What are you currently playing?


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
I'm only on chapter 6 atm-- just finished the Mirror Palace.

Is chapter 9 the one that requires crystal hearts (or something) to unlock? Think I read something about that being a requirement somewhere.
Oh, huh, for some reason I misread your post as saying you had finished the game. As for your question, ummm, maybe? It's been a couple years so I don't really remember. I think I was getting all the berries and hearts as I went so I didn't get blocked by anything myself. Looking it up the wiki does say that crystal hearts are required.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I remember liking the campaign in Medal of Honor 2010 well enough when I originally played it, but on trying to play it a second time a few years after, I couldn't even get past the 2nd level, it was so dull and played so much worse then I remembered and just, blegh. Every now and then I'll get the urge for CoD and replay the campaigns in a bunch of those games (I really should do that again since I've wanted to replay Infinity anyway), but MOH... just super weak compared to even the worst of CoD... well mainline cod anyway.
Oy my pile of shame. Infinite is one of my 1st Gen 8 games and I got distracted by another shiny object and didn't get further into it! On my radar to get back to!


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Argh. Sometimes try to post youtube vids only to get previously posted vids.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I did another run of Double Dragon Gaiden with nearly all of the difficulty settings pushed to the max. The revive cost I set to default, because fuck that shit! Did a complete Lee Brothers run and managed to only use 4 continues when on the stage for the 5th and final boss. Still an unfair son of a dick, but I am more familiar with how he ticks now. The tokens are now useless, because I unlocked everything now.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Started Fear & Hunger, not really sure if I'm going to continue. Started on the second difficulty, after a couple of hours I'm restarting on the lowest, though I'm not entirely how much of a the difference is. The main problem is that pretty much every enemy encounter inflicts debilitating, potentially game ending status effects that need to be cured with limited and randomly acquired items. Health is easy to lose and difficult to recover as well, so you really want to avoid combat as much as possible, and that kind of turns the game into a stealth 'em up with bad controls. You don't gain XP from fights so there doesn't seem to be a lot of benefit from combat either. I get that horror game developers these days seem to think it's more scary to run away from a monster than fight it, but disincentivising half your gameplay kind of sucks. Probably suffering more than necessary because I'm trying to keep the girl alive, should probably just feed her to something and save myself restoratives, but I don't want to.

The game also has probably the worst save system I've ever seen. When you go to save you flip a coin, and if you lose you don't save and potentially get a game over. Yes, this is a game that gives you a 50/50 chance of death when you try to save. Yeah, I know you can increase the odds a bit through a very limited resource, but it's still insane. Like, if you don't want me to save, just build your game around permadeath, don't just make saving be a chance to instantly lose progress, what's even the point? That only makes it necessary to save more so you don't lose too much progress attempting to save it. And then if messes up your plans because you probably will get completely different items due to the random spawns.

One more nitpick, diagonal hallways look very nice, but if your game has four directional control they make it seem so incredibly jank and awkward to control.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
So after the Eye of the Storm campaign in Total Warhammer 2 spawned three ultra-beefy chaos armies right at my doorstep to absolutely rail my ass, which I had no reasonable way to prepare for, I decided to ditch that shit and try out the Mortal Empires campaign with the Beastmen. And hooooly moley is it a whole load more enjoyable. There was definitely a learning curve since the Beastmen playstyle is so different, but once I got into grips with it I've been whittling the ours away like it's nothing. The Beastmen have a very engaging, active playstyle that constantly pushes you forward, because pretty much the only way to accrue currency reliably is to raid foreign provinces. But that won't last forever either, so you're pretty much constantly on the move, raiding provinces and leaving them desolate in your wake. It really captures the feeling of a roving, rampaging barbaric horde. It's really fun.

