Discuss and Rate the Last Thing You Watched (non-movies)


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Invincible: Atom Eve

(prime video)

Score: 6/10

A prequel to the Invincible series giving the backstory for Atom Eve

So I think Atom Eve is a cool character in the series and this prequel only made her seem cooler because the the Science nerd aspect but I feel like this episode didn't really work that well as we got some sort of greatest hits moments but it feels like we could have done with more. We have Eve tell about how the kids at her prestigious school are kind of snobby, this really does break the whole story idea of show don't tell. We also don't get much of the impact of her changing schools later on. In terms of fights we get basically her first real fight and what feels like a bigger ending fight but we don't get full power Eve until very near the end in a sort of non fight sequence.
Oh thanks for reminding me about this, I came across and keep meaning to check it out. Maybe it's just a watch it when there's nothing else kinda thing.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Finished Jack Ryan S4

The final, shortest season of Jack Ryan sees Krasinski slink even further into the background as the side characters, and the side characters' side characters, take over center stage in a convoluted mesh of subplots. I swear between the fewer episodes, his diminishing presence and the lackluster autopilot performance Jim Halpern wanted the fuck out of here ASAP. And I've been getting those vibes since season 3.

I'll give them this - it's hella action-packed, and looks good, even if it's not especially creative.

Michaels Kelly & Peña were fun, with what they were given. Wendel Pierce too although the story about reclaiming the family life doesn't pay off at all. Betty Gabriel is given mostly boring stuff. Abbie Cornish gets the thankless role of damsel in distress after spending the last two seasons in absentia, and the way she gets roped into the plot is the most ridiculous thing since Peter Griffin caught James Woods in a box.

I rank the seasons 1>3>4>2.

Against the Jack Ryan movies... inferior to Red October and the Harrison Ford movies, but better than Affleck/Pine/Without Remorse.

As a dad thriller I rank it above The Terminal List but nowhere near as fun as Reacher.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Warrior season 3

This is a great show, I'm sure I recommended it before but with another season just wrapping up, I'll do it again.

The fun of the show is that it relies very heavily on tropes and the plots are predictable. It just does it really well. They will telegraph the betrayals, the conflicts, and this feeling of inevitability. This sort of story-telling has become passé but it's actually traditionally more common- think folk tales and opera where the interest is in the how of the story not the spoilers and twists.
Warrior leans into the style of B+-grade filming, solid acting and excellent martial arts to deliver juicy period-piece drama and engaging set-pieces.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Finished Suits, all nine seasons.

Started Suits season 3

Definitely getting messier in terms of character entanglements and raised stakes, but also incredibly safe. Like, it really doesn’t matter how much shit these characters go through because nothing really changes. Sure they got rid of one of the former senior partners, but that’s only because he wasn't originally part of the main cast anyways. And he’s still on here and there as a background villain of sorts. They may have different sides fighting over a merger but none of the drama and threats that precede it ever amount to anything lasting. It’s so unbelievably “made for TV drama”, which brings me to a pet peeve -

This is a show where documents play a big part in moving the plot forward. As in, person A hands person B a paper(s) with proof of something they can use against someone to help their case. It obviously, without question has more details on it than the words, “Hello, idiot.” But without fail, less than one second after being handed something, person B responds with something like, “Oh this is good. We can use this.” like they read the whole bloody thing. It’s of course to move the plot along but it’s just looks so SMH stupid when you stop to think at all. The show also has a main character who can apparently memorize entire law books and dig through dozens of file boxes overnight to find something like a single sentence that can change the course of their deposition the next morning.

But whatever. I’m still drawn this cutthroat world as it’s a window into something that I’d absolutely hate being a part of IRL.

Most of that still stands, but I was surprised at the character depth that was explored in at least a few of the most regularly appearing. Probably the best thing I’ve seen Rick Hoffman in, and it’s a shame the other two main characters don’t seem to be in much else because they were really fun to watch here, both in and out of courtroom scenes. The show walked a pretty good line overall between believability and *for the sake of good drama* and it was easy to get pissed off at the villains yet fun to see them eventually go down.

It also had a pretty satisfying ending where one of the main characters that left after season 7 returns for the last few episodes to help with a problem at the firm. The last couple seasons generally aren’t rated as high as the rest, partially due to the fact two or three characters left, but I think it also gave a chance to show more depth to the regulars and a few who typically played in the background, plus a newcomer who filled in pretty well. I really didn’t expect to enjoy this as much as I did, but it was ultimately a winner like Harvey.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Asoka Episode 1&2

More star wars shit 7.5/10

Anyhoo, I would describe it as "more rebels". I mean that not just in story, but in quality and tone. Some questionable writing and plot elements, and of course theres yet another goonies style treasure hunt, but overall solidly watchable. If you liked rebels its a very accurate live action sequel, but its not a triumph.

If I had a particular criticism, while I like Mary Elizabeth Winstead, she just does not feel right for syndulla. Her lines feel very phoned in and I kinda feel like Syndulla should have gone to a more mature actress. Also her headtails are really distracting. They went with foam rubber and they bounced around like shitty cosplay. Everything else by contrast looks good. It feels like a much larger budget filming more inline with andor and rogue one.

