibly ANIME that it became impossible not to just roll with it and I admittedly enjoyed the conceit of Robots trying to Ape Humans because they don't know what Humans really are. Is it deep? Probably not, but it was something interesting to play around with

Notably there's a scene where Adam and Eve are eating a meal despite not needing to eat at all because the book(the bible) they have says something about eating. It's even pointed out that it's kind of absurd.

Why is there an Amusement Park run by Robots? Because the Robots found it and fixed it up due to the robots not having a purpose in life and they need something to believe in, so to speak. And the amusement park was as good as anything. Also because it was a cool setpiece. Thus, a robot run amusment park that serves nobody but themselves because it gives the robots something to do until they eventually die. Which kinda sums up a lot of the plot in a nutshell, really.

Also the soundtrack was fucking amazing and it was generally a lot of fun(to be fair, my standard for fun is: Am I enjoying this?), at least for me. The over 9000 take on existentialism and religion when GOD is Dead that's full of wierdass symbolism was enough for me to overlook it's flaws.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Ah, so 'breathing through your skin' 2.0. 😏
Just so we're clear, Taro has admitted out loud several times that he likes seeing women in sexy outfits. To the point that most game critics (begrudgingly) respect him for being honest and straightforward. Unlike Kojima.
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~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened (Lovecraftian awake, not annoying conspirituality hippy awake)
"Watson...you bumbling imbecile, would you please cease this infernal blocking of every bloody door I try to go through!?"

Yakuza: the old timey one with blood and guns and shit.
Have successfully defeated first bois 'male pattern baldness' gang! But then people with low hairlines started showing showed up. Was not prepared for this.
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Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
That comes across as nightmarish in a bizarre way.
I'm pretty certain the latest game in that series actually has proper Watson walking animations and AI to follow you around, but there's an option in the menu for him to just teleport behind Holmes's shoulder if you're more used to that.

OT: So with the baseball season started, I haven't had as much time to use the TV and continue God of War as I'd anticipated, so when I'm not doing that I've decided to play Resident Evil 2 (the remake), which I bought on Steam a while back for cheap after enjoying it a lot on PS4. Somehow though I never actually got around to doing either of the B routes, so that's what I'm going for this time.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Ah, so 'breathing through your skin' 2.0. 😏
Just so we're clear, Taro has admitted out loud several times that he likes seeing women in sexy outfits. To the point that most game critics (begrudgingly) respect him for being honest and straightforward. Unlike Kojima.

Yeah we all remember the comments; most obvious of which I sometimes thing the media cherry picked to have the biggest field day with. Otherwise it might've actually been substantiated as something that could’ve had more substance (subsistence?).

What else was said -

Speaking about Quiet's design just days after her full reveal in September 2013, Kojima tweeted that he asked lead designer Yoji Shinkawa for a "more erotic" character; in fact, his original idea of her was her being naked. In response to the reaction to this statement, he clarified: "Maybe the phrase 'erotic' wasn't really [the correct word for] what I was trying to say. What I'm really trying to do is create unique characters. One of those is, of course, Quiet. She's a really unique character, I wanted to add that sexiness to her. It wasn't really supposed to be erotic, but sexy." He also said, "You're going to notice [when you play,] but there's limited dialogue with [characters], and for that reason we really want to show the characteristic from each character. Sexy could be for guys, weapons, vehicles, it's really that characteristic." Shinkawa added, "From my perspective, it's not just the characters, but often I look at a weapon or a vehicle and think 'That's really sexy.' It's not just the characters, but the mechs and weapons [as well]."

Kojima stated Quiet's design was to appeal to cosplayers and to sell figures; he also made further tweets to demonstrate details of the character to early cosplayers. Kojima said about her clothing, "Once you see how she fits into the story, you will understand why she looks the way she does. Without any of this background I can certainly understand why there are concerns. I will say there's a reason she looks the way she does and wears those clothes. And it's all a part of the game, learning those reasons one by one." As noted by Kojima himself, Quiet is the only heroic female character of Metal Gear Solid V, contrasting with the usual three of four in most of his earlier works; he described her as powerful yet vulnerable. He also later compared Quiet to Matilda Lutz's protagonist character from the 2017 rape and revenge action-thriller film Revenge.

Perhaps most importantly-
Joosten herself was surprised with the controversy (see below), but said, "When I got to see her design, I was shocked too. But everybody didn't get to hear her story yet so I can understand people are angry about it or saying she is showing too much. But I am not bothered by it."

FTR, the mission A Quiet Exit was one of the most impactful and emotional moments in the series IMO. Nothing else before it really had me so close to tearing up. The brilliance of it was that it’s basically left up to the player to decide when to stop looking for her, and get back on the chopper. I know it took me a long while.

I’ve said it before but I think a lot of the intent with these kinds of things is too often sort of lost in cultural translation and then derided for clicks, which is unfortunate.
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