But good god, I do not understand how I'm supposed to do the real-time battles. I've been using auto-resolve pretty much exclusively, because how the fuck am I expected to handle these fights? It is the single most overwhelming thing I've ever seen in at least any strategy game I've played. The units are so teeny tiny that there's essentially no way to tell them apart from size, and even that's a slim help. A lot of the time they just fade into the background completely and I'm left staring at a whole load of murky nonsense. The minimap is shit and too small, there's close to no feedback on who's getting attacked and where and how hard, high-level heroes have so many abilities that it's like playing Diablo on top of an insanely overwhelming RTS. The banner icons are no help either, because units often get broken up and mush into each other, so the icons swifly disappear beneath each other. Some units benefit from having them charge, disengage and charge again which is a whole lot of micromanagement with armies as vast as these. And all of this just makes me sad, because there's so much care and attention put into the animation and detail of these units. But I can never look at it for more than a few seconds before I'm back to managing other units. Sad, man.
Mortal Empires is the only way to play. Campaigns have never been great

There is a pause button for the real-time battles, unless you're some kind of maniac and play on legendary difficulty. IIRC there's a half time mode or something similar too, as well as high speed mode

Edit. Looks like Meiam already said this much better than me. Late to the party as usual
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I just heard Everspace 2 is out for consoles (I'm only playing on PS5 these days). This game looks pretty freaking rad! I think I'm gonna buy it and start it this weekend.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I just heard Everspace 2 is out for consoles (I'm only playing on PS5 these days). This game looks pretty freaking rad! I think I'm gonna buy it and start it this weekend.
It's okay, its like assasin creed (origin/odyssey) in space in the sense that its an open world with region marked, where you go and fight the same couple of enemy to collect color coded loot and level up on a treadmill forever. The various ship you can get aren't really that different, they're all WW1 front mounted machine gun, and most weapon are just a slight variation of machine gun.

Actually its pretty similar to another ubisoft game called starlink battle for atlas, just with a more boring combat system and no ground/planet.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
It's okay, its like assasin creed (origin/odyssey) in space in the sense that its an open world with region marked, where you go and fight the same couple of enemy to collect color coded loot and level up on a treadmill forever. The various ship you can get aren't really that different, they're all WW1 front mounted machine gun, and most weapon are just a slight variation of machine gun.

Actually its pretty similar to another ubisoft game called starlink battle for atlas, just with a more boring combat system and no ground/planet.
That's not even an accurate description of Everspace 1. Ignoring the fact that the first game was a roguelike and the second is open space.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
That's not even an accurate description of Everspace 1. Ignoring the fact that the first game was a roguelike and the second is open space.
Why would it be an accurate description of everspace 1?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
No More Heroes III (PS5) - It's going to be hard playing the Switch version again, other than replaying boss mode. The game runs so much smoother in and out of combat, and not just combat. There's some graphical detail improvements, and load times are so much quicker!


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I went ahead and bought Everscape 2. Only played the intro. I'm not gonna formulate an opinion until I get used to the controls which are very counter-intuitive to me because I normally play games where I'm a person walking around not piloting a ship with thrusters. So I was instinctively pushing the left joystick up to go forward which, when piloting a spaceship here, just makes it float up lol.
This is major reason I don't play multiple games at once- I gotta not be thinking about "which button do I press to move" to have a good time.

But what I do like- and probably the reason the trailer appealed to me- is that everything looks clear. It's pretty, but practical. So many games try to so hard to be realistic or gritty that it's like all brown or grey. Or they go the other way and it's particle effects and contrasting colors all over the place. I revel in the few games that are just... I dunno, normal looking or something.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Played some Medal of Honor (2010) on PC. Only getting 60 FPS. Locked somehow?
COD: MW2 (2009) is my all time favorite combat FPS. It got very high ratings. Battlefield 3 (2011) came after, got better scores than MoH but I don't like it as much. The campaign anyway and maybe that is what makes all the difference. Because the campaign in MoH is very fun and playable and looks better than BF3. Not as good as COD:MW2 though. And I haven't played Warfighter much on PS3. Gotta give that some more attention.
Super linear corridor shooters are kind of my guilty pleasure. Just super hand-holdy spectacle. Watch something blow up, shoot some bad guys, and the whole thing is over in about 6 hours or less.