Is this as good as andor? naw So far its about as good as the early mandalorian stuff in season 1 when the show felt more like a show and not a product.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Asoka Episode 1&2

More star wars shit 7.5/10

Anyhoo, I would describe it as "more rebels". I mean that not just in story, but in quality and tone. Some questionable writing and plot elements, and of course theres yet another goonies style treasure hunt, but overall solidly watchable. If you liked rebels its a very accurate live action sequel, but its not a triumph.

If I had a particular criticism, while I like Mary Elizabeth Winstead, she just does not feel right for syndulla. Her lines feel very phoned in and I kinda feel like Syndulla should have gone to a more mature actress. Also her headtails are really distracting. They went with foam rubber and they bounced around like shitty cosplay. Everything else by contrast looks good. It feels like a much larger budget filming more inline with andor and rogue one.

Is this as good as andor? naw So far its about as good as the early mandalorian stuff in season 1 when the show felt more like a show and not a product.
Wow, and I thought my friend and I were weird for not quite vibing with MEW's Hera.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Wow, and I thought my friend and I were weird for not quite vibing with MEW's Hera.
It's the most common critique of the show that I've seen. Personally, I wish they had gone with an actress with a much sleeker jawline, that's what kept Hera from looking like Bib Fortuna. Dawson as Ahsoka looks absolutely fine with even MORE makeup and prosthetics, and yet looks far, far better.

Anyway, my thoughts: why the fuck do they keep doing this shit? They released two episodes at the same time, because frankly the first episode is incapable of standing on its own. And yet, it was slow was hell and ONE HOUR. There was still a lot to enjoy, but good God that episode did not need to be that long. They knew that the first episode wasn't good enough, so why even have it as an episode??? The second episode was much better, with some great fights and visuals. It's quite funny how you know a Star Wars fight is gonna suck if you can actually see the face of one of the combatants.

Overall, I am intrigued by the premise. Everyone assumed Ahsoka would be "saving" the sequel era, which is almost right. What they're really doing is opening up the possibility of Star Wars adventures outside of the galaxy we've seen until now. And we're not even talking about the outer reaches of the galaxy like in Legends, no it's a straight up new galaxy. And there's lottttts of new galaxies, almost like... multiverse.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
The Gemini Home Entertainment channel, TBH, started out pretty meh, but kept at it, and it's worldbuilding developed over time into something decent.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Alias, season 1

There have been recent sightings and references in my other entertainment and conversations to Jennifer Garner, J.J. Abrams, and the pop culture of the early 21st century, so I decided to watch this show that I missed at the time. My wife had already watched it but has decided to re-watch with me, so it's fun to see what she remembers.

Anyway, it delivers what I want, a zippy spy show with drama and complete and utter nonsensical plot. But the nonsensical plot is even more nonsense with Da Vinci Code Assassins Creed National Treasure type of stuff, and I did not expect that. At first I hated it but now I'm all-in on the stupid.
So much of the show is about how cool Garner looks in increasingly skimpy and Halloween-y outfits. What's funny to me is that, as a network show, it's all a lighter version of others thing- like not quite goth, not quite cyberpunk, not quite club chic- just reminding of you of those things. My wife reminded me that it's essentially a kinder gentler version of La Femme Nikita and that character has a much more brutal, intense background.

I'm also not used to the TV version of stunts and fights and digital backgrounds where you can easily see the fakeness, but that is just how it is sometimes when you watch something that isn't that old and can feel older than watching something that is much older.

Bradley Cooper is in this! I didn't know that, so that's a nice surprise. I like the ancillary characters, like her dad and pretty much all the spy people. Her slimy boss and sympathetic partner guy. I even like her CIA handler who's in love with her (every cute white boy is in love with her in this show lol) and then everyone else around him calls him out on it, it's great. Her roommate character is annoying and useless though.

It's fun- a nice mix of cheese and drama. Garner is an interesting lead for a show like this because she has this thin voice and sometimes when she talks she sounds like a little girl. But she's a fine actress and I kind of like that while she's certainly attractive, she's not some unrealistic curvy beauty, she looks like she can run away from and/or jump kick an enemy while wearing leather pants and any one of her endless supplies of wigs.

Yeah- wigs- the main reason all spy shows should star women (see also: The Americans).


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
My wife reminded me that it's essentially a kinder gentler version of La Femme Nikita and that character has a much more brutal, intense background.
I used to watch that show, then I saw “Nikita” pop up on SBS and I assumed (correctly) there was a connection. So I watched it and fuck. Me. Running. I’m pretty sure the backstory is the same but it’s presentation in the movie, understandably, leaves the show in the dust.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
RE: Cutie Honey - 3 Episode OVA action magical girl anime. Released in 2004, but did not get a dub until earlier this year. They brought back Honey's original English Dub voice actor again, and she continues to knock it out of the park. You can see a lot of late 2000s Gainax and Studio Trigger DNA in here. The first episode is a dead ringer for how Panty and Stocking looked, while rest is pretty much what would lay the foundation for Kill La Kill. Hideaki Anno was the director, but each episode has its own director, and unique animation style. Anno was more like an overseer that let each director do whatever they want in terms of animation style. I'd still recommend this to you @Gordon_4, since I know you're an Anno fan. For anyone curious, the Cutie Honey franchise is know great and fun action, but they are not afraid to show nudity when action scenes happen. So remember, they are not for the kiddos.