They're basically the perfect palette cleanser.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Pretty fun VR game but I had to stand while playing. For an old guy like me, that's a big no-no.



Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Since my trophies don't transfer over to the PS5 version of Final Vendetta, I have to unlock them again. The same applies to the save file as well. The only good thing is I still have the Platinum Trophy for the PS4 version. Most of the trophies are easy to get, but I am not doing the Ultra 1CC Run again. I can still play the PS4 version whenever I want, and my save data for it still works.

I did some Dead Space Remake NG+ again on Wednesday night, and will try tackling the rest of the side quests during the middle of chapter 8.

Double Dragon Gaiden again, and tried one of the boss characters, Lady Okada, with Uncle Matin this time. I've heard players complain that's she too slow, attack wise. While that is true, she's not that slow, and you can't use her hap hazardly and button mash. Her attacks do have wind up, but the reach and range is long and strong. I guess players were expecting as speed sword/melee weapon character. Linda already fulfills that role with a rapid hitting weapon, but even certain special moves, still have wind ups.

Crazy exploit happened in my True Ending Run where I got all of the 4 bosses caught in a stun loop and managed it with using Okada's 3rd Super Special, and mixing it up with her basic attacks and finished up with her Shoryuken Special, getting a Special KO on all of them. So Okada kicked the ass of the other 3 gang leaders and herself? I've gone cross eyed.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Trover Saves the Universe from the people that make Rick and Morty. Very funny and so far, fun and an amazing VR experience. Goes for $30 on Steam. Humble Bundle sells it and a number of other games in a bundle for only $15 for another dozen days or so. ($30 would have gotten me another game and some DLC. Pass). Some of that money goes to charity, so there's that.
Unusual gameplay, even for a VR game. One stick controls me, the chairorphean while the other controls the purple critter.
Warning, adult language. Like, a lot.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Pretty fun VR game but I had to stand while playing. For an old guy like me, that's a big no-no.
May I ask how old you are? Just curious- VR isn't something I partake so it's one of those gaming things I need to learn about from others.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Still Fear & Hunger but I think I'm going to quit. I got the escape ending after I found the guy I was looking for dead, and after already reading somewhere that you need to find him within 30 minutes for him to be alive I decided I would restart and get him in the party. It wasn't too difficult to rescue him with the Dash ability that doubles your overworld move speed. This ability is so good, not having it would just make the game so tedious. Anyway, after finding him and opening the doors to the forgotten city or whatever I find myself in a new sprawling city with a dual world mechanic and I find I just don't have the will to go on. I just don't want to do it. The problem is that it's not a difficult game, it just wastes your time. Once you understand an enemy's attack pattern it's usually not too difficult to defeat them, but there's always a possibility that you'll miss and then get hit with one of the games permanent, uncurable status debuffs and that's pretty much cause for a restart in my opinion. Yeah, maybe I could win the game with severe anal bleeding, a broken bone, and after losing an arm and a leg, or maybe I'll run up against a wall and just need to restart anyway and go back through 3 hours of progress and do it better anyway. And almost every attack causes a status debuff, so if you get hit at all you pretty much need to restart. It sucks. Saves are also far too infrequent for all the RNG in the game and the 50/50 chance to not save and be forced into combat is pretty much the worst idea I've ever seen in a game.

And it's not like the game is any fun to replay either. The random maps are very limited in their generation and seem to always have the same elements in them but just shuffled around a little. The random items are mostly useless, and I never really know what I have because every time I reload I pick up different items, not that this really affects strategy at all. All in all the game is not fun, and not very difficult, but just ridiculously tedious. I really think that turn based RPGs are just not suited to high difficulty. Between this and Darkest Dungeon they just seem to tend towards very tedious repetition and extremely punishing RNG. Like it's never going to be fun to lose the game because you lost a coin flip or an enemy gets a critical hit or whatever.

Also, for a game called Fear & Hunger, they are both ridiculously easy to manage. On both playthroughs I've yet to come close to running out of food or sanity restoring items. Granted I don't use spellcasting because it doesn't seem worth the cost, but still.
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