And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Finished Better Call Saul. It was quite delicious, I love that cinematography. And I was really impressed by the acting. I've checked Rhea Seehorn's filmography and it's a heartbreak. She deserves so much better.

Anyway. Psychologically, humanly more interesting than Breaking Bad, and richer, more relatable. Breaking Bad's characters are way more simple. On the other hand, the richer story means more diverse subplots, and more annoying ones. So the series is more uneven than Breaking Bad, with brilliant bits and boring ones.

It also doesn't really provide a big finale climax as most series, including Breaking Bad, tend to. It does in a way, with the events thar end the 6 prequel seasons, but then you get a couple episodes telling what happens after the events of Breaking Bad, and that's a drop of interest and pace. So it kinda ends on a slower epilogue, which, while required to conclude the story, lessens its impact.

Still, it's indeed a must see for the Breaking Bad public, which tends surprisingly often to overlook it.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Finished Better Call Saul.

Still, it's indeed a must see for the Breaking Bad public, which tends surprisingly often to overlook it.
I'm of that camp. I loved Breaking Bad, but haven't really been able to muster up the effort to start Better Call Saul. I haven't actively avoided it, I just... I just never watched it, then lost interest over time. I think it's a mixture of cynicism ("it's probably just a cash grab, striking while the Breaking Bad iron was hot, and some of the actors are still available and in relative character,) and exhaustion ("Breaking Bad was such a protracted roller coaster, the idea of jumping into another rabbit hole based on it right away was asking too much, like the girlfriend asking for round 2 of sex thirty seconds after round 1.)

That said, after having recently binged BB again after a few years away, BCS finally sounds appealing, particularly after its positive reception a bit removed from its ending. It would have been easy [expected] to jump right in when it started, but now that it's at my mercy to watch at my own pace without cliffhangers, and 7-day waiting periods for the next installment, I might finally give it a go.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
I'm of that camp. I loved Breaking Bad, but haven't really been able to muster up the effort to start Better Call Saul. I haven't actively avoided it, I just... I just never watched it, then lost interest over time. I think it's a mixture of cynicism ("it's probably just a cash grab, striking while the Breaking Bad iron was hot, and some of the actors are still available and in relative character,) and exhaustion ("Breaking Bad was such a protracted roller coaster, the idea of jumping into another rabbit hole based on it right away was asking too much, like the girlfriend asking for round 2 of sex thirty seconds after round 1.)

That said, after having recently binged BB again after a few years away, BCS finally sounds appealing, particularly after its positive reception a bit removed from its ending. It would have been easy [expected] to jump right in when it started, but now that it's at my mercy to watch at my own pace without cliffhangers, and 7-day waiting periods for the next installment, I might finally give it a go.
Yes, it took me years to start watching it. I'm not really into series, I don't like starting a 60 hours movie, and I'm cautious about spin offs and retroactive character fleshing out. I loved Saul Goodman as a side character and I don't like my side characters to be bobafetted. But so many people were considering Better Call Saul to be superior to Breaking Bad, there was to be something about it.

The good surprise is that it was as much about Mike than about Saul. The bad surprise is that I had waited so long that some background knowledge had faded. No big deal, but details about the background of some cartel rivalry. Anyway, that was a point of my lost. This show seems easy to overlook and to be clear : that's what I had done too.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
As a 90s teen who was into comedy and “alternative” pop culture, Bob Oddenkirk was a hero as one of the co-leads of Mr. Show. So it didn’t take much to hook me into his role as Saul Goodman and his spinoff. Great show.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Luke Cage: Season 1 (2/5)

You ever watch something (or read/play/whatever) that, for whatever reason, just doesn't connect with you? There's no overt thing it does poorly, on the surface, it seems to be fine, but for whatever reason, it just doesn't seem to work for you? That's pretty much this for me.

Honestly, I was just bored most of the time, and the cracker is, for me, that it feels so trite in a lot of ways. As in, you have what's obstensibly a police/crime show (more the latter), but it has to have superpowers in it (though only one guy with said powers), and as such, feels trite.

Yeah, sorry, I just don't have anything to say, really. Just wasn't my thing.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Do I like One Piece live action because it's actually good, or because it's not an absolute dumpster fire like Cowboy Bebop (suppposedly)?

I think it's a mixture of both honestly, although I only watched one episode. I'd say there was more effort put into this than your average Disney+ show. The sets look good, the action scenes range from serviceable to great, and the soundtrack is rightfully piratey.

My biggest complaint is that Zoro is way more interesting to watch than Luffy. His actor is, and I say this as a straight man, fucking hot. His action scenes are the best. Like, by a lot. Luffy doesn't need to be a badass all the time, but at the very least, I should feel like he's an equal to Zoro in a fight.
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